[Video]WvW Roaming Thief Session D/D

[Video]WvW Roaming Thief Session D/D

in Thief

Posted by: Mirjan.5982


It was a test of new build I made turned out pretty fun
Thought to share this style of d/d that I am playing
hope you enjoy

(edited by Mirjan.5982)

[Video]WvW Roaming Thief Session D/D

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Cool vid, if not a little too long for my likings. But what I saw was nice-y (15 min-ish).

Wonder if it would be cool to drop the music? At least if you want it to bee that long. Just you, the enemy and the world. I don’t know, just popped in my head.

And you use daggerstorm just for the stability it offers? I see you cancel it all the time, so that must be why ;-) You find it worthy as a source of stability on a long CD? It is our only source of stability tho..

So, mind posting your new build? Just interested in having a look at it ;-)

Keep it up, good work

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

[Video]WvW Roaming Thief Session D/D

in Thief

Posted by: Mirjan.5982


yea I only included the encounters and skipped the running/getting zerged since this is a test session for the build to see all the good and the bad..
for the music, it’s running in the background while I am roaming, its not implemented for the video ,that’s why you see my character dancing most of the time
I cancel dagger storm when I am usually against mele coz i’ts dangerous staying in the lock animation without evade or stealth since I am very squishy and the stability is very worth it for counter attack , although its very useful to make full use of dagger storm against ranged enemy..
for the build I can say I am full zerk and the rest is easy to guess..otherwise you are a nub thief and you don’t worth to play this build joking
I may do another video for that..