WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Adrift.8596


So after DEC 10 when there is no more perma stealth, if someone keeps crying about stealth i suggest you stop using your healing signet, insane amount of blocks and ask ANET to give you same HP as thief has.

This class has only one ability to avoid being shred to pieces and that is stealth!(only S/D has normal evade)

You ask for nerf stealth? Ok nerf it as much as you want, but i want BLOCKS then, give me your HP then…

Now please save your cries that ‘’ we cant’t see thieves ‘’ … yet you can attack…
So what if i can see WAR, GUARD, ELE, ENGI if they block atacks?
Stealth is same thing just backwards you can hit but you don’t see.
Mathematically it’s STEALTH = 1/BLOCK.

So HANDS OFF of the things we have left!

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Sanduskel.1850


I find stealth to be FAR more powerful than block, lol

OP’d thief, lol

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Viking Jorun.5413

Viking Jorun.5413

When a player actually knows how to fight thieves it’s an entirely different ball game and a real challenge to come out on top. When you’re running burst it’s your job to pick off the inexperienced and under leveled to keep unnecessary pressure off of your allies. People will always whine when they’re insta-gibbed because a thief just hopped out of stealth and took them down in one rotation since they’re inexperienced, don’t know what dodging is and need to L2P.


WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Lighter.5631


tbh i would love to have a warrior that has warrior’s GS skill and thief’s insane amount of evades and shadowstep for insane burst combo, ofc with 10k base HP…..imagine the fun i would have on that…nerdgasm

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Arkantos.7460


meanwhile, after 100000 fights ……
warriors will smash them down,
eles will burn them to hell,
Necros will leeching them out,
engis will blow them up,
Rangers will bleed them out,
mesmers will shatter them into peaces,
guards will give them oblivion,
the one fight they saw an invisible thief …. absolutely inacceptable and fully OP ….

Good Thiefs are average,
Skilled Thiefs are dangerous

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


I can’t beat this person. Ergo, he’s too OP. It’s not my fault, it’s the class’ fault.

Plz nerf so I can beat him.

….-sigh- It will never end.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Nema Tode.5637

Nema Tode.5637

Here’s my opinion on the matter:

The only thing that the infusion patch will effect is the d/p weapon set. That being said, as a thief who has both used and fought people with d/p, I think that using d/p as a way to stealth independently of the target and remove some conditions is perfectly fair and should be kept, however, using d/p to chain stealth is not.
For this I am reasonably sure infusion of shadow was not created to allow people to use d/p like this, but allow people to use a single stealth skill without burning up their initiative. Yes other classes DO have blocks and DO have more damage mitigation skills, but they aren’t able to use them in succession like thieves who use d/p. They can only use them one time and then must wait to use them again, and it should be like that for us too. Another thing to note is that other classes seem to incorporate defense more than thieves. I am sure that at least half of the thieves reading this have defense on the low side in order to get the most out of a backstab, and I get that, but it comes at a price.

To summarize:
Thieves that use d/p as a gateway to using backstab and quickly healing/removing conditions will be unaffected by this patch, but thieves that use d/p to heal a great amount of health and remove all of their conditions in only one stealth period are going to get the hammer, which is a great solution for a great problem IMO.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Peow peow.2189

Peow peow.2189

I find engi. A strong counter to stealth Specially vsing them as a dd or dp thief, they just run around with perm swiftness and vigor while spamming aoe everywhere. I mean I rolled engi because of that but god kitten the class is just stupid atm lol, aoe needs to be scaled down a bit.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Dual.8953


Here’s my opinion on the matter:

The only thing that the infusion patch will effect is the d/p weapon set. That being said, as a thief who has both used and fought people with d/p, I think that using d/p as a way to stealth independently of the target and remove some conditions is perfectly fair and should be kept, however, using d/p to chain stealth is not.
For this I am reasonably sure infusion of shadow was not created to allow people to use d/p like this, but allow people to use a single stealth skill without burning up their initiative. Yes other classes DO have blocks and DO have more damage mitigation skills, but they aren’t able to use them in succession like thieves who use d/p. They can only use them one time and then must wait to use them again, and it should be like that for us too. Another thing to note is that other classes seem to incorporate defense more than thieves. I am sure that at least half of the thieves reading this have defense on the low side in order to get the most out of a backstab, and I get that, but it comes at a price.

