Thoughts on this D/D build?

Thoughts on this D/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Main thoughts on this build:


  • Long reach for an unsuspected steal
  • Mug, well… Explains it self. Nice dmg boost, C&D precast and a 13sec poison.
  • Dagger training – because I only use daggers (SB offhand)
  • Furious Retalitaion + Executioner both trigger when enemy is at 50% health. A nice dmg boost (20%) plus a 20% increase in Critical Chance.
  • Shadow’s Embrace for condi clear


  • Hide in shadows – because
  • Shadowstep – because
  • Assassins signet (pop that when foe is at 50% health, you get another 15% increase in damage the next five attacks
  • Shadow refuge – because

I have some questions:

  • Dagger training worth it?
  • 10 points in SA enough? I could loose Long Reach (which I dont like) and go for Infusion of Shadows or Cloaked in Shadow for blinds
  • Assassins signet – switch with Roll for Initiative or Blinding Powder if not spec’ed 20 in SA? It’s a nice DMG boost tho..

And generally any advice/concerns, please feel free to share

Thanks for reading

Edit: This is for WvW roaming. I’m a loner :P

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

(edited by mompen.7952)

Thoughts on this D/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

Thoughts on this D/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Dagger training worth it?
- Depend on your play style. Dagger Training would be good if you go all Damage for some quick hit and run. In this you have low surviability but hit like a truck on your backstab, enough to one shot all squishy ppl with 12-14k backstab. But for that kind of build you would want hidden killer over executionner because you want to 1 or 2 shot someone with backstab. Another build that can use that, only rely on backstab. This kind of build will also use hidden killer, but will use a less precision as possible. Since this build get good defense from gear (like full Valkyrie), he will concentrate on offensive trait like dagger training. Other than that, its not that dagger training is not good, but Critical Strike is better for DPS and Shadow Arts is usually where people get most of their surviability.

10 points in SA enough? I could loose Long Reach (which I dont like) and go for Infusion of Shadows or Cloaked in Shadow for blinds

If you don’t like Long Reach get rid of it ASAP. Its a nice trait if you focus on steal, but you only half focus on it, so its not that good. With that low HP pools and so little point in SA, you will have some difficulty so surive in my opinion.

Assassins signet – switch with Roll for Initiative or Blinding Powder if not spec’ed 20 in SA? It’s a nice DMG boost tho..
Its a nice dmg boost ya. I prefer Blinding Powder personnally. But since you don’t have Hidden Killer, Shadow’s Rejuvenation or Cloaked Shadow, then your stealth is not that powerful. I did good when i used to take Signet of Shadow over blinding powder so its not a big lost, you can do fine without it, so if you like Assassin’s Signet, then keep using it.

Overall, i think your build is all over the place and not really focus. You don’t have good surviability like if you want to burst down ppl fast or get out, but you don’t have hidden killer. You spread your dps into poison, steal, normal dagger and backstab. Each of them will do average dmg, limiting your bursting capability. It could be an advantage since you more flexibility and can be less predictable, but combine with a poor surviability, its gonna be hard.

I really recommend trying Shadow’s Rejuvenation and Hidden Killer. These are two really powerful grandmaster trait for a D/D thief.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Thoughts on this D/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


@Carpboy: Thanks, will look into that. Was thinking of not relying on SA so much, but a more DMG oriented build. But that doesnt look so bad.

@Thaddeus: Thanks for your inputs. The reason I chose Executioner for Hidden Killer was of the synergy of both the signet, and the fury I get when target is at 50% health. And I thought that I was gonna C&D off targets to heal up a little, but maybe the build is a tad too squishy yeah, as it seems both of you think of.

And I meant I like Long Reach, as in I don’t want to change it out ;-) Grown to like it! But I guess I can run a few meters and then steal. But I like the added surprise I get from it..

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Thoughts on this D/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: Volrath.1473


This is the only D/D build I would play IF I was to play D/D. It was my spec for a long time but not anymore…

Thoughts on this D/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


This is the only D/D build I would play IF I was to play D/D. It was my spec for a long time but not anymore…

What are you using now? Curious ;-) D/P?

Question: Does dagger training also work with one handed dagger setup?

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Thoughts on this D/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891


Dagger training work with any Dagger skill. Just not sure if it work with a dual skill of P/D or D/P

But that for sure all 5 skills for D/D, 2 first skills for D/P and 2 last skills for P/D

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

Thoughts on this D/D build?

in Thief

Posted by: Tachii.3506


Long reach is pretty underwhelming in my opinion. You’d only do it when you’re chasing someone and heartseeker is pretty good at gap closing already. The only ones who can outrun a thief is probably another thief, an engineer, and those troll warriors who can’t kill anybody anyways. Thrill of the crime on the other hand is very useful since the boons trigger even if the Steal has no target.

0/30/30/10/0 is a staple DD or DP build (the one Carpboy provided). Much more survivability. Although I usually have the 50% movement speed in stealth instead for maneuverability. Even so a pure glass cannon would invest 25/30/0/0/15 instead. Conditions will kill you regardless if you have that Shadow Arts adept trait or not (plus Last Refuge sucks). Replace Furious Retaliation with Signet Recharge and Executioner for Hidden Killer and Long Reach for Thrill of the Crime.

SBI – Thief and the occasional Guardian & Warrior.

(edited by Tachii.3506)