Thief roamers take a look

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: pug.4658


Noticed this on reddit. I think most of you could run it easily or tweak it for your own personal funsies!

Basically if they attack you, you win. if they don’t attack you well you still sort of win!
This would also be a great setup to get back into thieving if you have taken a break from it! Credit wher it’s due to bootts!

pew pew!

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184



/15 characters

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: pug.4658


Bootts I credit you with the 2nd rise of the thief being an actual threat!

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184


The funny thing about it is that the more of these thiefs there are roaming together, the less effective it is because there’s less stuff for everyone to interrupt :P

The more popular it gets the worse it gets!

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: pug.4658


This is true, but I bet people start doing their own spin on it making that less of a problem. Especially venomshare version!

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Paulie.6215


Tagging this for later.

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


I used such a build in a Condition build. Very effective kitten many players are not used to interrupts doing so much damage so tend to ignore them rather than block dodge. Works very well against groups where someone not paying attention.

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


I proposed something very similar when the Daredevil’s kit was announced and used it in one of the beta events. I ran P/P and Shortbow using Bound, though, as to get reliable stealth within P/P for a bit extra pressure and sustain with SA and the mobility/escape potential Shortbow has when in a bind or revealed.

It’s a very potent dueling build.

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


Looks interesting, will try it.

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Lexander.4579


thats a funny build which will do zero damage if you simply wont fight him lol

Alex Shadowdagger – Thief – Blacktide

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: pug.4658


just run with a friend. they will attack someone

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

Seen something like this on pvp. It rekt me at first then I started to use Los and then that build become kinda bad.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Tried this build last night and got destroyed by condi builds. I will play around with it a bit more but something like Sigil of Generosity is likely a must. It is also best as a dueling build since its damage output does not scale to multiple targets well.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: babazhook.6805


Tried this build last night and got destroyed by condi builds. I will play around with it a bit more but something like Sigil of Generosity is likely a must. It is also best as a dueling build since its damage output does not scale to multiple targets well.

In the d/d condition build I used I was not focused on PI looking for interrupts off sigils and pressure strike instead (wvw).

In the power build you give up your main source of cleanses. You need stealth and shadowstep. I could not get enough off a sigil as you need to clean conditions more rapidly than that allows. Further to this you then give up interrupt sigils.

You can use it with s/d and given s/d has more damage coming from the AA and the fact the pi/pressure strike interrupts are not consuming INI the infiltrators can be used as well for cleanses.

s/d of course does not have the on demand interrupt of number 4 but a combo of distracting daggers and BV for interrupts with the SOH does give good access and off hand pistol can be used in the alternate set.

Personally I feel if you go the route of using interrupts , while the model above can work it not as effective as one focusing on either conditions (dropping PI) or power (dropping pressure strike). This because the PI does not hit that hard and the variety of conditions is not enough to prevent ready cleanses. A smart enemy can just run about and allow you to spam the pistol 4 to no avail.

(edited by babazhook.6805)

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Boottspurr.9184


Tried this build last night and got destroyed by condi builds. I will play around with it a bit more but something like Sigil of Generosity is likely a must. It is also best as a dueling build since its damage output does not scale to multiple targets well.

Huh, that’s weird. I never had a problem against conditions, with the stealth and shadowstep… If you’re still having trouble even after using dodges to remove all movement-impairing conditions before going into stealth, I still wouldn’t recommend Sigil of Generosity (as you’re not really getting any crits with the gear setup).

You’re right about it being best as a dueling build. You have to be plenty crafty against multiple targets.

Boottspurr from World of Enders [WoE]

(edited by Boottspurr.9184)

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: meepeY.2867


Certainly looks interesting but I see this build falling flat on its kitten against perma-stability or high uptime stability classes and builds.

I’d have to try it myself but I dunno… I just don’t feel it.

Decent players/roamers will counter you super hard if they catch wind of your build before a fight. Fake casting by drawing/sheathing weapons, ect, ect.

Low toughness so you’ll get almost one burst by Thieves/chainsaw simulator, Mesmers from stealth if you’re not quick enough on the Shadowstep stunbreak.

I think the build kinda leans to oneside of destroying classes with low stability and telegraphed skills (Necro) and being terrible against classes with perma or almost perma stability (Scrapper/ Warriors with Dolly Signet or Balanced stance)

I don’t have the resources myself to try the build unfortunately – maybe in a few weeks I’ll give it a go.
WvW Thief Aurora Glade – Mutli Bulid Streamer – 1PM – 4PM GMT, Mon – Fri
My Daredevil Build: The Defender!

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


Huh, that’s weird. I never had a problem against conditions, with the stealth and shadowstep… If you’re still having trouble even after using dodges to remove all movement-impairing conditions before going into stealth,

Stealth only ditches two condies in 3s so builds with good cover conditions will still leave a player vulnerable. SS is on a long cool down so it is sort of a one shot deal. Against the mesmer and necro condi builds I dueled this build was getting torn up. Shame the Escapists trait is not an option.

I still wouldn’t recommend Sigil of Generosity (as you’re not really getting any crits with the gear setup).

My bad on that one… I have played precision thief builds so long I forget not having access to crit procs on builds like this.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”

(edited by Straegen.2938)

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Jaws.8734


I don’t really get why exactly you’re using P/P. I didn’t check the Reddit link since I’m working if you posted the reason in there. But I think short bow would be decent substitute to chip at people and get distance. P/p uses a lot of initiative and for D/P initiative is the name of the game especially in wuvwuv.

Sorrow’s Furnace (ICE)

Thief roamers take a look

in Thief

Posted by: Straegen.2938


I don’t really get why exactly you’re using P/P. I didn’t check the Reddit link since I’m working if you posted the reason in there. But I think short bow would be decent substitute to chip at people and get distance. P/p uses a lot of initiative and for D/P initiative is the name of the game especially in wuvwuv.

P/P applies a bleed on the auto hit which is done from range. Unload from stealth is also decently powerful. That said SB is almost necessary in the current meta.

When coupled with another power based thief, the P/P and SB variant of this build is ridiculously good. My partner was running power S/P and no build seemed to have the right amount of stun breaks and immobilize counters to escape his Pistol Whip burst. The classes that gave us the most headaches when we were both power (DH for example) were almost completely neutralized with Head Shot.

Sarcasm For Hire [SFH]
“Youre lips are movin and youre complaining about something thats wingeing.”