To summarize:
Thieves that use d/p as a gateway to using backstab and quickly healing/removing conditions will be unaffected by this patch, but thieves that use d/p to heal a great amount of health and remove all of their conditions in only one stealth period are going to get the hammer, which is a great solution for a great problem IMO.

I think most Thieves agree that the Infusion of Shadow nerf is needed. We just don’t want the nerfs to continue afterward. I’m an optimist to a fault, and even I see that we’re beginning to reach our limit nerfs wise. I’m suspecting the coming Sword nerf will cause us to buckle on the 10th, and we’ll have to scramble to find a new viable build, (likely something D/x)(that said I live and die by S/D control, so I’ll see if I can figure something out)

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Cynz.9437


you know it is kind of wrong to make this thread on thief forums, as most thieves won’t complain about stealth as they know how to counter it

major QQ comes from people who have 0 clue about how stealth works

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Zanshin.5379


Stealth is not the problem. Perma stealth is.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: ramorambo.6701


I find stealth to be FAR more powerful than block, lol

I apologize for feeding THE troll and for the OT, but i really always wanted to ask sanduskel a question: why do you spend your whole days on gw2 forum writing useless and stupid things?
People figured out your trollish attitude, what’s the point anymore?

(edited by ramorambo.6701)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Gwalchgwn.1659


I think most Thieves agree that the Infusion of Shadow nerf is needed.

Idd, in fact I’m pretty sure thieves been proposing anet to nerf this trait 6 months ago already, instead of nerfing specific skills that actually made the perma stealthing builds so “loved”. I remember reading suggestion threats about nerfing infusion of shadows.

Ring of Fire
GL – “The Afternoon’s Watch” [OATH]

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Undeadkemea.4865


I find stealth to be FAR more powerful than block, lol

I just love your answers Sanduskel. I’ve seen you posting in several other threads and it has been absolutely golden to read every single one of your absolutely elaborate replies xD

Stealth works on a person’s incompetence. Is your enemy competent….stealth is worthless, apart from the might it can give you or a blind it can inflict on your opponent(when traited for it ofcourse).

People who ask for stealth nerfs…well…yeah, they are a bunch of special people :P

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Sanduskel.1850


I find stealth to be FAR more powerful than block, lol

I apologize for feeding THE troll and for the OT, but i really always wanted to ask sanduskel a question: why do you spend your whole days on gw2 forum writing useless and stupid things?
People figured out your trollish attitude, what’s the point anymore?

Although this technically constitutes a personal attack I will let it slide. I am here because I don’t want narrow views that seek to op my class to prevail. Op classes get constantly nerf and earn the hatred of other players. I also appreciate a challenge. I speak for thousands of thieves who enjoy their class and trust anet to balance the ENTIRE game.

OP’d thief, lol

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

What’s this… thieves still exist in the game!?!?

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Domey.9804


Sanduskel speaks for thousands of thieves…sure…can you even name One of the thousand?

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Kaboomski.1508

Sir Kaboomski.1508

and trust anet to balance the ENTIRE game.

Nope.. I don’t.. why? Because for starters Power spam 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 necro’s and bomb/condi nuke engi’s still exist.

I’ll argue it again.. Perma Stealth is a defensive tactic.. you have to build for it and slot the skills for it. The fact is it simply kitten es people off because they don’t get a bag.

So technically we should create our own bandwagon called “Perma Run” warriors. Because with enough skills in the rotation they can perma-chain 1200 range movement skills.

(edited by Sir Kaboomski.1508)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Excalibur.9748


Sanduskel speaks for thousands of thieves…sure…can you even name One of the thousand?

he can name 5 at least….but they’re his 5 alts, all thieves.

All is vain.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: SoLeciTO.3490


I find stealth to be FAR more powerful than block, lol

I apologize for feeding THE troll and for the OT, but i really always wanted to ask sanduskel a question: why do you spend your whole days on gw2 forum writing useless and stupid things?
People figured out your trollish attitude, what’s the point anymore?

Although this technically constitutes a personal attack I will let it slide. I am here because I don’t want narrow views that seek to op my class to prevail. Op classes get constantly nerf and earn the hatred of other players. I also appreciate a challenge. I speak for thousands of thieves who enjoy their class and trust anet to balance the ENTIRE game.

