Thief wvw build

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: CloudyDaze.6720


Been playing GW2 for about a couple months now and sort of came to the conclusion that me and a friend both like wvw roam. I have been experimenting with some engineer builds but my friend and I have decided on going thief. Looking for some input on a good wvw build to start for both of us. Like I said out main focus is wvw and we are both going to be thieves. Any help on what are some decent builds to run that way we sort of have a basline to work from.

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Meridian.8730


Currently thief just can’t beat some builds. Thief is not a good roaming class. Warrior is the OP current 1v1 champion. Mesmer might be second but much slower to roam. Guardian is at LEAST third best roaming class…thief is somewhere around last.

(edited by Meridian.8730)

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: CloudyDaze.6720


Regardless of the current state of thief I would still like to know a nice efficient and effective thief build for wvw if anyone can point me in a direction to work towards.

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: davidcrickett.8536


Regardless of the current state of thief I would still like to know a nice efficient and effective thief build for wvw if anyone can point me in a direction to work towards.

I like this one.

80: guardian (Ea Greenwood), warrior (Vulg Painbrain), necro (Dafydda),
mesmer (Petroline),
ele (Apple Scruff), engineer (Andersine And), ranger (Dafydd Black), thief (Pi Jensen).

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: nagymbear.5280


Regardless of the current state of thief I would still like to know a nice efficient and effective thief build for wvw if anyone can point me in a direction to work towards.

If you’re new I don’t suggest you run full glass cannon. At lest try knights armor with zerker weapons and trinkets. I use sword/pistol with long reach (1500 distance steal) for the teleports with 30 in shadow arts and critical strikes. It will help if you guys don’t run the exact same build. But others will surely link some builds they run.

Khert Devileyes – Ranger / Mano Negra – Thief / Nagymbear – Warrior /
Elona Bonechill – Necro / Fionna Gymirdottier – Guard /// RoF

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Stx.4857


For wvw I like 0/20/30/20/0.

You have great survival between stealth healing/condition removal, and near perma vigor/extra dodge from acrobatics.

You still have high crit/crit damage, but the main thing you lose out on with this build is the 30 pt crit traits.. 100% crit chance backstabs or +20% damage on low hp enemies are both very strong. But I am willing to sacrifice those for the added survival in wvw.

For gear I would use full berserker accessories, zerker weapons, and berserker shoulders, gloves, and boots. For the helm, chest, and leg slots I would go with power/toughness/vitality for added survival, you don’t want to be full glass. Divinity runes are the best for overall stat gain(since you like the vit/tough too), but you can use orbs too.

With this build, I would recommend using Dagger/Pistol, and offset being Sword/dagger. With these, you become extremely flexible, and not many builds out there will counter you. I do swap in shortbow sometimes when Im in a larger group or around a keep.

I also recommend using the oils instead of sharpening stones, because your crit rate will be a little low.

2x 80 Necro, 80 Ranger, 80 Thief

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


Regardless of the current state of thief I would still like to know a nice efficient and effective thief build for wvw if anyone can point me in a direction to work towards.

I like this one.

Try it with withdraw and vigorous renewal trait in acrobatics (instead of 50%movememt in stealth). It’s what ive swapped to

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch:

(edited by pantsforbirds.9032)

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: CloudyDaze.6720


Appreciate the input.

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Poxheart.2845


Currently thief just can’t beat some builds. Thief is not a good roaming class. Warrior is the OP current 1v1 champion. Mesmer might be second but much slower to roam. Guardian is at LEAST third best roaming class…thief is somewhere around last.

This is one of the funniest posts I’ve read on these forums.

Knights of the WhiteWolf

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: CloudyDaze.6720


I am relatively new to the game so I have not been around for changes but is it that thieves were once a bit easier to play and now they have a bit more of a learning curve but can still kitten?

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


i run toughness/condi thief in wvw, doing fine, even vs wars

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Kaidrin.1082


For wvw I like 0/20/30/20/0.

