Toughness/Vit/Power gear in WvW

Toughness/Vit/Power gear in WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Dimok.6187


I feel underwhelmed by the tough/vit/pow gear in pvp. I have a full set of the Karma exotic gear, and the pants are the only one with pre/tough/cond damage. Full wvw badge weps, also giving tough/vit/pwr. I still seem to get hit just as hard in solo fights, but do noticeably less damage then other dag/dag thieves on backstabs (checking combat log, they are hitting for a ton more). I’m running a 0/30/20/10/10 build with Hidden killer/Hidden thief.
I never try to go toe to toe, always attempt to open with a steal/stealthed backstab (because of thrill of the crime steal buff). Auto attack while I wait out the revelead then CaD into another backstab.
Any thoughts? Am I doing it wrong? Should I be stacking Pre/pwr/crit damage?

Toughness/Vit/Power gear in WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Joshiasi.2840


For me the WvW armor set is pretty good in terms of survivability. I am currently running with power/vitality/toughness armor set with divinity runes but with berserker accessories, amulet and rings along with the exquisite ruby on them.

I was a full dps build but ran into some 3 hit combos from warriors and thieves alike that I decided to put some survivability into my armor set. From my experience, what I lost from dps, I gained in staying alive. I can fight 1v1 and 2v1 situations where I know as a dps build I could not. Also trying to run away from a big group just got better knowing you can take a hit while waiting for that 1 sec before your cooldown will refresh.

Gao Bahn – Thief

Toughness/Vit/Power gear in WvW

in Thief

Posted by: Dimok.6187


See my experiences are just the opposite of yours. I barely notice any increased survivability with this set. It might be that my traits spec is more designed for high burst, was hoping some back stab rogues would weigh in on their gear and what they prefer.