Please Sanduskel.1850 we all know you just want to troll in this forum.

Please please please stop with the “i’am a super pro thief and everything anet does is correct thing”.

I hope a moderator could take care of this guy who is constantly passive attacking every single post in this forum.

About the topic . . .

I would love also see than anet gives a time duration buff to Area Stealth (smoke field and shortbow combo).

Since we are not going to be able to chain it we could get a buff to keep that support to our parties.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..


and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..


and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

You will never top Sanduskel’s level of BS. Nice try though.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..


and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

…. from 9 months ago. …. when culling existed….. and before some of the abilities (i.e. caltrops) were nerfed. …. using conditions in a meta where most people were set up to counter burst……. before other classes were significantly buffed……. and the top comments are still l2p (coming from non-thieves)…..

Have you tried thief like we keep suggesting yet?

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: SoLeciTO.3490


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..


and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

Yes you can be consider as a troll in this forum . . . of course not at the level of sanduskel.

If not then why in the the post i will attach you and him are the only ones QQ about thief, when most every person says warriors, necros and mesmer are the best for 1v1 in WvW?

Tell me more plz . . .


WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..


and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

…. from 9 months ago. …. when culling existed….. and before some of the abilities (i.e. caltrops) were nerfed. …. using conditions in a meta where most people were set up to counter burst……. before other classes were significantly buffed……. and the top comments are still l2p (coming from non-thieves)…..

Have you tried thief like we keep suggesting yet?

I would like too, someday but right now, ranger class is my heart; even though it is mercilessly being tortured in the hand of thieves and Arena.net.

This is what, why we were created for, right?

So i guess.. after the burial of my innocent ranger, i will be free to cross the other side.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Maugetarr.6823


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..


and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

…. from 9 months ago. …. when culling existed….. and before some of the abilities (i.e. caltrops) were nerfed. …. using conditions in a meta where most people were set up to counter burst……. before other classes were significantly buffed……. and the top comments are still l2p (coming from non-thieves)…..

Have you tried thief like we keep suggesting yet?

I would like too, someday but right now, ranger class is my heart; even though it is mercilessly being tortured in the hand of thieves and Arena.net.

This is what, why we were created for, right?

So i guess.. after the burial to my innocent ranger, i will be free to cross the other side.

Well reading through the thread that solecito linked, a number of people think ranger is already a strong competitor (depending on build) in 1v1 and is set to receive buffs this time around. Suggesting that you try a thief isn’t saying main it, but try it out because what seems OP to you now will be just smoke and mirrors after you learn first hand what a thief is doing.

(p.s. having alts will only strengthen your playing skills)

Blank Players [BDL]-Anvil Rock
Maugen Rawr- Thief/Ele
Rebalance Ideas for Thief

(edited by Maugetarr.6823)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Domey.9804


@Burnfall: what kind of ranger do you play? full glass?

apothecary/settler builds own thieves all day, or at least (if they decide to run) you remain untouchable for them.

today i played my lb/gs signet power ranger (yeah…rubbish) and i had some nice fights vs thieves. won some (including troll p/d and d/p) lost some.
what i want to say: if you would play thief for a while , you understand what they are capable of and what they cant do. you would know when to block/evade/rupt/kd to completely force them out of their rotations.
if you still feel tortured by thieves (after you tried it yourself), then its maybe your skill.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Zacchary.6183


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..


and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

…. from 9 months ago. …. when culling existed….. and before some of the abilities (i.e. caltrops) were nerfed. …. using conditions in a meta where most people were set up to counter burst……. before other classes were significantly buffed……. and the top comments are still l2p (coming from non-thieves)…..

Have you tried thief like we keep suggesting yet?

I would like too, someday but right now, ranger class is my heart; even though it is mercilessly being tortured in the hand of thieves and Arena.net.

So i guess.. after the burial of my innocent ranger, i will be free to cross the other side.

I’m having fun on my ranger. I don’t know what you are talking about. :I

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Zero Day.2594

Zero Day.2594

I would like too, someday but right now, ranger class is my heart; even though it is mercilessly being tortured in the hand of thieves and Arena.net.

This is what, why we were created for, right?

