Thieves stop whining

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: baylock.1703


I understand you got nerfed in last patch alot classes did put chill out do like thieves in my guild do go condition spec or somethging if you get a bit armor on urself you are impossible to kill beacose eaven when you are not shadow spec you always have way out of combat i dont say its OP or something or thieves are op you just play different (I also know you dont work so well in PVE accept COF and fractals were you are needed) but you are only class who can leave comabt and heal up during fight so be happy abouth it.
sry my english is bad

PS these ppl in other proffession forums who ask nerfs are mostly thieves so think abouth it you ask them to be nerfed then they are weaker then you than they ask nerfs on you and so on and so on just stop.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: wish.1027


PS these ppl in other proffession forums who ask nerfs are mostly thieves so think abouth it you ask them to be nerfed then they are weaker then you than they ask nerfs on you and so on and so on just stop.

Wait, wait. A bunch of thieves are on other forums crying for nerfs on them like theyve done here since launch? lol…

Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Caom.9251


These things all depend on what you are doing pve, wvw or spvp.

Condition build are not nearly as strong as you think they are, thieves unlike engies or necroes can’t apply mass amounts of “junk” conditions to block the hard hitters such as burning or bleed from being cleansed. Most builds won’t be able to apply more then 3 conditions constantly and venoms have long cooldowns and aren’t really worth using. If you are talking about the death blossom spam making the thief invincible all you have to do is kite him by lobbing a cripple or a chill on him. The tracking on death blossom is really bad compared to something like flanking strike so it’s quite easy to avoid.

In sPvP shadow spec is really not worth taking as the thief is pretty much forced into the burster niche or s/d spammer. If you use stealth spam in combat the point decaps and if you run off it counts as you losing the fight as the opponent still gains points.

The only time where the thief might be considered strong our even “OP” is WvW roaming, this is where getting away from people actually matters and there are alot of low level players for the thieves to instagib.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

These things all depend on what you are doing pve, wvw or spvp.

Condition build are not nearly as strong as you think they are, thieves unlike engies or necroes can’t apply mass amounts of “junk” conditions to block the hard hitters such as burning or bleed from being cleansed.

To be fair, bleeds always cleanse first.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Yggdrasil.7940


Please, stop whining about thieves whining about other players whining about……….about what in fact ?

Thief/Elementalist – Vizunah Square
What I mean by L2P

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: fumcheg.1936


I understand you got nerfed in last patch alot classes did put chill out do like thieves in my guild do go condition spec or somethging

How would it help me on www sieges or any www long range confrontations? What classes besides thieves have no 900+ range skills now? I see you know the truth about thieves so tell me pls.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Kiba.9701


PS these ppl in other proffession forums who ask nerfs are mostly thieves so think abouth it you ask them to be nerfed then they are weaker then you than they ask nerfs on you and so on and so on just stop.

Im almost sure this kid isnt more than 15 years old.

Stormbluff Isle
Kirito Wolvesong – Mesmer
Kiba Wolvesong – Thief

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: BrunoBRS.5178


These things all depend on what you are doing pve, wvw or spvp.

Condition build are not nearly as strong as you think they are, thieves unlike engies or necroes can’t apply mass amounts of “junk” conditions to block the hard hitters such as burning or bleed from being cleansed.

To be fair, bleeds always cleanse first.

and ironically, bleeding is all the damage condi we can reliably do.

