(edited by XPGAMER.7324)
[Video] Nightblade Outnumbered 5
Wooh! Welcome back mate I’m on YB so let’s duel some time!
Wooh! Welcome back mate
I’m on YB so let’s duel some time!
Thanks <3. Sure, just hit me up whenever you’d like.
Mamucho el grande vid. Though the Í on my name you messed up xP. alt-0205. GG wp was fun working with you.
Cool Video mate!
You’ve gotten a lot better at d/d man keep it up! Fun videos
You’ve gotten a lot better at d/d man keep it up! Fun videos
Haha I remember a long time ago when we used to fight. Definitely one of the influences that made me what I am now, thank you so much for that <3
You’ve gotten a lot better at d/d man keep it up! Fun videos
Haha I remember a long time ago when we used to fight. Definitely one of the influences that made me what I am now, thank you so much for that <3
Haha thanks nice to feel appreciated, what server you end up on now :o
You’ve gotten a lot better at d/d man keep it up! Fun videos
Haha I remember a long time ago when we used to fight. Definitely one of the influences that made me what I am now, thank you so much for that <3
Haha thanks nice to feel appreciated, what server you end up on now :o
Fort Aspenwood. Feels alot like Mag did before I quit
Booo guess we can’t do, i’m transferring there later this week lol guildies there
Booo guess we can’t do, i’m transferring there later this week lol guildies there
We will have to roam… O.O
Gr8 m8. Gj Ily <3
Gr8 m8. Gj Ily <3
ly2 bae glad u liked <3
Can you tell me how shadow arts scrubs hit for 9k in wvw? Because in PvP , SA thieves usually don’t hit more than 4k on other thieves ..
Can you tell me how shadow arts scrubs hit for 9k in wvw? Because in PvP , SA thieves usually don’t hit more than 4k on other thieves ..
Well its for a couple of reasons.
1. Cloak and dagger has a specific damage nerf for pvp, as well as an extended reveal time (dps nerf)
2. The 5th trait in the SA line stacks might, and I am also running runes of strength which makes for a lovely combo.
3. WvW damage is usually higher than damage in spvp
4. I have guard stacks in a lot of the clips. It doesn’t help that much, but it does add a little more dps.
5. Opponents playing squishy builds, which you have to wonder about, but it happens.
Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.
I refuse to believe this has Shadow Art. I refuse to believe this has Shadow Art. I refuse to believe this has Shadow Art. I refuse to believe this has Shadow Art.
kitten brah. GG
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa
I’m sooo bad at teef
ps who’s better OP or this Jesse dood. I needs halp on teef
(edited by T raw.4658)
5. Opponents playing squishy builds, which you have to wonder about, but it happens.
Yeah but in pvp thief opponents also run squishy builds xD
I’m sooo bad at teef
ps who’s better OP or this Jesse dood. I needs halp on teef
Better isn’t a answer then can be given :p there is no best thief imo, on d/d i think Night Blade is by far miles better, i haven’t played the spec in months. S/D i would say amons better, D/P or P/D (to many thieves to name) and well i play s/p so i die a lot lol
Just pm me anytime ingame, or send me a forum message. I’m usually available to help anyone improve with thief
I’m sooo bad at teef
ps who’s better OP or this Jesse dood. I needs halp on teef
Better isn’t a answer then can be given :p there is no best thief imo, on d/d i think Night Blade is by far miles better, i haven’t played the spec in months. S/D i would say amons better, D/P or P/D (to many thieves to name) and well i play s/p so i die a lot lol
Every Thief weapons are great, but after playing countless times as a D/P , I think the most skillful thieves I have played against were S/D ones. but then that’s just my opinion.
Also i am so glad Uploader didn’t run the usual 26006 like everybody, even in shadow traits she still managed to rek havoc. Don’t follow the flow, do what pleases you.
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa
Too bad I can’t make a poll in here (At least I don’t think), but would 1v1 videos interest anyone? or should I start including some decent 1v1s in videos? Would be great to get some feedback
Also i am so glad Uploader didn’t run the usual 26006 like everybody, even in shadow traits she still managed to rek havoc. Don’t follow the flow, do what pleases you.