So i guess.. after the burial of my innocent ranger, i will be free to cross the other side.

And when that day comes, people might start taking you a bit more seriously…. might.

Scratch that… you will probably come back say “so easy unfair blah blah blah”.

Thief Nerf/Change Wish List. Advice List
Join the TEEFs!

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: SoLeciTO.3490


You know is always the same.

Sanduskel comes to troll and the topic is lost.

At the moment people starts calling him troll, the topic is lost and we could not give more constructive opinions.

A moderator should consider this passive trolling and do something about it.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: omnimister.4219


who asked for nerfs to stealth? (I could be asking for a lot of flame here but this needs to be said) WE GUARDIANS, WE OF EQUALLY LOW HEALTH, AND WE OF LOW MOBILITY! whenever we have a heated battle with any thief capable of technically one shotting most lower lvled classes (im looking at you 15k dmg) then when we get close to a possible kill you will just go invisi and run away from the fight all together. now wtf we are standing here looking lost waiting for your one attack that equals a block, and it never comes while you just sit back and full heal and come back on us whenever you feel like having the fight go your way. it shouldn’t take an overly skilled player to beat a simple thief. it should be fair.

The Knight Of Zero

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: RoenHawk.5891


Thief’s in WvW d/p perms stealth with 20K+ burst is a bit much. All that needs to be done is either reduce their DPS again or reduce the time it takes to go back into stealth. It is not a DPS issue but a stealth and movement issue right now with this class. I can see why other classes have issues with not being able to hit back if they are melee based classes and not condition build ones. I hope this coming patch gets it right for once.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: hihey.1075


Puah, I’ve already learnt not to chain more than 2HS into a BP (I usually go with 1, I chain 2 if things are getting really bad and I never chain 3 unless I’m in trolling mode “hide n seek”, which I stopped doing a few months ago).

With the improved Ini Regen, I will actually be getting a buff. And all those gimmicky easymode trolls are getting the bat.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


@Burnfall: what kind of ranger do you play? full glass?

apothecary/settler builds own thieves all day, or at least (if they decide to run) you remain untouchable for them.

today i played my lb/gs signet power ranger (yeah…rubbish) and i had some nice fights vs thieves. won some (including troll p/d and d/p) lost some.
what i want to say: if you would play thief for a while , you understand what they are capable of and what they cant do. you would know when to block/evade/rupt/kd to completely force them out of their rotations.
if you still feel tortured by thieves (after you tried it yourself), then its maybe your skill.

sorry for the late reply, i play a hybrid beastmaster/zerker ranger. Lately, i’ve been working on the builds you mention and i find myself doing much better against them, not killing them, of course! but very close, like 85%-90%.

In conclusion, Domey, i would like to thank you for your encouraging hopeful advice.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


I would like too, someday but right now, ranger class is my heart; even though it is mercilessly being tortured in the hand of thieves and Arena.net.

This is what, why we were created for, right?

So i guess.. after the burial of my innocent ranger, i will be free to cross the other side.

And when that day comes, people might start taking you a bit more seriously…. might.

Scratch that… you will probably come back say “so easy unfair blah blah blah”.

because i joined the dark side, right?

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Zach.3264


You do realise you’re talking to everyone except thieves, in the thieves section of the forum?

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..


and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

We know your history, and of the constant stream of bullkitten coming from your mouth.

EDIT: can I also add that that reddit thread is nine months old? The player also had some really good gear compared to his enemies, and the main issue, if anything, was the ridiculous amount of healing he got from whatever that food he was using was.


(edited by Arganthium.5638)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


In defense and support to Sanduskel, and to many sincere, honest and truth-bearing thieves, here and in gw2 reddit forums..


and no! i’m not a troll either; look up my history.

We know your history, and of the constant stream of bullkitten coming from your mouth.

EDIT: can I also add that that reddit thread is nine months old? The player also had some really good gear compared to his enemies, and the main issue, if anything, was the ridiculous amount of healing he got from whatever that food he was using was.

Yeah ok!!

I’m a vet of guild wars for 7 years, i’’m a vet of guild wars 2 since beta, yet i’m Bullkitten

Seriously, you have to do better than that.

Once again , playing the BLAME GAME is the solution of fixing this class and the game

You claim to be a thief, so why not publicly confess that thief is in PERFECT condition than?.