LegendaryMythril/Zihark Darshell

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: MHE Tiger.4875

MHE Tiger.4875

Note the following…

We can “leave” combat by using stealth. You do realize that even if were in stealth….AoE still destroys us. STEALTH DOES NOT = INVULNERABILITY. At this point you’d think everyone understands that. I find that leaving combat isnt a dang cake walk that you make it up to be. Thieves have alot to complain about, 2nd behind those poor rangers. So don’t tell thieves to stop whining…until you’ve played one, and played one ALOT, its really hard to make these accusations

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: bobross.5034


No, the OP is right, thieves should stop whining…as should players in general. Go learn your class and figure it out. But I guess my question for the OP is, did you really need to come on to the thief forums to tell us that? You’re complaining about people demanding nerfs on other forums…well I read some other forums, and I see people of all professions doing that. Don’t those kinds of requests belong more in the threads themselves – rather than go into the thief forum, where we’re trying to share builds / defend ourselves from noob rangers / elementalists / mesmers / whatever, who still think that we’re overpowered because we don’t die when they breath on us (instead we take nearly fatal damage and then disappear).

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Craig.2403


If only people realized this. I have has so many people watch me go into stealth and sit there, not move, and not attack, then they get hit and complain about there being no counter to stealth. I almost won a 1v1 against a thief on my level 15 ele… wielding a staff. Tell me, how is that possible against an op class? It must be that eles are even MORE op right…?

Bummkin – ranger | Netherdark – thief | Crescor – mesmer | Gears Up – engi

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: MHE Tiger.4875

MHE Tiger.4875

If only people realized this. I have has so many people watch me go into stealth and sit there, not move, and not attack, then they get hit and complain about there being no counter to stealth. I almost won a 1v1 against a thief on my level 15 ele… wielding a staff. Tell me, how is that possible against an op class? It must be that eles are even MORE op right…?

It’s just a shame that people want a counter to stealth….

Here’s another newsflash. There is a counter and the other classes dont actually have to do anything…WE COUNTER IT OURSELVES. They put this really nice thing called “reveal” into the stealth model making it so if we do anything related to combat whilst in stealth, we aint in stealth no mo… And also…while we are in stealth, we still get hit by attacks

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Azraeel.1238


I just love hypocrites, before the patch, there were at least 6 posts stating that thieves are OP. Now most of those same dumb kitten people are in the Necromancer’s forums crying about Spectral Wall fear, which can be easily dodged.

80 Necromancer (Main) | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 80 Warrior
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Med.6150


Now most of those same dumb kitten people are in the Necromancer’s forums crying about Spectral Wall fear, which can be easily dodged.

Except you can’t dodge through it at all.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: GiggleFairy.3807


i thought people could dodge through spectral wall? i had a ranger use lightning reflex to go through my wall and a s/d thief did his evade skill through it. i would think you could dodge through it. must be bugged then if you can not. i would not call thief OP as i have one at lvl 80 and know how to counter stealth users(Stealth traps and AoE people, L2 use it).

@ OP : stop crying about players going into other classes forums. its not just thiefs doing it. it is every class.

(edited by GiggleFairy.3807)

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Med.6150


You can’t. Dodging through it, gets you feared.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: GiggleFairy.3807


well that sucks, imo they need to allow it cause its pretty strong at choke points where a zerg is trying to get in unless they have stability.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Please, stop whining about thieves whining about other players whining about……….about what in fact ?

About whining?

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


It’s just that Thief went to faceroll&win to a profession which needs skill to be played effectively.

That’s why people are whining. They want to keep facerolling.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Med.6150


It’s just that Thief went to faceroll&win to a profession which needs skill to be played effectively.

That’s why people are whining. They want to keep facerolling.

Yet you play necromancer, which, whether underpowered, balanced or overpowered in the past, has always been the most straight forward and easiest class to play up there with warriors.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Yet you play necromancer, which, whether underpowered, balanced or overpowered in the past, has always been the most straight forward and easiest class to play up there with warriors.

Ignoring the blatant no-sense (don’t want to go deep into a which professon is hard and which isn’t), how does it matter something at all?

(edited by sorrow.2364)

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Med.6150


Yet you play necromancer, which, whether underpowered, balanced or overpowered in the past, has always been the most straight forward and easiest class to play up there with warriors.

Ignoring the blatant no-sense (don’t want to go deep into a which professon is hard and which isn’t), how does it matter something at all?

