Trapper Thief

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Treeoflife.4031


Hey all

So i just want to start off by saying that this is a thoery craft and not been proven in field. This build if for WvW roaming/havoc. I came up with the idea of a trapper thief build while i was watching how crazy Ranger Trapper is. This is my idea of what the thief trapper set up would be like.

Correct me if there is already a thief trapper build out there or if anyone else has tried this. I think the idea of a thief that utilizes traps is really cool. Despite the long cooldown on the traps the extra stealth initiative free sounds good to me! I could see shadow trap + BV or RoG elite becoming a strong combo. New combos in general could really spice up thief play and catch alot of people off guard!

Gimme your input? Curious if this is a road i should go down

Guild Leader of Rebel Dps [ReD]

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: caveman.5840


‘______’ best of luck

there trap builds out there . just no one uses them

they are weak utility’s skills with long cool down
that decreases the thief’s survival in a really bad trade off …

i think people can jump over them :S …. correct me if i am wrong

but good luck helping a team with thief traps

the best u will do is in wvw vs some noobs in very small scale fights 1v1-1v2 tops

(edited by caveman.5840)

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Treeoflife.4031


i agree the traps do seem a bit week but you dont think with a little time practice and modifying your play style that the trapper thief could become close to as effective as some of the more popular setups? i mean does it just comes down to the dmg and cooldown right? because shadow trap used right sounds like it could be really good! and i mean condi thief is strong no matter what utilities it uses right?

Guild Leader of Rebel Dps [ReD]

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: caveman.5840


shadow trap is the only trap i give any credit … but it is buggy .
it does not all ways bring u to the person who walked over it :S

so i dont use it much

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Treeoflife.4031


Good to know. Sounds like thieves need to rally to make traps work. I mean a lot of our teleport skills are buggy… period. The second there is the slightest change in ground plane you’re screwed. Would be nice for traps to work though. could def. mess with people and really change the way thief could be played. Diversity in builds is key to making a class fun to play!!!

Guild Leader of Rebel Dps [ReD]

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: caveman.5840


make thief traps work ? .. ill pass

play trap ranger it u want to be a hunter

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Treeoflife.4031


Noooooooooooo!!!!! i dont want to give in to the Ranger booming already happening! Plus i only WvW and ik how everyone gets fire in their eyes when they see an uplvl ranger in WvW lol! not worth the stress (no offense to any rangers out there but i always target you first and exterminate with extreme prejudice : P )

Guild Leader of Rebel Dps [ReD]

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: caveman.5840


whats wrong with ranger ?

it has all ways ben the hunter class with ok traps.

idk if i like the new patch … alot of mindless fire but that is nothing .
there was good rangers before this patch… they where rare ..
but dont start ranger hate because of one lil patch lol.

ranger was my 1st char almost sense launch

and trap thief is a joke

it is like trying to play thief with one weapon in your hand …. it is possible but … ‘_’ really

i want to see build diversity but they should not waste time on thief traps
unless they let us have them as f2 f3 f4 skills . then i would use traps XD lol


(edited by caveman.5840)

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Skeletor.9360


i agree the traps do seem a bit week but you dont think with a little time practice and modifying your play style that the trapper thief could become close to as effective as some of the more popular setups? i mean does it just comes down to the dmg and cooldown right? because shadow trap used right sounds like it could be really good! and i mean condi thief is strong no matter what utilities it uses right?

No…completely not viable…really just stupid useless skills…delete them just in case someone accidentally thinks they might be useful.

Low DPS, can jump over them….single target…long cooldown…useless effects…

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Bazzoong.7145


Hi there,

I have een fooling around in wvw with something like this last night.

Tomy suprise it worked way better than expected, it was hilarious actually, especially in small and medium engagements this is a great idea for a support thief.

I fought some 1v1 aswell and there is way more pressure and sustain with this than I expected, the super speed is hilarious.

It is pretty easy aswell, a nice and easygoing alternative to the die hard builds.

I was very entertained even though I had no optimized gear and have not played those weapon sets in wvw for a long time.

(edited by Bazzoong.7145)

Trapper Thief

in Thief

Posted by: Treeoflife.4031


Hi there,

I have een fooling around in wvw with something like this last night.

Tomy suprise it worked way better than expected, it was hilarious actually, especially in small and medium engagements this is a great idea for a support thief.

I fought some 1v1 aswell and there is way more pressure and sustain with this than I expected, the super speed is hilarious.

It is pretty easy aswell, a nice and easygoing alternative to the die hard builds.

I was very entertained even though I had no optimized gear and have not played those weapon sets in wvw for a long time.

This looks like it could be pretty fun too! jumping over the trap should still trigger it. it should also have a small radius effect. both changes might make traps more viable.

Guild Leader of Rebel Dps [ReD]