In other word, all thief players who see a problem with their class, are liars than, and you are the only one who is telling the truth.

I would like to remind you, i belong to a thief guild, consists of 150 + active members and it took me a long time to see their class weakness because i was in-denial and how i was blinded by my own ignorance of refusing to understand their class.

I also give many credit to the thieves here as well, for being patient and understanding of me; and they deserve it!

There are many good hearted sincere thief players here. as well, who will do whatever it take, in helping other to know the truth of their class situations.

And also, there are troublemakers, rule-breakers who will do whatever it take to humiliate and belittle anyone who dare question the truth or reveal the truth of their class brokenness.

“so to make a long story short”, as the saying goes, “Blaming without understanding the truth get you nowhere, only leave you in your own cloud of ignorance and stupidity”

Stop blaming, and accept the truth!

Stop blaming sincere thieves for exposing the truth of their class brokenness!

Stop being in-denial of the truth!

Thief class is broken, and it is not their fault for being this way.

If you care for thief class, accept the truth and encourage Arena.net to fix your class; i prefer a thief reboot.

-Nerfing thief class will not fix their problems; infact it will make them worse; you will see~

Thief class must be re-designed from the ground up, and to be able to survive on their own, instead of being enslaved to a stealth mechanic that hinders them of taken full advantage of their class potential.

so getting back to you, if you still want to play the blame game and continue to refuse your class brokenness, i encourage you take it to the one who is responsible for thief class…


-Case Closed-

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Yeah ok!!

I’m a vet of guild wars for 7 years, i’’m a vet of guild wars 2 since beta, yet i’m Bullkitten

Seriously, you have to do better than that.

Once again , playing the BLAME GAME is the solution of fixing this class and the game

You claim to be a thief, so why not publicly confess that thief is in PERFECT condition than?.

In other word, all thief players who see a problem with their class, are liars than, and you are the only one who is telling the truth.

I would like to remind you, i belong to a thief guild, consists of 150 + active members and it took me a long time to see their class weakness because i was in-denial and how i was blinded by my own ignorance of refusing to understand their class.

I also give many credit to the thieves here as well, for being patient and understanding of me; and they deserve it!

There are many good hearted sincere thief players here. as well, who will do whatever it take, in helping other to know the truth of their class situations.

And also, there are troublemakers, rule-breakers who will do whatever it take to humiliate and belittle anyone who dare question the truth or reveal the truth of their class brokenness.

“so to make a long story short”, as the saying goes, “Blaming without understanding the truth get you nowhere, only leave you in your own cloud of ignorance and stupidity”

Stop blaming, and accept the truth!

Stop blaming sincere thieves for exposing the truth of their class brokenness!

Stop being in-denial of the truth!

Thief class is broken, and it is not their fault for being this way.

If you care for thief class, accept the truth and encourage Arena.net to fix your class; i prefer a thief reboot.

-Nerfing thief class will not fix their problems; infact it will make them worse; you will see~

Thief class must be re-designed from the ground up, and to be able to survive on their own, instead of being enslaved to a stealth mechanic that hinders them of taken full advantage of their class potential.

so getting back to you, if you still want to play the blame game and continue to refuse your class brokenness, i encourage you take it to the one who is responsible for thief class…


-Case Closed-

Christ, aren’t you annoying.

Perhaps I should start by stating how I understand this game far better than you do, and far better than many, if not most, of the self-proclaimed “professionals” do. I could also mention how many of the ideas coming from people like you are based on ill-conceived ideas that were created with no thought behind them.

On the other hand, Burnfall, your main source of authority comes from apparently having played GW1 for years, and having played GW2 since beta. I’ve played GW2 since beta as well, and- sorry to say it- your experience in GW1 is absolutely irrelevant to this game. Also, if you think that the thieves here on these forums were being “patient” with you, then you’re completely delusional.

Now, let’s look at what your Truest Truth™ has to support it… Basically, just the words of people like Sanduskel who have practically been laughed out of this community anyways. Why is the mechanic broken? How are the methods of countering stealth faulty? These are just a couple of questions left completely unanswered by you and the majority of the community that complains about thieves, which, ironically, consists mostly of warriors- in my experience, anyways.

