"Thieves can reset a fight"

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: ryan.6217


Isn’t it time we laid this one o rest, people? Here me out, non thief players that abuse this. IF a thief stealths and runs ooc… doesn’t that also mean YOU get ooc? If you are 1v1’ing a thief and he runs ooc, you both get reset. The game doesn’t pop the thief ooc, and say kitten yu to the other class. It’s not an advantage if both parties benefit.

Now let’s say you’re in a 4v4 and a thief bails to ooc. Well now his team members are down a player while he cowers some where else in stealth. Tell yu a little secret. A thief isn’t helping anyone if he is ooc away from his party watching them die.

Just getting this out there. Not in rage mode. Can enter rage mode if requested.

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Oghier.7419


The advantage is being able to reset the fight when we need to. The other guy may not need the ooc time to recover health or space to let his utilities come off cooldown. You’re right in that both parties benefit, but we’ll likely benefit more.

In the universe of abilities that make a class powerful, this is nonetheless not a top-tier ability. I think many folks, sitting in their AoE-Zerg Support (or PvE) builds are just shocked that a thief picked them out of the crowd, and feel that being sneaked up on is unfair. It’s the same kittened-up argument in every MMO with stealth.

Snit Dirtnap (Thief)
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


ooc resets hp not skills.
so a thief comes, burns all his initiative and makes the other class to use his cd to survive (endure pain, mist form, etc…) and goes low on hp since he is glass cannon … then ooc, reset hp, restore ini, redo burst. target down.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Who cares about thieves? After dec 10 they will be nerfed into oblivion. Have fun with your thief until dec 10 then reroll warrior or anything else besides thief.

Just another noob thief…

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Narcarsis.5739


Use Ogre runes. Rock dog will keep the other player in combat. If you do it properly you can stealth out, reset, and reenter before they get ooc as well. Sneaky sneaky.

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Kaboomski.1508

Sir Kaboomski.1508

Warrior: "No, it’s not fair, you should just insta-die! gets backstabbed by thief "OH S***! Rush + Whirlwind Attack + Bulls Rush + Charge + Savage Leap /laugh /laugh /laugh


"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


Use Ogre runes. Rock dog will keep the other player in combat. If you do it properly you can stealth out, reset, and reenter before they get ooc as well. Sneaky sneaky.

I love the rock dog. My favorite is when it blocks the warrior throw hammer attack for you. Plus that cleave is nice

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Galsia.4102


IF a thief stealths and runs ooc… doesn’t that also mean YOU get ooc?

Not if they have conditions, mobs, etc. on them.

Thief | Warrior | Engineer
Galsia | Jäshin | Çyndelle
[KK] – Henge of Denravi

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: ryan.6217


oh these comments have all been pretty nice! Galsia, you’re right about the condis, but I’m sure the thief will also be working on getting rid of those. Oghier, true words. I don’t ever stealth out of a fight, so i didn’t take into the consideration that a thief stealths out when HE is about to die. Even though neither parties end up dying, the thief is just saving his kitten .

Swinsk doesn’t play d/d or p/d thief, and if he does play a thief at all he is playing d/p. so theres that.

Thanks for feedback though!

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: capmasterflash.5690


I switched to p/d this week after going d/d or d/p for about 8-9 months straight and I’m really liking the condi build. Once you “get it” it becomes really flowy and can pretty much down any class 1v1 except broken condi necros, really good mesmers, and good warriors/guardians who spec’d condi clear.

[MU]- my name is red
Asura Thief/Ele

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Rahar.9872


I switched to p/d this week after going d/d or d/p for about 8-9 months straight and I’m really liking the condi build. Once you “get it” it becomes really flowy and can pretty much down any class 1v1 except broken condi necros, really good mesmers, and good warriors/guardians who spec’d condi clear.

So pretty much everyone?

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

I switched to p/d this week after going d/d or d/p for about 8-9 months straight and I’m really liking the condi build. Once you “get it” it becomes really flowy and can pretty much down any class 1v1 except broken condi necros, really good mesmers, and good warriors/guardians who spec’d condi clear.

So pretty much everyone?