It matters in the sense that you made the wild assumption that thieves are whining, because they are bad, when you have been whining about necromancers, a class that just recently became “faceroll” without any added depth, for months.

I assume people should have told you to stop wanting to faceroll and get your act together instead of pursuing buffs.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Sarrow.2785


It’s just that Thief went to faceroll&win to a profession which needs skill to be played effectively.

That’s why people are whining. They want to keep facerolling.

Ah, here’s sorrow and his 2 cents. Was wondering why on earth you’d chosen to pass up the temptation to post in another juicy thief bashing thread – but, lo and behold, here you are!

Admiral Mournn, Tarnished Coast

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


It matters in the sense that you made the wild assumption that thieves are whining, because they are bad, when you have been whining about necromancers, a class that just recently became “faceroll” without any added depth, for months.

I assume people should have told you to stop wanting to faceroll and get your act together instead of pursuing buffs.

Did I ever said that Necromancers aren’t faceroll at the moment?

It pretty much looks like you know that thieves used to faceroll people, you don’t want to admit that and you’re trying to move away the topic from the issue.

If Necromancers were that easy to play compared to Thief months ago, I would have said that Thief is hard, not faceroll easy, right?

I guess you didn’t really played Necromancer before the patch.
If you remotely compare the situation in which Necromancer were before the patch and the situation of thief right now, you really have no idea on what you’re talking about.

Ah, here’s sorrow and his 2 cents. Was wondering why on earth you’d chosen to pass up the temptation to post in another juicy thief bashing thread – but, lo and behold, here you are!

Thief bashing thread? To me it looks more like a thief-is-weak-whiners bashing thread.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Bacon.4918


Sorrow go post somewhere else, every time I see you commenting it is disagreeing with someone, and its never anything positive or constructive. Find something better to do than argue with people on GW2 forums.

Highest soloQ rank – #2

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


It’s just that Thief went to faceroll&win to a profession which needs skill to be played effectively.

That’s why people are whining. They want to keep facerolling.

I just want them to shut the kitten up.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Sorrow go post somewhere else, every time I see you commenting it is disagreeing with someone, and its never anything positive or constructive. Find something better to do than argue with people on GW2 forums.

Yeah, because if I have a different opinion, I should find something better to do than say what I think.

Never anything positive or constructive… God.

I guess I should start whining for buffs despite the fact that I think thief is far from weak to make you happy

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: baylock.1703


PS these ppl in other proffession forums who ask nerfs are mostly thieves so think abouth it you ask them to be nerfed then they are weaker then you than they ask nerfs on you and so on and so on just stop.

Im almost sure this kid isnt more than 15 years old.

nice tath so meny answered im not saying thief is OP and im not under 15 im 24 in fact xD im not saying nerf thiefs I have played thief I know you have cina a hard life im just saying dont go and wask nerfs for other classes beacose it will also hurt you and when some class can suvive ur burst its not OP as you think its just bunker (I mean take damage not evade all) im just saying stop going and asking nerfs for other classes I myself play necro and mesmer I know into the void got 1 sec cd peacose of thiefs also confusion in general is beacose of you blurred frenzy necros has not been hearing abouth thiefs jet but they will soon I quess.

and I never told you are OP

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Rueex.8361


Wait wait wait, so since day 1 this forum has been full of people of other classes crying about how “OP” thieves are, yet when some thieves go complain about other classes they are suddenly the bad ones?!?

Well we found what was wrong with thieves, they weren’t OP and it wasn’t just a L2P issue it was the fact that other classes seem to still be trying to work out how to tie their shoe laces.

Brinstok – 80 Warrior
Aethyer – 80 Thief -

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Well we found what was wrong with thieves, they weren’t OP and it wasn’t just a L2P issue it was the fact that other classes seem to still be trying to work out how to tie their shoe laces.

