Thief's neat tricks please
well there are alot of them, and i don’t know if you count his as a trick or a combo but:
From stealth: Impairing daggers>backstab>steal>fistflurry. If done correctly you will break right through any aegis, and then 100%-0% any class except warriors running defy pain, Mesmers running that auto daze thing, or necros running their auto shroud. the timing depends on your range to the target. by the time the combo is done your initiative has regenerated and you will have your cooldowns back in a few seconds. so use it against one target who is on the point you need to decap to melt them down. then CAP the point instead of decaping.
Interestingly, it can be used by both condi thieves and power thieves alike.
Yes! Thank you so much! This is exactly what i am looking for! Gonna give it a try once i get back to my computer.
Much appreciated!
just with the exception, that the mentionerd tactics here is only possible to do, if you own HoT and thus have access to Daredevil.
If you don’t own HoT, then you can’t do what has been described there
For an example of core.
On sb p/d condition build.
This CORE build da/sa/tr using boon theft via BT and RS and traps.
When chasing a runner I like to port ahead of them with my thief on SB and drop a needle trap immediately. With trappers this stealths me . He gets locked in the immob and I can move behind, steal and apply condition damage freely.
Another trick I like as i tend to solo roam a lot defending or flipping camps. Setup a shadow trap. A few steps from that set a needle trap on top of a stealth trap. Move well away from the area. The person incoming steps over the shadowtrap then runs into the needle trap. you port in and attack him freely from behind from stealth with 15 might. He can not stealth. He is immobed. He has 10 vuln stacks on.
This works very well on a DH as they tend not to drop traps right away. You can port in behind, apply your condi burst then port away (shadowstrike) while behind them to fire away. A lot of their attacks and blocks are frontal only. Rotate the aa with pistol 2 and you can lock them in pace for a good bit of time.
If traps are not preset you get them to chase and drop the shadow trap as you appear to flee then the needle. They run over shadow into needle, port in behind.
Note as well needle trap can be preloaded before you steal so the trap applied on top of your target. With hidden thief from SA line preload needle then do
You immob target on steal apply 3 poison weakness 8 bleeds 5 confusion 5 vuln 2 torment . In an RS/bt build you also steal 5 boons.
(edited by babazhook.6805)
your pistol 5 black powder skill is a pulsating blind field.
You can use your bow auto attacks to pull a bunch of mobs to come to you, use black powder to permanently blind them and auto attack them away with your main hand (preferably sword)
This is very useful in some dungeons as well where there are tons of normal mobs stacked on a single spot. Does not work very well with bosses tho.
You can use leaps such as dagger 2 heartseeker trough such black powder to stealth.
Dont worry if you hit something with your heartseeker at the end of your leap, you will hit them and go stealth.
(if you have gliding mastery) You can use gliding to stealth in air, dropping on the ground will apply revealed effect on you for a few seconds. You can use this with your trait Revealing training which gives you +200 power while revealed. Might be a nice boost for engaging combat.
You can kinda sorta perma stealth using cloak and dagger if you time it really really good. Make sure you are using shadow arts for that extra +1second stealth.
You simply spam it, use it once, and start casting it just before you exit stealth. With some practice and timing you will hit the enemy with cloak and dagger just as you exit the stealth and it wont trigger revealed effect cause you didnt hit it during stealth.
You can also use “non direct damage” damage skills to kill things while permanently stealthed this way such as caltrops or caltrops on dodge.
Here is one that is esp. useful vs. druids and necros (assuming you are standard d/p build with pulm. impact):
Headshot to get an interrupt, then IMMEDIATELY cast basi venom. They will tick for the pulm impact damage, proccing basi. venom, and interrupt another skill (usually), getting you another pulm impact. This is esp good against druids, as most will start to do their little evade/blast/heal thing, and this interrupts that, and leaves them open for more damages!
Source: This was explained on stream by Sindrener, not my original idea.
If you run an evasion build, signet of sta!INA refills endurance on a kill. You do not have to land the finishing blow. Super useful in outnumbered fights. There is no cool down on this BTW.
Thanks so much guys! Very useful tips. Yes, i have hot. I bought it immediately after release :-)
Btw seems like everyone runs some kind of a condi build. I assume that power builds are not as popular as condi. Particularly in pvp.
Power is still the best choice for PvP. But Condi is popular because there are not enough options. So thieves are railing against the meta
um i can give you forward backstab trick it uses – hitbox detection.
you can shortbow #3 out of gravity well last “tick” so instead of wasting block/shadowstep you can swap to shortbow while in the air and then just spam #3. Same goes for druid with staff #3 and I think also the evade on sword/dagger of ranger.
OH! when immobed if using DD you can still evade in place by spamming 3. same with shortbow. you still get the evade frames. also if you are running condi clear on evades its very useful to tap 3 to evade and clear the immob. unless they stealth nerfed it it should still work.:)
This build in WvW works well with ANY Condition damage weapon and armour set.
It’s for the Solo player, the Idea is to be able to capture anything Solo.
I’ve taken Keep’s on my own with this build against 4 enemy defending players.
The idea is to do damage through bleeds by dodging and healing through dodging.
For more survivability go with healing power or vitality + condition damage.
Very cheese build, fairly tough to counter for most WvW builds and can confidently jump into the middle of zergs knowing that you could props survive for a minute (if you survive longer congrats, you just broke my record) ;P
All the dodge!
Infinite dodge/vault build:
After dodging, your next attack will always be a critical due to the Rune of the Daredevil.
As long as you preserve the utilities and weapon swap and heal for when your endurance and initiative are low, you will constantly be dodging and vaulting. Not only that but the vaults deal immense damage.
Never do two vaults in a row, after vaulting dodge so that your next vault will be a critical attack.
Caltrops are for crippling your enemies, giving you an advantage. It is extremely underrated. Because you have so many dodges available (vault is a half dodge as well), you will survive for a long time. 1v1s are 99% of the time in your favor. It’s cheesy but extremely powerful. Because of the shortbow loss, there is less mobility, however there are around 6-7 vaults that you can do if you have Roll For Initiative and full initiative ready, which can allow you to move fairly quickly in the battlefield.