No, not everyone.
Condi necros, at least from my experience, I see those a lot in hot join. And if they’re not condi’s they have a kitten ton of minions (and you know how target works in this game…) which can also be a pain in the kitten .
Good mesmers… Measure of skill. If you suck so much and he’s good you will lose. If he sucks so much, and you’re good you will win…. bah similarly for anything…
good warriors/guardians who spec’d condi clear – Good warriors, easy to come by since they’re more of them then other class, and they’re easy. Though let’s ignore that. More importantly “spec’ed condi clear”, there’s the counter… don’t want to use counters? Well… keep crying (in general, not you Rahar)

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Kaboomski.1508

Sir Kaboomski.1508

I think what he meant by “so pretty much everyone” was when you said:

Once you “get it” it becomes really flowy and can pretty much down any class 1v1 EXCEPT (lists most common builds encountered in WvW).


"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


If a Thief runs to reset then you win, it’s as simple as that. The players who moan that they didn’t get to stomp them and get their 5 copper reward are just bad players who don’t understand that resetting benefits both parties equally.

all is vain

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Warrior: "No, it’s not fair, you should just insta-die! gets backstabbed by thief "OH S***! Rush + Whirlwind Attack + Bulls Rush + Charge + Savage Leap /laugh /laugh /laugh



All is vain.

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Omnitek.3876


Lots of classes can do it if they are smart about it.

The “Nerf” isn’t going to end the class. 95% of the terrible d/p players may quit, but it isnt ruined. Ppl will cry the same because the ppl who stay and adapt are the ones who will still destroy ppl all the same.

Skritt Happens

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


Use Ogre runes. Rock dog will keep the other player in combat. If you do it properly you can stealth out, reset, and reenter before they get ooc as well. Sneaky sneaky.

pets keep you in combat. unless theres a bug i dnot know about.

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


conditions also keep you in combat

All is vain.

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: XII.9401


Roll another class, try and reset fights, attach whenever you want without being blocked, get out whenever you want, use abilities when stealthed, teleport hack(shadowstep) as many times as you want to bypass CC and immob.

You can’t. Only class that can do this is thief and to a lesser degree a mesmer that uses -surprise surprise!- the broken stealth mechanic.

I’m glad Anet introduced this mechanic in this game. That way I know if I am ever going to enjoy fun or competitive pvp I should never purchase any of their -or NCsoft- products.

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Hype.8032


Use Ogre runes. Rock dog will keep the other player in combat. If you do it properly you can stealth out, reset, and reenter before they get ooc as well. Sneaky sneaky.

Caed start streaming again!

Tualek & F I Monk / Thief —-- Tk E / Engineer
Highest Solo Queue Rank Achieved: 40
Highest solo-join Team Queue Rank Achieved: 198

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


Use Ogre runes. Rock dog will keep the other player in combat. If you do it properly you can stealth out, reset, and reenter before they get ooc as well. Sneaky sneaky.

pets keep you in combat. unless theres a bug i dnot know about.

I’m not sure the rock dog is a pet?

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


Use Ogre runes. Rock dog will keep the other player in combat. If you do it properly you can stealth out, reset, and reenter before they get ooc as well. Sneaky sneaky.

pets keep you in combat. unless theres a bug i dnot know about.

I’m not sure the rock dog is a pet?

not sure ill test tommorow. i know my summons do it. fire ele summon. ogre pet summon. etc.n they keep me in combat

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


Roll another class, try and reset fights, attach whenever you want without being blocked, get out whenever you want, use abilities when stealthed, teleport hack(shadowstep) as many times as you want to bypass CC and immob.

You can’t. Only class that can do this is thief and to a lesser degree a mesmer that uses -surprise surprise!- the broken stealth mechanic.

I’m glad Anet introduced this mechanic in this game. That way I know if I am ever going to enjoy fun or competitive pvp I should never purchase any of their -or NCsoft- products.

cough WARRIOR cough

You’re truly delusional if you believe that Thieves being designed to be able to disengage easily makes them OP, LOL.

all is vain

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: bhagwad.4281


If a Thief runs to reset then you win, it’s as simple as that. The players who moan that they didn’t get to stomp them and get their 5 copper reward are just bad players who don’t understand that resetting benefits both parties equally.

I have this great idea for the next world championship chess match. The rule is that the defending champion can just “reset” the game whenever they want, but the other guy has to keep playing at the former’s discretion.

After all, resetting the game benefits both parties equally…

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Incurafy.6329


If a Thief runs to reset then you win, it’s as simple as that. The players who moan that they didn’t get to stomp them and get their 5 copper reward are just bad players who don’t understand that resetting benefits both parties equally.