You have great survival between stealth healing/condition removal, and near perma vigor/extra dodge from acrobatics.

You still have high crit/crit damage, but the main thing you lose out on with this build is the 30 pt crit traits.. 100% crit chance backstabs or +20% damage on low hp enemies are both very strong. But I am willing to sacrifice those for the added survival in wvw.

For gear I would use full berserker accessories, zerker weapons, and berserker shoulders, gloves, and boots. For the helm, chest, and leg slots I would go with power/toughness/vitality for added survival, you don’t want to be full glass. Divinity runes are the best for overall stat gain(since you like the vit/tough too), but you can use orbs too.

With this build, I would recommend using Dagger/Pistol, and offset being Sword/dagger. With these, you become extremely flexible, and not many builds out there will counter you. I do swap in shortbow sometimes when Im in a larger group or around a keep.

I also recommend using the oils instead of sharpening stones, because your crit rate will be a little low.

This ^
With Traits 3, 6 in CS
3, 5, 11 in SA
1 or 6, 9 in Acro

Been using this build for a few months now. Great survivability. Just have to take your time. The longer you are in stealth, the more you regen (450-500/sec with 3,11 in SA), so let the c&d ride out before jumping back in if you need. Shadow refuge, Blinding powder are great for survival for you and your buddy, and Shadowstep is a must for all thieves imo. I run s/d and d/d. S/d just doesn’t have the burst you sometimes need. d/p is also a good second set. It is a “safe build”, you can pretty much leave a fight when things are not going your way or get caught in a zerg providing you have some of your CD’s.

(edited by Kaidrin.1082)

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


i run toughness/condi thief in wvw, doing fine, even vs wars

I think im going to give a dire p/d thief a try. I think with signet of malice, caltrops, dodgetrops, and 30 points into shadow arts ill be healing like crazy. If i can i might do a mix of settlers and dire gear and just see what happens.

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch:

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: messiah.1908


here some build you can use in wvw
d/p basic are 0,30,30,10,0 after you learn you can go 10,30,30,0,0 mix pvt and zerk
p/d basic are 0,0,30,20,20 or 20,0,30,20,0 full dire

s/d need more skill to use it basic are 10,30,0,30,0
s/p not good right now with PW nerf

i use 0,30,0,20,20 with all weapon set d/d , s/d , s/p, sb . its good build which mix good mobility evades and dodge and also good attack with no initiatives problems.
i dont like perma stealth d/p

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: AshinDreidon.3861


I run 10/30/0/0/30. I run the mix of zerk/soldier’s gear that wish outlines in his ‘building a better d/d’ thread. I use traveler’s runes, and switch heal/utils depending on how I feel. I tend toward withdraw if I’m using more s/x and HiS / Malice if using d/p. I run basilisk venom unless taking a camp, then I use s/p and daggerstorm. I always take shadowstep, infil. sig, and either blinding powder or another signet.

Traits are customizable depending on what you want, but I’d recommend DA: III, CA: III, VI, XI and Trickery: V, VII, XII.

For group play I tend to use the same set up with shortbow or (gasp) p/p with ricochet slotted in and roll for initiative. If you weave in and out of zergs and take advantage of combo fields, p/p actually isn’t bad. If you’re having trouble with surviving, I’d give that a try.

I use d/p and s/p (up until recently, when I’ve switched to s/d) when roaming. The d/p, s/p was my absolute favorite build up until the recent change to pistol whip. Now I tend to run d/p and s/d.

shadow, magus, hunter (progress: ritualist, paragon)
soloQing my way through leagues…

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: ethan holmes.4825

ethan holmes.4825

Currently thief just can’t beat some builds. Thief is not a good roaming class. Warrior is the OP current 1v1 champion. Mesmer might be second but much slower to roam. Guardian is at LEAST third best roaming class…thief is somewhere around last.

