Tracking while stealthed

Tracking while stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: Yggdrasil.7940


The biggest issue I currently have with my thief is that stealth can be countered “passively” by spamming channeled abilities.

If I go into stealth, after a ranger start his channeling skill (rapid fire), he can deal the full amount of dmg even if he does not see me. Same goes for mesmer GS#1 (there, max range seems to be heavily buggued) or Elem Scepter Air#1.
Mesmers clones (staff mostly) have the same ability to “track” you in stealth because the velocity is low.

The main argument here is usually :
“He started his attack just before/at the same time you enter stealth”.
And so what ? When I attack somebody who goes in invul-mode (0000 – block – mist form, etc) they are invulnerable, and I can start the attack before, it doesn’t matter : they are invul at the time the skill land, period.

Why should stealth be differently processed ?
I full agree to take dmg from AOE because that’s the way to counter stealth, but mono-skills that require a target should no be able to land on a stealthed target.

My 2 c€nts rant of the month.

Thief/Elementalist – Vizunah Square
What I mean by L2P

Tracking while stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: Luto.1938


This has been an issue for a long time. It would be really nice if they would fix it! Necromancers drain health ability does this as well. Two types of damage that kills me most of the time, condi and channeled abilities that I can not escape. The channeled abilities are really only an issue when shadow step /mobility moves are on cd and then I try to rely on stealth as an “Oh kitten” button. Most of the time the only way to counter it is to go stealth and get out of range or out of line of sight. Smart players will follow a channeled abilities path to track a thief as well as it is a dead giveaway to where they are. Taking damage while stealth is fine, as long as they do so without targeting me.

Luto Locke
Twitch Stream

Tracking while stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: Ambrecombe.4398


You can’t campare invulnerability with stealth, that’s just wrong…

Invulnerability is a defensive skill wich grants you almost complete immunity to damage, unless you already were afflicted with conditions on you. It is also one of the boons with the highest cooldown in game, it is not like people can do it all day

Stealth on the other hand is a defensive skill wich helps you to reposition yourself and attack your ennemies in the least predictable way available in game, not to mention you can use that same skill to flee anytime you want. It is also very available and can be upgraded in different ways depending wich profession you play to get specific advantages. (exemple : next hit = critical, condi removal, health regen, …)

So yes tracking in stealth is anoying, but did you know you can disrupt channeling skills simply by walking trough players? Not to mention, are people just supposed to let themself hit because you decide you are in stealth and should be untouchable while doing so? Than why not do exactly the same change for AoEs sinds invulnerability protects you against it anyways?

Tracking while stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: vincecontix.1264


Working as intended its one of the counters against thief’s. What is annoying is when people complain there is no way to counter a thief.

Shikamaru X Thief, Warrior, Mesmer, Engi(FT leader)
Highest ranked reached 28 soloq
Isle of Janthir

Tracking while stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: sminkiottone.6972


Tracking while stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: Rauderi.8706


I have less complaint about the channeled skills and stealth. What gets to me as a huge annoyance is a single target skill that follows me after I’m in stealth. It should drop the target and stop following. If the enemy turns with it (PvP) and still thumps the air I happen to be in, that’s fine, but in PvE this behavior is really just friggin’ annoying.

Many alts; handle it!
“I’m finding companies should sell access to forums,
it seems many like them better than the games they comment on.” -Horrorscope.7632

Tracking while stealthed

in Thief

Posted by: Atmosphere.7451


The issue is when they continue looking at you while stealthed, cant backstab them if they’re continuously looking at you until your stealth ends.