Thieves in sPvP
Healing is FAR too strong? Have you ever played another mmo where there is another player. The thief killed me with 2 skills .25 seconds. Does 100 take .25 seconds? It does not. 100 blades is channeling and you can escape it.
You can also dodge any skill a thief can use on you that also does dmg. Also, if you use any skill that shields you or causes ANY of our hits to miss, those go into CD and are thus lost for the remaining of the CD. If you get facerolled in 2 sec you just suck no matter the class.
First off average human reaction time I think is around .25 seconds so you can’t dodge it (especially when the person doing it to you is unseen so the reaction time takes longer than average). Use a shield on a mesmer? And you say I suck at this game? Lastly I didn’t get facerolled in 2 seconds, I got facerolled in under half a second which is why I am complaining. Thief is my MAIN and I even think they need a nerf, as well as other classes, to make spvp better.
What I am saying is a total of TWO attack skills did 15,000 damage in UNDER .5 seconds. My health is 15,000 and in NO MMO should people get two shotted in under a second.
It’s .150 – .300 milliseconds.
I’m having trouble believing you died to only 2 hits, unless you have a screenshot. Even so, unless you already have your back to them, repositioning to get the full damage off a backstab, takes a bit of time. Plenty of time to blink away.
Me thinks you should get used to hitting your keybinds, unless you’re a clicker. Distortion, Decoy, Blink… Something! I’m assuming the 2 hits was Mug + Backstab, if they’re traited for Hidden Thief.
Either way, it sounds like you’re probably playing glass cannon. And when its GC vs GC, whoever gets their burst off first usually wins.
Also, as for being unseen, were you hit with Basilisk Venom in the process? When all of a sudden you turn to stone, it’s a really good indicator that you’re about to get a dagger in your back. Would probably be a good time to blink. If so, learn to recognize the color change and screen change. If not… Well, I dont know what to say unless you were just sitting there standing still, and then complain you died. >.>
(edited by Kneru.8014)
I’m confused. One post I’m an overpowered beast and in another post I’m a broken shell of a class hopeless and alone.
(shrugs and nom noms a cookie)
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
I’m confused. One post I’m an overpowered beast and in another post I’m a broken shell of a class hopeless and alone.
(shrugs and nom noms a cookie)
Different players, different skills, different builds :l
Different players, different skills, different builds :l
One Class to rule them all!
Forgive me, I couldn’t help myself. ^^
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast
Different players, different skills, different builds :l
One Class to rule them all!
Forgive me, I couldn’t help myself. ^^
lol, you’re forgiven c:
I can’t help but think this topic is a bit useless now since the OP seemed to misunderstood and haven’t provided any specific information other than “leap/evade/missing kb”. What you stated Sogradde, is almost impossible for a thief. Shouldn’t we be complaining about elementalists instead?
(edited by Leohart.4610)