This Made my Day
hehhe, no worries I had the same issue, though I done that on my engi alt xD now I wish I’ve got the pistol instead of the shield :/ ah well ^^;
Mug – nerfed so it can’t critical hit
Skill Patch buffs Steal recharge making it more useful
I anticipate the same thing here. I find it a little awkward, but we do have proof this is how they like to update.
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
I’m wondering if this is made in prep for thieves getting a long range weapon, like longbow or rifle (these actually would match the sniper-assassin theme quite well)?
That would be interesting ^^
Cant help it, I’m a ranged archetype person Even though ranged has less kick in it, I still play that over the melee variant ^^;
Plus I have a soft spot for rifles and pistols + bows :P
So, yea… rifle Would LOVE it ^^ Only 2x class can use it anyways :P
Why not extend it to thief ?
Or longbow
Same story ^^ And… for the love of god, I dont even need to go far —→ Thief series… if I recall Garret uses a longbow ?
And its epic ^^
I’ll take shuriken.
I’d said bow + rifle because they are already in game, so it would take less effort and time to get it working for the class
But if I could chose, I’d say shuriken, light crossbow, throwing knife, kusarigama, ect ^^
BOOMERANG /trolled
On a serious note though, the SB nerf sucks but honestly it doesn’t feel like a game changer. Yes, it sucks to be the only class in the game without a 1200 range weapon and I’ll be shocked if we get one mainly because of all the gap closers we have.
Both Steal and Scorpion Wire were improved with reduced CD. Shadow Trap was improved with some additional mobility / utility. They didn’t remove any of our existing closers either.
Seems to me ANET is telling us that thieves are meant to be played up close and personal with a sprinkling of 900 range and ton’s of mobility. I’m OK with that.
I agree it would be great to get a new 1200 range weapon so I don’t have to roll a Warrior to play as a sniper but in the end I still get a lot of variety out of my thief as she is now so I’m not holding my breath for the rifle / longbow update.
Short bow change sucks, but it’s still the best swap weapon for 90% of the builds out there.
I’ve never found an effective use for the 1200 bomb range. Most of the time I’m using the shortbow for blast finishers to stack might/swiftness/healing.. Or using the auto attack and maybe a poison field in Zerg fights when my health is low.
I almost never use it while roaming.
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
It’s not for roaming, it’s for defending/attacking the Towers.
You’re missing the real Shortbow nerf: Lotus Poison.
A Thief could focus on protect his team and triggering combos around with the shortbow. With the Lotus Poison nerf we no longer can defend anyone with our Shortbow. Every other single class can play the a-net trinity, but they’re focusing on making the Thief only good at 1 single role for some reason I can’t understand.
i used the cluster bomb 1200 range for cheating/exploiting some bosses without drawing aggro
kitten nerfs…