2/6/0/06 isn’t meta in wvw i think, very popular in pvp though, 2/0/6/0/6 is the most common wvw spec right now (condi or power)
Too bad I can’t make a poll in here (At least I don’t think), but would 1v1 videos interest anyone? or should I start including some decent 1v1s in videos? Would be great to get some feedback
I’d be interested
Too bad I can’t make a poll in here (At least I don’t think), but would 1v1 videos interest anyone? or should I start including some decent 1v1s in videos? Would be great to get some feedback
Yes please, less to CnD on which can be tricky/funny at times.
Too bad I can’t make a poll in here (At least I don’t think), but would 1v1 videos interest anyone? or should I start including some decent 1v1s in videos? Would be great to get some feedback
Yes please, less to CnD on which can be tricky/funny at times.
What would be the most interesting build/class that I can 1v1?
What would be the most interesting build/class that I can 1v1? :)
Well, if you ask me it would be necro they are a mystery to me ;)
Power, haven’t met many condi or fear builds, maybe they’re even worse.
But any class/build would do.
What would be the most interesting build/class that I can 1v1?
Well, if you ask me it would be necro they are a mystery to me
Power, haven’t met many condi or fear builds, maybe they’re even worse.But any class/build would do.
Terrormancer is a lot more difficult than a powernecro imo. For power necro if u just cc them during their deathshroud (Basilisk + Fear steal), and just cnd off them the rest of the time, they usually go down fairly easy. Dodge the lifeburst though (Deathshroud base attack). Also if they enter deathshroud with low health, they’ll most likely heal when they get out of deathshroud, so get that interupt ready. There’s some more to it than that, but I hope that helps.
Terrormancer is a lot more difficult than a powernecro imo. For power necro if u just cc them during their deathshroud (Basilisk + Fear steal), and just cnd off them the rest of the time, they usually go down fairly easy. Dodge the lifeburst though (Deathshroud base attack). Also if they enter deathshroud with low health, they’ll most likely heal when they get out of deathshroud, so get that interupt ready. There’s some more to it than that, but I hope that helps.
Problem is I created a necro to understand more of what they do, but I still have no idea – my necro just facetanks/steamrolls everything and I have no clue how. I’m still toast in wvw though.
Thanks for the tips, I guess it does help, but I might still have problems with their wells and marks so cnd while they’re sitting in them.
Terrormancer is a lot more difficult than a powernecro imo. For power necro if u just cc them during their deathshroud (Basilisk + Fear steal), and just cnd off them the rest of the time, they usually go down fairly easy. Dodge the lifeburst though (Deathshroud base attack). Also if they enter deathshroud with low health, they’ll most likely heal when they get out of deathshroud, so get that interupt ready. There’s some more to it than that, but I hope that helps.
Problem is I created a necro to understand more of what they do, but I still have no idea – my necro just facetanks/steamrolls everything and I have no clue how. I’m still toast in wvw though.
Thanks for the tips, I guess it does help, but I might still have problems with their wells and marks so cnd while they’re sitting in them.
Here maybe this will help you even more. Any questions about what’s going on or what I’m doing, just let me know. A lot goes unnoticed in montages without commentary
So you want me to have nightmares by showing me footage of 2 necros – alright. ;)
Well yeah, I’m going to a try something of it the next time I’ll face a necro. Maybe my biggest mistake is impatience.
DD Thief wont beat a Necro of equal skill, they wont let you gap close, you have limited gap close in the first place, and there’s no way to interrupt the heal. Nice video btw.
I’m not coming back, not that you care.
DD Thief wont beat a Necro of equal skill, they wont let you gap close, you have limited gap close in the first place, and there’s no way to interrupt the heal. Nice video btw.
Thanks I’m glad you liked. And that’s not entirely true, because chaining cloak and dagger allows you to pretty much negate a necro’s deathshroud, which is a huge advantage. Just gotta be patient in those fights, and you can win
Nice video, glad to see you’re back! I can’t wait for the next one