I have this great idea for the next world championship chess match. The rule is that the defending champion can just “reset” the game whenever they want, but the other guy has to keep playing at the former’s discretion.

After all, resetting the game benefits both parties equally…

“that resetting in Guild Wars 2 affects both parties equally.”

Now that I’ve corrected my post so that you can’t ignore the extremely obvious implication that I’m talking specifically about the game which this forum is dedicated to, your entire ridiculous analogy is invalid.

Good day, Sir.

all is vain

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: mrmadhaze.8706


a warrior can reset the fight as well.
BUT while a stealthed thief is still affected by CCs and damage, most of times a warrior uses invulnerability/stability/kittenload of passive heal and run away.
Mesmers can reset too.

Sad thing is: it’s always thief’s fault.


"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


…resetting benefits both parties equally.

Have you ever seen a thief reset a fight when they were winning?


This is exactly why it benefits the thief FAR more than it benefits their opponent.

full disclosure: I’m not complaining about a thief’s ability to reset as it’s a part of the game and multiple classes have some ability to reset (or flee from) a fight. But facts are facts.

(edited by Shademehr.1397)

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


Have you ever seen a thief reset a fight when they were winning?

have you ever seen a [random profession] run from a fight when they are winning ?

your statement means nothing.

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Slcrisis.6930


Have you ever seen a thief reset a fight when they were winning?

have you ever seen a [random profession] run from a fight when they are winning ?

your statement means nothing.

Yes, Warriors. I was on 50% HP and he was around 80%, he got stunned, before I did anything else he Usain bolted half way across the map, I checked to see if our zerg was behind me, nothing. I was very baffled indeed.

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Shademehr.1397


Have you ever seen a thief reset a fight when they were winning?

have you ever seen a [random profession] run from a fight when they are winning ?

your statement means nothing.

Let me try and put 2 and 2 together for you:
He/she stated that resetting benefits both parties equally. It doesn’t. It benefits the losing player. I used “Thief” as an example because we’re in the Thief forum, but I added additional clarification in the very next couple of sentences to include other professions.

Reading is fundamental.

What are you even arguing exactly? Or are you just arguing?

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: The Hammer.5960

The Hammer.5960

Resetting a fight is pretty much par for the course in WvW and nearly every class can do it, just so happens that Thieves, Mesmers and Warriors are very good at it.

I’ve done it myself on Thief countless times, when a single mistake is made and a Warrior or Mesmer nearly downs me in 2 hits or one shatter – but clearly the fair and honourable thing would have been to just stand still and let him kill me right?

Funny enough I’ve also done it on my Warrior, when a D/P thief has been repeatedly blinding, stealthing and backstabbing me to death. But then I guess the honourable thing would have been to just stand still and let him keep backstabbing me right?

Players will always whine about bags that get away. That’s fine and human nature.

People will always run if they are in an untenable situation. That’s just using your brain.

[CoN] Atom
- aka The Iron Baby

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Jugglemonkey.8741


Players will always whine about bags that get away. That’s fine and human nature.

People will always run if they are in an untenable situation. That’s just using your brain.


A huge amount of players from all classes will start leeroying for the nearest tower/camp in WvW when they realise they’re losing, and yet thieves are the only ones that get hate for playing dirty xD

Keep the whole ‘honourable fight to the death’ thing to organised duels. In sPvP and WvW, all bets are off.

Critical Kit, Thief.
Don’t follow me, unless you enjoy being chased by angry men with sticks.
Power Build Condi Build

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: naphack.9346


Who cares about thieves? After dec 10 they will be nerfed into oblivion. Have fun with your thief until dec 10 then reroll warrior or anything else besides thief.

dec 10 will buff my valkyrie all-out 10-30-0-0-30 dd steal-backstab build.
Initiative to spare

The only crime, turrets committed, is being good against the celestial meta.
The mob has spoken and the turrets shall be burnt at the stake.

"Thieves can reset a fight"

in Thief

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


Use Ogre runes. Rock dog will keep the other player in combat. If you do it properly you can stealth out, reset, and reenter before they get ooc as well. Sneaky sneaky.

A summoned pet keeps you in combat.
At least Pirate runes parrot does. The parrot is overagressive and keeps fighting/keeps you in combat even when you can’t target the enemy anymore…

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]