[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: ddrake.5436


has anyone from Anet spoken about the stealth issue? or is it just a localised lag issue? maybe you all need faster internet connections and not a fix for the game.

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: Slic.2406


has anyone from Anet spoken about the stealth issue? or is it just a localised lag issue? maybe you all need faster internet connections and not a fix for the game.

^ This also comes to mind. If you’re playing with over 100 ping, and you expect someone like me NOT to have an advantage with my ~50-70 ping, then you’re just being crazy. In that scenario, no matter WHAT you do with your 100+ ping, I will always have an advantage, regardless of class/build choice. So will others. It’s the same thing as having 30-60fps vs 15fps. It becomes night and day in certain cases.

And I do know for a fact that the laggier you are, the more the player culling and stealth-lag tends to come up. From what I’ve seen it’s a rather linear relationship. So yeah, you can’t do much there, because the world’s routers aren’t ALL connected by ODBC3 lines or higher. Bad ping? TOO BAD, but that’s not anet’s servers/netcode or faulty class balance. That’s on YOU.

I don’t mention that in the video, but yes, if any of them are lagging a lot (not talking about framerate, talking about LATENCY), then yea, it’s very possible a LOT of weird stuff is happening on their screen, not just culling. Again though, they couldn’t ALL be lagging in that clip, right? This is the whole benefit of the doubt thing, where I’m sick of giving it to others, because I know better.

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: FannonCodder.1286



Love the vids, between you and Daphoenix (D/D tank ele build) I am torn between which prof I want to focus with. Speaking of ele’s that go D/D, do you have a lot of trouble with them (good ones mind you)

I notice in #6 you use p/d and then d/d, and #skill 2 to the wall… do you find that better then using the SB?

One last thing – the change in your build from 30 in deadly Arts to 20 and then increasing Shadow Arts to 30. Was the loss of the 10% damage from 25 in deadly Arts worth the extra regen in stealth? is the might from stealth making up for it or might a combo of 25 in each be better?

(edited by FannonCodder.1286)

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: Emerge.9640


Was that the song from Chrono Trigger at the end?

ROAM | Oink | TLP

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: Slic.2406



Love the vids, between you and Daphoenix (D/D tank ele build) I am torn between which prof I want to focus with. Speaking of ele’s that go D/D, do you have a lot of trouble with them (good ones mind you)

I notice in #6 you use p/d and then d/d, and #skill 2 to the wall… do you find that better then using the SB?

One last thing – the change in your build from 30 in deadly Arts to 20 and then increasing Shadow Arts to 30. Was the loss of the 10% damage from 25 in deadly Arts worth the extra regen in stealth? is the might from stealth making up for it or might a combo of 25 in each be better?

The 10% damage doesn’t affect condition damage, so it isn’t that useful. The 5-10% condition duration is though, but I sit right at 7s at 20 (7.3 at 30), so I don’t notice the loss very often. However, fractions in duration do add to bleed dps so I’m sure I’m losing something. There’s threads out there about it with rather weird results.

Was that the song from Chrono Trigger at the end?

Yeah, Spekkio’s theme.

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: hakurface.2619


Think you could post a better quality? 720p seems a little a grainy.

Great video none the less. I’m loving the build. Even more when you owned that thief trying to hide in that skill and you flipped around him and downed him. Trying to get a better feel for the other classes. I see how you use your skills and I must say, “golf clap”. Big question is, what server do you play on?

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: Eihder.8961


Nice try but the culling issue has pretty well been proven to death. Yes even i have a thief, yes even i think its funny how much of an edge it gives in wvw.

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: Dasboba.1652


Love your vids Slic. You and I have nearly the exact same build, only i’m 25/0/30/15/0. I have a couple of questions for you though. Do you find Leeching venoms to be better than the condition removal of Shadows Embrace? 2nd, is Pain response worth taking another 5 points out of Deadly arts and subsequently losing the 10% damage when you have a condition up? My spec tends to jump between 25 in DA and 25 in Acro, and it’s always been for the 10% damage increase. Maybe I’m just locked into the mindset that the 10% is beneficial. Also, it’s good to see that you’re on SBI now, maybe I’ll see out out sometime. I’m always up for some JQ bashing.

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: Stiv.1820


Love your vids Slic. You and I have nearly the exact same build, only i’m 25/0/30/15/0. I have a couple of questions for you though. Do you find Leeching venoms to be better than the condition removal of Shadows Embrace? 2nd, is Pain response worth taking another 5 points out of Deadly arts and subsequently losing the 10% damage when you have a condition up? My spec tends to jump between 25 in DA and 25 in Acro, and it’s always been for the 10% damage increase. Maybe I’m just locked into the mindset that the 10% is beneficial. Also, it’s good to see that you’re on SBI now, maybe I’ll see out out sometime. I’m always up for some JQ bashing.

I’m not Slic but the answer is hells yes! You only loose 10% on the DD portion of Pistol#1, Dancing dagger and C&D (and whatever DD steals you get) but gain an awesome defensive ability that you don’t even have to think about.

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: MasterDeere.3417


… Thieves…. lets buff them more so they can 1 shot entire mob and destroy ennemy castle with HS. I bet thieves players will keep saying its a L2P issue.

[Video] Thief PvP - Yippie Kye Yay 6

in Thief

Posted by: Slic.2406


… Thieves…. lets buff them more so they can 1 shot entire mob and destroy ennemy castle with HS. I bet thieves players will keep saying its a L2P issue.
