[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: Nex.2450


Hey guys! This is my second video, which features P/D gameplay, both group and solo. It is much shorter than my original video, and has more group play in it.

Hope you all enjoy.

Dante Auditore – Maguuma
[SWäG] – Still Winning and Grinning

(edited by Nex.2450)

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


I also play P/D atm, but without perplex.

One can always criticise one others gameplay watching a video, and I saw alot of dodges where you really didnt need to. But if you dodged to gain swiftness, thats another story I guess ;-)

Cool vid, keep it up.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: Nex.2450


I also play P/D atm, but without perplex.

One can always criticise one others gameplay watching a video, and I saw alot of dodges where you really didnt need to. But if you dodged to gain swiftness, thats another story I guess ;-)

Cool vid, keep it up.

Thanks for the tip! Now I need to go through the videos and see where I’ve been making that mistake… I don’t have the swiftness on dodge trait so ya its just poor play by me :p

Dante Auditore – Maguuma
[SWäG] – Still Winning and Grinning

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: mPascoal.4258


Let me guess

Full Dire
Perplexity Runes
Sigil of Energy and the one stack condition damage

kitten I have to try some cheese build soon

Phask - Guardian/DH | Phaskk - Warrior | Phaask - Revenant

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: Hawkeye.9687


I always like watching thieves killing people with any spec .
The irony is that after all these nerfs we are a very effective class in a lot of aspects of this game .
Nice video keep up.

Main : Thief – Shadowdancer X
Alts : Warrior- Mesmer lvl 80 [Piken Square]
Death is just the beginning

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: Nex.2450


Let me guess

Full Dire
Perplexity Runes
Sigil of Energy and the one stack condition damage

kitten I have to try some cheese build soon

Pretty close :p. You’re wrong on the sigils but correct on the armour, runes, and trait lines. Honestly I’ve heard so many specs called cheese, the word has really lost any meaning it once had. I try and include only outnumbered fights, so it tunes down the amount of cheese for the lactose intolerant. P/D before perplexity was definitely powerful, but it’s Achilles’ heel was that it relied so heavily on one condition. The #3 torment addition, as well as perplexity, really changed this. Overall, the build is one of the strongest P/D thief has right now, and as long as I enjoy it, I don’t feel the need to intentionally nerf myself.

Funny I say that though, because I never run with food and most of the time have mini Lord Faren following me around giving out my position in stealth. But that’s more because I’m a cheap kitten , and Lord Faren is my buddy.

What I’m really looking forward to is the April 15th patch. I’m going to spend a lot of time looking at the updated runes, and see if there’s something that could possibly be better than perplexity. Right now my build really lacks condition duration, so if I could get that, but keep the confusion with the new trickery trait, it could open up a lot more different options.

Dante Auditore – Maguuma
[SWäG] – Still Winning and Grinning

(edited by Nex.2450)

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: Nex.2450


I always like watching thieves killing people with any spec .
The irony is that after all these nerfs we are a very effective class in a lot of aspects of this game .
Nice video keep up.

Thanks for the support! I find I enjoy watching videos from all classes, not only does it help me understand the builds and classes better, but I’m always impressed by the skill of the player. But my personal favorite are thief videos, I just enjoy the playstyle a lot.

Dante Auditore – Maguuma
[SWäG] – Still Winning and Grinning

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: Xhean.3452


so, what sigils are you using then

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: Nex.2450


so, what sigils are you using then

Have to keep a little bit of mystery :p

But if you really want to know just message me in game, though I’m not sure the sigils will work after the 15th patch.

Dante Auditore – Maguuma
[SWäG] – Still Winning and Grinning

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: Intensity.8964


I hate to be that guy, but I watched the first 2 clips and although you might start the fight outnumbered, before the fight has been decided you outnumber the opponent. An example would be at the sentry by bay, the second clip in the video.
tl;dr, probably not outnumbered.

[Video] Dante Auditore - WvW Roaming 2

in Thief

Posted by: Nex.2450


I hate to be that guy, but I watched the first 2 clips and although you might start the fight outnumbered, before the fight has been decided you outnumber the opponent. An example would be at the sentry by bay, the second clip in the video.
tl;dr, probably not outnumbered.

Don’t worry, you’re completely right. I included the first clip because we had basically killed most of them until another guy came, and the second clip because it initially was just msandmann and I thinking we were about to go up against 2v5 or so. But in the end of both those fights we did outnumber the opponents. My reasoning is that I still found these clips pretty enjoyable, and I wanted to put something new out relatively fast. If you want purely outnumbered action you can check out my first video.

P.S. – The next three clips in this video are all outnumbered.

Dante Auditore – Maguuma
[SWäG] – Still Winning and Grinning

(edited by Nex.2450)