[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Here’s Vol . 4 of my roaming series. I did a bit more editing on this one and I’m not sure if it’s too much, so let me know, but either way I hope you guys enjoy it.

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: Menmaro.4607


What build you running? Seem to be doing decent damage with a high hp pool O.o

Never trust a thief, they’ll backstab you and steal your shit..

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

Marurder armor/weapon stats with bersker Trinks I think. Not really tried d/p and staff combo.

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


It’s Marauder/Soldier/ some other things with daredevil runes. I forget exactly what it is, but ill post a build later.

D/P staff is nice because it’s adaptable to multiple situations. If not having a shortbow is a turn off for you in pvp i’d try it in WvW first. With dash you can make up for the horizontal mobility loss, but you do lose that on demand vertical mobility.

You can, however, work around certain spots and get to places you couldn’t with a shortbow, due to having vault.

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: Jana.6831


Did you know that we started playing thief at the same time? And I even learned stuff from your videos back in the day – mostly combos.
No offense, I know what you can do, but this looks like facerolling against baddies – and it’s the game’s fault.

ETA: I’m still watching: There are some rather good enemies or situations in which you’re in danger but you chose to mess with the videoeffects – don’t =) I know how much fun it is to match a song to a video but there are other ways to do so – slow motion for example.

(edited by Jana.6831)

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Did you know that we started playing thief at the same time? And I even learned stuff from your videos back in the day – mostly combos.
No offense, I know what you can do, but this looks like facerolling against baddies – and it’s the game’s fault.

ETA: I’m still watching: There are some rather good enemies or situations in which you’re in danger but you chose to mess with the videoeffects – don’t =) I know how much fun it is to match a song to a video but there are other ways to do so – slow motion for example.

Yeah. Wvw is not the best place to highlight skill, as stereotypically the player skill isn’t as high. In terms of montages I try to make them more enjoyable rather than a shocwcase. However, I’m wanting to start to move more towards just videos with minimal editing, and have better situations that are more interesting and just have notes/analysis of it.

As for the editing, I get what you mean. Whenever I do a skip or something of the sort I try my best to make sure nothing important is left out, so just know you aren’t missing much. It does break flow, though, so it’s basically a matter of immersion vs. entertainment, which the latter is what I usually lean toward as far as montages go. I am, however, going to experiment with different methods in the future since I’m starting to lean toward more highlights rather than just killing bads (I try to include more interesting fights toward the end with less editing). But thanks a ton for the feedback, it is noted!

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: Jana.6831


Yeah. Wvw is not the best place to highlight skill, as stereotypically the player skill isn’t as high.

Not anymore sadly, true.

In terms of montages I try to make them more enjoyable rather than a shocwcase. However, I’m wanting to start to move more towards just videos with minimal editing, and have better situations that are more interesting and just have notes/analysis of it.

All good, just that I wanted to watch the chronomancer and was “umm eehh whhyy???” A lot of people probably don’t care.

But thanks a ton for the feedback, it is noted!

I felt bad that I was complaining once again – glad you’re not mad but took it as the constructive feedback it was meant to be.

An example:
at around 35 s and also 4:44 and the fight before – the moment he stomps is a “woohoo you deserved it!!” and it fits the music.
It took a while until I realized that he had a god-like timing, his videos look rather random at the first glimpse, but the stuff he highlighted is cool to even noobs.

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: vaxjani.9073


Really good stuff, i enjoyed it.

For the editing part: its really good, i like these kind of edits but there are some fine tuning i think you could do.
Almost everybody puts the chat cover as a different layer(?) (or entity idk) in their vids. What i mean by that is if your footage goes black (transition) the chat cover doesnt disappear with it and comes back with the footage. Same goes for other transitions (like blurs, zooms etc.) and video effects. Imo the chat cover should move, disappear and get those effects too like its part of the footage.
Also a small thing (doesnt really affect things) is when you use the same effect in quick succession. If the music has the same tune(?) every like 5-10s i would only use an effect for the first one (If it comes back later you can use it again tho) so the effect won’t be boring for the second time. (although it depends on the effects and tunes some can be better with it)

Maybe these are just my preferences. Anyways good job on the vid again!

Lagspike – Never Gonna Find Me – Happy Burstday
War/Ranger/Thief Roaming Vids

(edited by vaxjani.9073)

[Video] Outnumbered/Duels Vol. 4

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Thanks for the constructive feedback, everyone. It is highly appreciated.

@vaxjani I’m glad you brought up the repeating of effects thing. I wasn’t sure myself to repeat them, especially during that second song during the beat drop. I think my mentality was “it fits fairly well with the drop and I wanted to highlight that” but in hindsight I did use that same “glitch” a lot. So thanks for bringing that up.