[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Thoughts on dungeon build?
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
looks like more supportive build since iit lacks damage.
If you enjoy this gameplay go for it!
I’m not really sure what to say. 30 trickery does no good for either d/p or s/p.. so you went down that line only for 21 sec cd steal? Its good but not worth it.
You don’t have 30 in critical strikes. For a power build, 30 in CS is basically your starting point.
30 in Shadow Arts, seems like a waste to me since s/p gains little from it. D/P can make use of it but if you are sitting in stealth for healing/condition removal, then you aren’t dealing much damage which is why thief is brought to dungeons.
You mentioned your focus was using steal as much as possible, but what does steal do for you? It doesn’t heal you because you don’t have mug…. not sure what the benefit is of having a short cd steal in dungeons. The boons? Can be nice but def not worth losing 20 in critical strikes or DA.
The blinds can be brought by any build with pistol offhand too.
Alright I have not actually seen your build but from a dps point of view, I can assure you it is viable, as long as you have the knowledge and skill to make it such.
Thanks for your input guys. I’m still only lvl 55 so I’m just theorycrafting here. No real experience to draw from (yet).
I figured using Steal every 19.75 secs would net me stealth, might, 5 initiative, vigor, boon steal, and daze. Seems almost OP to do all that with a 19s CD. Figured I could spam some Backstabs, use Steal to regen initiative, spam more Backstabs, then swap to sword for auto when I’m outa initiative and/or need a retreat.
Will I do better (both damage & survivability) not building around Steal and just focusing on damage? Seems like thieves are squishy when not properly built.
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
IMHO and experience:
1- One tip is forget about D/P for Dungeons if you want to dps (backstab when possible) because to do that with this weapon set you will need Black powder + HS for combo field and get invi, but in dungeon usually there are lots of combo fields stacked on you and you cant chose wich one you want your HS to combo with so its not a very reliable invi for PvE. For max dps melee with Backstabs go with D/D.
2- For PvE building around steal is usually a waste, its not very effective and will lower your damage a lot. If you want damage make sure to have 30 points into CS line. If you want some survive you dont need to go for the power line DA you can go for either SA (access to remove cond on invi + initiative on invi for more backstab rotations + regen HP) or you can go with Acrobatis (lots of evade and more initiative regen).
3- As a power thief try to get you Crit Damage a little higher, if you want more survive, mix your armor with zerk/soldier pieces you will prob get better stats and enough defense for any PvE content.
You can still use S/P for blinds and aoe damage and make sure to have a ranged option weapon for some fights.
Another thing, you dont have any Stun Break skill on your bar, try to use Shadowstep imo its one of the best skills if not the best that thives have.
Again Its your build, play it as you enjoy playing
If you need any tips about thief feel free to pm /w me ingame
(edited by Walker.3056)
Ok, so you’re saying something like this is going to be better for dungeons then?
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)
Ok, so you’re saying something like this is going to be better for dungeons then?
IMO its much better than you first one for pve