Nope, Thieves got nerfed. People weren’t wrong.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: baylock.1703


thing is I dont like eny nerfis in general I dont mind sometimes getting backstabs from stealth becose I know how to move so I wount get them in back and sry if i was unfair against thiefs right now It only have seen to me abouth ppl talking tath thiefs are behinde most of nerfs everywere and I can proudly say I have nerver asked eny nerfs accept remove the moa from mesmers (when I played mesmer myself peacose I hate this skill and every 1 who uses it id like it when it turns my enemy into quaggan) I just ask and It shood be posted in every proffession forum , tath stop asking for nerfs and let arenanet test things out peacefully and make corrections if needed.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Dan.2940


I’ve noticed more whiners about thieves being OP than thieves whining about nerfs to be honest… People whining about stealth being “cheap” and how initiative should be taken away and thieves skills should be on cooldowns… Thieves get nerfed every patch, whiners on the thief forums will never stop… As for the people complaining about thieves being OP, learn to play your class better? To me thieves are easily countered, maybe you have to play one to know one?

| Siynn – Lvl 80 Thief | Jaata – Lvl 80 Engineer |
| SmitĂȘ – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: MHE Tiger.4875

MHE Tiger.4875

People that think thieves are OP dont know how to fight one. When they disappear, they’re probably either fleeing or they are going to backstab you. So when you see them stealth wait about 2 seconds and then dodge and you’ll probably evade the backstab. As far as their Initiative burst, quite a few classes can successfully either tank it or simply get out of it. Think about it… Once we blow our initiative on the initial burst, ALL OF OUR SKILLS are no longer usable. So that’s your chance to destroy the thief.

They aren’t hard to counter…at all

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Dan.2940


People that think thieves are OP dont know how to fight one. When they disappear, they’re probably either fleeing or they are going to backstab you. So when you see them stealth wait about 2 seconds and then dodge and you’ll probably evade the backstab. As far as their Initiative burst, quite a few classes can successfully either tank it or simply get out of it. Think about it… Once we blow our initiative on the initial burst, ALL OF OUR SKILLS are no longer usable. So that’s your chance to destroy the thief.

They aren’t hard to counter…at all

I totally agree, people need to learn that just because you can’t beat someone doesn’t mean that the class is OP and needs a nerf, it means you don’t know how to counter it, or you’re not up to their pvp level.

| Siynn – Lvl 80 Thief | Jaata – Lvl 80 Engineer |
| SmitĂȘ – Lvl 80 Guardian | Arraxie – Lvl 80 Ele |
Ehmry Bay

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


I like how the topic went from “stop whining for nerfs and asking for buff” to “I really hate those people who say thief is OP! They really should learn to play”.

Really, it is funny how every topic ends toward either “Thief is weak” or “People should learn to play” despite the fact that no “thief is OP” topic has been seen from weeks, excluding some obvious trolls.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: style.6173


I understand you got nerfed in last patch alot classes did put chill out do like thieves in my guild do go condition spec or somethging if you get a bit armor on urself you are impossible to kill beacose eaven when you are not shadow spec you always have way out of combat i dont say its OP or something or thieves are op you just play different (I also know you dont work so well in PVE accept COF and fractals were you are needed) but you are only class who can leave comabt and heal up during fight so be happy abouth it.
sry my english is bad

PS these ppl in other proffession forums who ask nerfs are mostly thieves so think abouth it you ask them to be nerfed then they are weaker then you than they ask nerfs on you and so on and so on just stop.

This made me laugh. Sorry that you got pwned by someone.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Azraeel.1238


@Med.6150, it is because of people like you, Arenanet keeps nerfing around.

1- You can dodge through the spectral wall, on the other hand, you can’t dodge through the line of warding from guardians.
2- Unlike thieves, as a necromancer you can’t disengage from a fight, so you can’t just faceroll or you will end up as good as dead.
3- Pre-patch, playing a necromancer was way easier with the flick on/off DS build, now I have to utilize DS way more, and even if you went hybrid, you will need to synergize between a power weapon (Axe/dagger) and condition weapon(Scepter).

