[Video] Solo D/D Outnumbered Fights #2
Really nice video, the music was great! Keep the videos coming.
10/10 editing would watch again.
Good stuff dawg
Awesome, keep up the good work bro!!
Wow man great vid! The part where you go down low on hp in the first real fight is epic, and you beat that other d/d thief naked lmao. And you actually fight some relatively competant players, and not uplevelds or complete bads. Nice vid! Can’t wait for more, maybe you can make a 1v1 vid too that’d be cool, though I do enjoy these roaming vids XD
Don’t understand why more people haven’t seen this, its not even long. Keep up the good work, insane thief!
(edited by DragonKing.3659)
Epic video.
Would you mind sharing your build if that’s not too much to ask with armor types etc. Would love that. Thanks
Nicely played!
The thing I learned about this build is that if you’re good, you pretty much become an unstoppable force of death and destruction. As there is little room for mistakes, the average player can get taken down rather quickly. You clearly have much more skill than me as I never was that impressive on my D/D thief.
Playing a condi/tank D/D Ele, I tend to find full zerker thieves to be much less of a threat. With 3K+ armor, 1700+ condi damage and a sload of regen, I typically take now most thieves w/o too much trouble. The more skilled players like you end up in a massive duel that lasts so long one of us ends up falling asleep at the keyboard.
Nicely played!
The thing I learned about this build is that if you’re good, you pretty much become an unstoppable force of death and destruction. As there is little room for mistakes, the average player can get taken down rather quickly. You clearly have much more skill than me as I never was that impressive on my D/D thief.
Playing a condi/tank D/D Ele, I tend to find full zerker thieves to be much less of a threat. With 3K+ armor, 1700+ condi damage and a sload of regen, I typically take now most thieves w/o too much trouble. The more skilled players like you end up in a massive duel that lasts so long one of us ends up falling asleep at the keyboard.
Yeah would be an interesting and long fight for sure! The build I use isn’t very tolerant to mistakes, simple dodges can counter cloak and dagger. Miss one and your in trouble, miss two and blow a utillity/heal, and if your out of utillities you’re pretty much dead. Thanks for the input, and I’ll be making more videos soon so stay tuned
Epic video.
Would you mind sharing your build if that’s not too much to ask with armor types etc. Would love that. Thanks
Link to build is in the vid description if u wanna check it out xD
Btw, what did you use to edit this time? It looks great!
Btw, what did you use to edit this time? It looks great!
Thanks I used adobe premiere this time haha, you should check it out!
Im glad someone else still kicks kitten w d/d in this meta all my guildies make fun of me cause i still run it meanwhile i destroy more people than them in WvW lol very good editing im trying to get a different program for my vids as well,
Good play – very fun watch for a vid. Nice.