[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Malicious.6742


Random tPvP solo queue match
D/D – SB Condition build


[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfield.9812


Good watch. Sometimes amazed at the healing that the thief can do.

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Waterdrops.8253


Could you possibly post your build? Would be thankful.

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: upfromtheashes.1350


Nice vid. I’m having a blast in pvp as condition.

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: tigirius.9014


Could you possibly post your build? Would be thankful.

I would like to see your build gear choices rune choices and weapons.

That would be awesome to try this out.

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Malicious.6742


added a link to the build in the description of the video

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Same.4687


What I don’t get is why you would prefer clusterbomb over deathblossom.
Also don’t understand your rune choices at all.
You have +20% condition duration (armor/weapon). Don’t you get an extra tick at 25% not at 20%?
The armor runes give Precision which is a useless stat for you, did you go for those runes because of the full set thingy?

Considering you hardly ever use D/D I can’t really disagree with the 20% time off deception things because you need to get stealthed somehow.
But I don’t get the 33% faster runspeed in stealth, you use it at the start with refuge but after that its completely useless. Feels like a lost trait. I would much rather take power of inertia there for some extra oomph on my attacks which is way more viable and effective.

This is my build, it is however P/D instead of D/D.


[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Malicious.6742


Since I play a stealth heavy the 33% movement speed are more benefitial to me than short stacks of might. Even though it might not get obvious from watching a vid but when you actually play you can feel a huge difference. Since I often end up in fighting 1vx I need to be able to start my stomp cast before my enemy can start ressing.

I don’t know why you come to the conclusion that I prefer Cluster Bomb over Death Blossom. That’s not the case and after reading your posting I even watched my vid again and still don’t know how you come to that conclusion. Sure I use it alot but that does not mean that I prefer it over DB which I use alot as well in that vid.
In fact the use of both is very situational. If the enemy is clustered I prefer DB if the enemy is scattered or fighting from off the node I prefer SB. Moreover I switch weapons alot to make use of Sigil of Geomancy or just to adapt to the situation.
Sometimes I use Cluster Bomb because I’m bound to my weapon changing CD. Considering the fact that Choking Gas triggers SoM I need to switch to SB regularly to provide constant healing.

Regarding the condition duration you’re right and wrong. In fact it’s 10% condition duration and 10% bleed duration. Since more than just one condition it does make a difference. Moreover every 10% add 1 tick to DB bleeds and every ~15% add 1 tick to Geomancy bleeds. But tbh there is just no other Sigil worth using. I am thinking about moving the Sigil of Coruption to my dagger set and use a second Sigil of Geomancy in the SB but I’m not sure yet.

Regarding the runes I gotta say that those make Dagger Storm a skill which is worth using. Usually when you pop it you are an easy kill for everyone not using ranged attacks. In case you survive the ~8s duration you’re half dead at the end and cought lots of conditions. Lyssa fixes all those problems. Conditions will be completely removed once the effect procs. In case you take heavy dmg one of your auto stealth traits will proc causing AoE blind and make the rune effect proc which means you get all possible buffs in the game which include aegis, regen and protection.

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Same.4687


Maybe the video isn’t a good representation of your D/D use but it really did feel that way when I watched it. The second fight with the ranger was what made me go “Why doesn’t he switch here?”. Also I always cringe when I see people using clusterbomb at range in s/tPvP because its so kitten easy to dodge and then it’s just 3 initiative down the drain.

I agree that Dagger Storm is highly situational. Using it when up against melee is simply stupid, however it also provides a ton of healing if up against more than 2 opponents. Runes of Lyssa are interesting but I just would never prefer them over my setup simply because of the fact that Dagger Storm is highly situational.

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Malicious.6742


Lyssa makes Dagger Storm a lot less situational hence it’s my rune set of choice.

There isn’t a single fight in the vid where I did not switch to daggers except the one at mine, but that was puposely done to get the last 5 stacks from my Sigil of Corruption which is attached to my SB. Anyway against ranged classes I tend to use SB more since they’re always going to seek distance which you can clearly see at 2:05. I’d rather burn 3 ini than 5. Moreover you see me use the full skillset of the SB in that vid as well as Surprise Shot in combination with Caltrops. Probably wound’t have been able to do that if I had switched to D/D in the wrong situation. Also take into account that this is a video you’re watching. You are just observing while in a tournament you are constantly anticipating what is going to happen and you’re constantly making decisions what to do or not to do. Some decisions might even be wrong, like when I got snared by that ranger. I should’ve used Steal to get out of it but yea, I’m just a human and in the end I still got use for the stealth I guess.

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Same.4687


I’m not calling you bad or anything, I was just wondering what your thought process was for your choices. <3

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Malicious.6742


Don’t worry I am aware of that. I was just trying to give you a comprehensible explanation for my actions.

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


seems abit more fun the the regular death blossom spam builds, might try something like this, and btw no cond duration doesnt tick at 25% or any% its based on seconds, if its a 4 second bleed 25% will make it 5sec, it just has too be a whole number, so if your main bleed is 10 secs like death blossoms is (i think) 20% will make it last 12.

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: luxen.8376


play hard go solo <3

Luxen – Engineer, Elementalist & Warrior

[Video] Condition thief - solo queue tPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Slic.2406


play hard go solo <3


Wow, unicorn in tourneys, not very common. And you pull it off very well, too! Those poison aoes while in SR – I’m going to remember that one. And I see you also use the steal-finishers – zat pesky thief teleport can go to hell.