Anyways, this isn’t the necromancer forum to argue about these, and just like people think thieves are OP because they fail to realize they can still attack them even when they are stealthed, you just did the same with spectral wall.

People seriously need to learn about the other classes before they go throw out ignorant accusations. Whether it was against Thieves, Necromancers, or any other class at that.

80 Necromancer (Main) | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 80 Warrior
Engineer and Elementalist in progress…

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Craig.2403


Sorrow go post somewhere else, every time I see you commenting it is disagreeing with someone, and its never anything positive or constructive. Find something better to do than argue with people on GW2 forums.

Yeah, because if I have a different opinion, I should find something better to do than say what I think.

Never anything positive or constructive… God.

I guess I should start whining for buffs despite the fact that I think thief is far from weak to make you happy

Nobody wants anyone to whine about anything, it helps no one. What we want is intelligent comments. Here’s an example:
instead of the classic “thief is op, it facerolls everyone,” a simple “thief’s use of initiative is op because it allows the spamming of high damage moves, and this coupled with many teleports allows the thief to survive any encounter. It should be fixed by putting skills on cool downs, preventing the huge damage that thieves can put out. This would make them use skills intelligently, as opposed to just spamming one move then running.”
This would be much more constructive, as it allows for us to clearly see why the person thinks the class is op, and a possible fix. It also allows us to come back and reply with intelligent comments as well, such as, “the initiative system is simply a way to put skills on a global cool down, which means that the thief has to be smart about how much he spams, so that he doesn’t overextend, and put his escape moves on cooldown. A thief has to be much smarter about using his skills, because using a damage move may prevent an escape move shortly after if it is needed.”
This then allows for a constructive argument over whether the thief is actually op given the two opposing sides. However, if you come at us with simply “thief is op please nerf,” we have no way of knowing why you think thief is op, and can’t help you in any way.
P.S. These arguments were as an example only. They are not intended to start any discussions or claim it is a problem at all.

Bummkin – ranger | Netherdark – thief | Crescor – mesmer | Gears Up – engi

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Nobody wants anyone to whine about anything, it helps no one. What we want is intelligent comments. Here’s an example:
instead of the classic “thief is op, it facerolls everyone,” a simple “thief’s use of initiative is op because it allows the spamming of high damage moves, and this coupled with many teleports allows the thief to survive any encounter. It should be fixed by putting skills on cool downs, preventing the huge damage that thieves can put out. This would make them use skills intelligently, as opposed to just spamming one move then running.”
This would be much more constructive, as it allows for us to clearly see why the person thinks the class is op, and a possible fix. It also allows us to come back and reply with intelligent comments as well, such as, “the initiative system is simply a way to put skills on a global cool down, which means that the thief has to be smart about how much he spams, so that he doesn’t overextend, and put his escape moves on cooldown. A thief has to be much smarter about using his skills, because using a damage move may prevent an escape move shortly after if it is needed.”
This then allows for a constructive argument over whether the thief is actually op given the two opposing sides. However, if you come at us with simply “thief is op please nerf,” we have no way of knowing why you think thief is op, and can’t help you in any way.
P.S. These arguments were as an example only. They are not intended to start any discussions or claim it is a problem at all.

I’ve done this a lot of times when the thief was OP.
I spent pages and pages of topics trying to explaining my reasoning, but it all goes down like arguing with a wall (with obviously some exceptions).

Last time I opened a thief-is-OP-like topic it was about Flanking Strike+Larcenous Strike being too cheap.
I spent about 3 pages arguing with the whole thief community trying to explain why the new FS was way too cheap but I’ve only lost time and get insulted.
Still, last patch, ArenaNet nerfed LS increasing its initiative cost.