I’m not sure what game this guy is playing… ^
Thief is by far the best roaming class. Good for 1v1 or even fighting outnumbered, you can easily get out of a fight if you decide you can’t handle it, great mobility, high DPS, etc.
Great choice going with thief. If you are still looking for a build (i know it’s 2 months later) I would recommend youtubing “Yishis.” He has great gameplay footage along with his builds and gives full commentary on his tactics and reasoning.

Fearless [Hymn]

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Domey.9804


S/p is Not for beginners, at least Not in wvw. For beginners p/d is always a good choice to learn when you should stay stealthed and when you can Hit your enemy…from a safe distance. Also positioning is easier as you must Not Hit the back of your enemy.
After Learning this you can switch to d/d or d/p. S/d stealthless and s/p needs at lot of battle awareness, so you should Know which Hit you can take and which Not, when to engage and when Not.
All sets have solid builts posted in this Forum, just search them and customize to your taste.

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


S/p is Not for beginners, at least Not in wvw.

I beg to differ. I have such a “newbie friendly” 0 stealth s/p build… and since most people don’t expect such a lock/burst from a thief in wvw it’s usually 1 free kill. Of course we can debate is this the thief way and such, but that was the only thing I liked – killing people with 0 stealth, after I stopped using s/d 0/20/30/20/0 spec(cough dec 10th cough).
Here it is how it goes – full power, several valk pieces, rest all berserkers. 25/30/0/0/15 with withdraw, shadow refuge, rfi and devourer. Crit haste and thrill of the crime traited. Step 1 – press devourer. Step 2 – press pistol whip. Step 3 – steal on the target. Step 4 – press pw again. If they manage to escape press 2, then 3 again. If something starts going wrong – withdraw, rfi, shortbow 3… you catch the idea.

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


Currently thief just can’t beat some builds. Thief is not a good roaming class. Warrior is the OP current 1v1 champion. Mesmer might be second but much slower to roam. Guardian is at LEAST third best roaming class…thief is somewhere around last.

I’m not sure what game this guy is playing… ^
Thief is by far the best roaming class. Good for 1v1 or even fighting outnumbered, you can easily get out of a fight if you decide you can’t handle it, great mobility, high DPS, etc.
Great choice going with thief. If you are still looking for a build (i know it’s 2 months later) I would recommend youtubing “Yishis.” He has great gameplay footage along with his builds and gives full commentary on his tactics and reasoning.

You are both partially right. thief is a good roaming class although, although mesmer is the best 1v1 class.

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Domey.9804


25/30/0/0/15 s/p is a one trick pony. kill one and escape or get killed.
its not a roaming spec. when you roam with thief you want to be able to fight evrything, even outnumbered, try that vs half decent players with that built.

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

25/30/0/0/15 s/p is a one trick pony. kill one and escape or get killed.
its not a roaming spec. when you roam with thief you want to be able to fight evrything, even outnumbered, try that vs half decent players with that built.

That’s because that’s a standard PvE build with PvE in mind. I run the following build:

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Pavel.8531


25/30/0/0/15 s/p is a one trick pony. kill one and escape or get killed.
its not a roaming spec. when you roam with thief you want to be able to fight evrything, even outnumbered, try that vs half decent players with that built.

I don’t say it’s a perfect build, but it’s “newbie friendly”(and there are some neat tricks you can do, it’s not 1 trick pony, more like 3). I can take 1v1s quite easy (I duel a lot in the Obsidian Sanctum arena and I have a good win ratio, I drop shadow refuge for signet of agility there). For roaming you are right though, outnumbered fights are hard – 1v2 vs moderately skilled enemies is the most I can manage. On my 0/20/30/20/0 s/d my record was 1v5 all enemies 80.

Thief wvw build

in Thief

Posted by: Cush.4063


Look up yishis videos on YouTube. It has a lot of survivability with Valkyrie gear and the 30 in shadow arts as well as good mobility with travelers runes.