Trait "improvisation"

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: magical giant.8650

magical giant.8650

Hello thiefs!

can anyone answer me how this trait work “Improvisation” does it reset one of the utilities you have equip randomly or just all utility even though you don’t have it equiped? Also does your stolen items count as a “bundle” ? (it says bundles will deal 10% more damage)

Would be super sweet if someone can answer my question, perhaps even someone from arena-net!


“Existing Isn’t A Crime!” Franky – One Piece

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


It resets all utilities of one type, even if you don’t have them on your bar.

If you have healing signet, trap, trick, deception, and basilisk venom, it will always reset one of them. But if you have, for example, hide in shadows and four venoms, you have only 20% chance it will work, but then it recharges 4 utility slots.

“Bundles” are weapons you can pick up (elementalist can summon them, banners, charrzooka), and I also heard it works with siege vehicles.

Signed, level 1 alt

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: magical giant.8650

magical giant.8650

okey, thank you!

“Existing Isn’t A Crime!” Franky – One Piece

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Seras.5702


As an aside, Stealing originally acted as a bundle back in alpha (and maybe beta, don’t remember). So the 2nd half of that trait is a leftover from days gone by and was never adjusted when Steal was changed.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


well, it sucks bad as it is now

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Cronicle.5691


its outdated trait. the RNG on the instacooldown is not worth and the 20% damge on bundle you will never notice because you will never ever pick up a bundle in a fight. Sure pve, but this skill sucks even for pve!

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: crouze.3078


its outdated trait. the RNG on the instacooldown is not worth and the 20% damge on bundle you will never notice because you will never ever pick up a bundle in a fight. Sure pve, but this skill sucks even for pve!

its not 20% but only 10% increased damage.
Only use would be elementalist weapons.

The funniest thing i saw done with this trait was a 5 summoned thief build.

  • 1st from the prepared ambush trap
  • 2nd from the ambush trap in fight
  • 3rd from a lucky trap recharge with steal
  • 4th and 5th with elite

but its a pure fun build and not viable for anything

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: crouze.3078


its some time ago. didnt test it so they might have changed it.

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Dagins.5163


You are pretty wrong, because you can have as many summoned thieves as you like.

Before change to “merciful ambush” trait, you could have 2 thieves from traps, 1 thief from this trait, another one from “improvisation”, and additional 2 from “thieves guild”.
So, you could have 6 summoned thieves, but my record was 5 (never bothered to do this with “improvisation”).
They did very high single target DPS, but died from even smallest AoE, like guardian’s greatsword spin – unless you managed to interrupt it, then he was dead.

Signed, level 1 alt

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Cronicle.5691


its outdated trait. the RNG on the instacooldown is not worth and the 20% damge on bundle you will never notice because you will never ever pick up a bundle in a fight. Sure pve, but this skill sucks even for pve!

its not 20% but only 10% increased damage.
Only use would be elementalist weapons.

The funniest thing i saw done with this trait was a 5 summoned thief build.

  • 1st from the prepared ambush trap
  • 2nd from the ambush trap in fight
  • 3rd from a lucky trap recharge with steal
  • 4th and 5th with elite

but its a pure fun build and not viable for anything

woops sorry… meant 10%. But regardless it bugs the hell out of me when i see a trait in our already not so useful trait line just taking up a “could be” better trait. The idea that steal can reset cooldowns on a type of utility skill is good but the fact that its a rng makes it worthless in spvp, wvw and even PvE. I see that it can be fun to summon 6 thieves, however the chances of it resetting the trap when you need it, is low.

if ever, this trait isnt worth being a master trait but adept if anet does not agree with having this trait remade in general.

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Imagi.4561


The idea of having 6 spawned Thieves is one of the most amusing build ideas I think I’ve ever read, although it’s a shame that getting the whole package relies on an archaic trait.

By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Seras.5702


Simplest change to the trait would be to make it enhance the duration of the stolen skill by 20%. So the stealth, the conditions, the boons, the gunk field, the knockdown, the daze durations all last longer. I think it’d be a great trait if it did that.

Flixx Gatebuster, Orwynn Lightgrave, Seras Snapdragon
[TTBH] [HATE], Yak’s Bend(NA)

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Cyhann.2609


Simplest change to the trait would be to make it enhance the duration of the stolen skill by 20%. So the stealth, the conditions, the boons, the gunk field, the knockdown, the daze durations all last longer. I think it’d be a great trait if it did that.

Totaly not worth it, maybe as a minor one, but not as a major one.

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: crouze.3078


something like refill all initiative and / or recharge all skills with a high internal cooldown would be interesting.
Also it should increase the damage of stolen skills. There aren’t that high damage steals in PvP anyways.

But i wont suggest any of this untill i have thought more about it. This suggestion would make the trait to strong.

I’ll wait for the next balance patch and will then look at the thief as a whole.
I don’t want to suggest anything that would put the thief in the same place as where the warrior is at the moment (overpowered)

My last bigger thief suggestion post had a lot of stuff that made it into the game.

The biggest problems are players that make wrong suggestions.
Alot of players suggest stupid things that would either make something overpowered or destroy a build / class completely

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Keth.1968


Omg it’s bugged again. Stolen skills are normally considered as bundles, so the 10% bonus makes sense. But it’s really often bugged, then fixed, then bugged…
Maybe I’m just going mad…

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: Tempest.4507


This never got fixed right? I just tried it and it doesn’t work. Meh…

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952



I use improv in sPVP sometimes, and it works just fine for me.
It’s a little random, but hey. Turns the fight in my favor more then it doesn’t most of the times.

But no, it’s still in the same state as it where in the Alpha/Beta.
Useless for anything else then the random reset-er, and I guess people would debate it’s usefulness even for the reset function being as random as it is.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

Trait "improvisation"

in Thief

Posted by: kylwilson.9137


I run with Improvisation as a staple.

Having Shadow Refuge or Shadow Step or Basilisk Venom instantly recharge is one of the most useful things to have happen. So taking deception, trickery and venom skills in your build will severely tip a fight in your favor, considering how ridiculously small the CD on steal is with 30 in Trickey.