People in this forum don’t want a mature reasoning, they just don’t want to be nerfed, regardless if the nerf is fair and needed or not. This mentality leaves no room to any argument, just because they’ll always try to grasp at some straws to avoid any nerf.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: docMed.7692


I run a full zerker pistol/dagger + sbow in wvw and spend most of my time solo/small group roaming for kills (I like to patrol for reinforcements heading to zergs). I’d say the thief is quite balanced and the sbow nerf is insignificant. They just aren’t as facerolling easy as they once were.

** edit ** I’ll be streaming thief wvw throughout the weekend ( for anyone that would like actual evidence of it in action.

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: bobross.5034


Nobody wants anyone to whine about anything, it helps no one. What we want is intelligent comments. Here’s an example:
instead of the classic “thief is op, it facerolls everyone,” a simple “thief’s use of initiative is op because it allows the spamming of high damage moves, and this coupled with many teleports allows the thief to survive any encounter. It should be fixed by putting skills on cool downs, preventing the huge damage that thieves can put out. This would make them use skills intelligently, as opposed to just spamming one move then running.”
This would be much more constructive, as it allows for us to clearly see why the person thinks the class is op, and a possible fix. It also allows us to come back and reply with intelligent comments as well, such as, “the initiative system is simply a way to put skills on a global cool down, which means that the thief has to be smart about how much he spams, so that he doesn’t overextend, and put his escape moves on cooldown. A thief has to be much smarter about using his skills, because using a damage move may prevent an escape move shortly after if it is needed.”
This then allows for a constructive argument over whether the thief is actually op given the two opposing sides. However, if you come at us with simply “thief is op please nerf,” we have no way of knowing why you think thief is op, and can’t help you in any way.
P.S. These arguments were as an example only. They are not intended to start any discussions or claim it is a problem at all.

I’ve done this a lot of times when the thief was OP.
I spent pages and pages of topics trying to explaining my reasoning, but it all goes down like arguing with a wall (with obviously some exceptions).

Last time I opened a thief-is-OP-like topic it was about Flanking Strike+Larcenous Strike being too cheap.
I spent about 3 pages arguing with the whole thief community trying to explain why the new FS was way too cheap but I’ve only lost time and get insulted.
Still, last patch, ArenaNet nerfed LS increasing its initiative cost.

People in this forum don’t want a mature reasoning, they just don’t want to be nerfed, regardless if the nerf is fair and needed or not. This mentality leaves no room to any argument, just because they’ll always try to grasp at some straws to avoid any nerf.

I think you’ve gone way off-topic here. The OP is complaining about thief players complaining about other classes (like you complain about the theif) on other profession forums. Now you’re complaining about thief players complaining about you complaining about thieves being overpowered.

This is not an anti-nerf/anti-patch thread, and people here are reacting to being blanketly called a bunch of whiners, with no justification.

Sorrow, I know that you play the thief and you wanted larcenous strike nerfed, and it got nerfed, and thats fine…whatever. But why are you trying to make enemies of the thief community here by attacking them, when no-one was attacking you?

Edit: just read a few other posts…seems some people did attack you a bit. Ah well, lets stay on topic people. Thieves be whining! yay or nay!?

Thieves stop whining

in Thief

Posted by: Med.6150


@Med.6150, it is because of people like you, Arenanet keeps nerfing around.

I wish they’d nerf and adjust based on my posts. Unfortunately that isn’t true.

1- You can dodge through the spectral wall,..

You have no idea what you are talking about. Dodging through spectral wall gets you feared.

2- Unlike thieves, as a necromancer you can’t disengage from a fight, so you can’t just faceroll or you will end up as good as dead.

No idea why you are comparing professions here, but I assume the sudden rise in necromancer numbers is a coincidence or a result of spontaneous mass masochism.

Anyways, this isn’t the necromancer forum to argue about these, and just like people think thieves are OP because they fail to realize they can still attack them even when they are stealthed, you just did the same with spectral wall.

The fact that you do not know how your own profession’s ability works makes me shake my head.

Stop saying you can dodge through spectral wall please.