I do not say any of this because I am some kind of perma-stealth “lol so OP” thief. In fact, since the original changes to the weaponset, I have been an ardent supporter of the Sword/Dagger play style.

My last question to you would be- why do you give credibility to people like Sanduskel, and yet completely ignore others who, like me, have no interest in nerfing stealth, and have little or nothing to gain from being so?

EDIT: also, I don’t suppose you were opposed to the ridiculously OP Spirit Ranger before it got nerfed, were you?


WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Domey.9804


@Burnfall: i would say the biggest Problem fighting thiefs as Ranger is the Pet.
1. It cannot keep up to the Mobility/shadowsteps of a thief so it does close to 0dmg.
2. It provided free stealths as it cannot dodge.
Hybrid : yeah, my Ranger has 2700+ toughness and some extra vit. So i can survive some backstabs. Full zerk = easy kill.
I Run 2 dogs and Most of the dmg i Do on my own. For me the Pet is more of a control Tool than a dmg Source.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


@Burnfall: i would say the biggest Problem fighting thiefs as Ranger is the Pet.
1. It cannot keep up to the Mobility/shadowsteps of a thief so it does close to 0dmg.
2. It provided free stealths as it cannot dodge.
Hybrid : yeah, my Ranger has 2700+ toughness and some extra vit. So i can survive some backstabs. Full zerk = easy kill.
I Run 2 dogs and Most of the dmg i Do on my own. For me the Pet is more of a control Tool than a dmg Source.

Domney, i completely agree with you and I’ll consider your strategy with your last comment.


Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Burnfall.9573


Arganthium, seriously i don’t want to fight with you, but i’ll answer your questions.

“My last question to you would be- why do you give credibility to people like Sanduskel, and yet completely ignore others who, like me, have no interest in nerfing stealth, and have little or nothing to gain from being so”?

First of all as i said before, Sanduskel and you are thieves, and he/she deserves the right to have different opinion concerning thief stealth mechanic.

As the saying goes, “just because you say the sky is yellow and i say it is blue, it doesn’t make us not human”

In other word, you and many other asking Arena.net to not nerf stealth, and Sanduskel, I and many other, asking Arena.net to nerf (balance) stealth, doesn’t make us less of a player.

I support both sides, for and against thief stealth; that’s how balance works, no??

Not to be in total agreement but to draw a line between unfairness and fairness.

As you already know, and you don’t have to admit it, thief stealth has completely crossed the line and that is the reason why it is the number#1 concern the majority and remaining community have with thief class.

We look at nerf as being balanced; not to destroy thief class and their survivability.

Like one thief said; which i like how she/he said it, “if you are going to get rid of something or to make it less of what it is, replace it with something, to complete it balance”

Nicely said, don’t you think?

I hope you understand.

In fact within the past 2 months, i’ve been encouraging Arena.net to re-design thief class from the ground up, instead of ’just nerfing them. Cause the worse fear is to make this class unplayable; which i totally appose.

So to answer your last question,

“EDIT: also, I don’t suppose you were opposed to the ridiculously OP Spirit Ranger before it got nerfed, were you”?

In fact if you pull my history, i strongly reminded them that, it was Arena.net and thief strategy to make my class; ranger, to be more vulnerable to them. Prior, there were many calls from thief class and warrior class, begging Arena.net to nerf our spirits because we rangers were killing them, so they did.

Same thing was said about our pet damage, so Arena.net nerfed them.

Same thing was said about out pet leach range, so Arena.net nerfed them.

So you can see why i and many ranger players strongly apposed Arena.net from nerfing us any more.

-Just to add to the list; in rangers Dec 10 patch, Arena.net will nerf rangers regens+regeneration traits and skills, and yet again,.. the same reasons; for killing thieves and warriors.

So in one word, Arena.net is punishing the ranger class for the pleasure of the supperior class and making the ranger, an easy to kill class for thieves and warriors.

By the way, did you know in wiki it clearly stated that, Arena.net had no intention in creating the ranger class to begin with? , so in the very last minute, they just threw our class in the rouster.

Pretty much, like throwing trash in a garbage truck.

Whatever it take to balance thief class, i’m for it.

So to conclude with thief stealth class..

Sincerely, i do not want Arena.net to destroy thief class without giving them; (as was nicely said before.).. valuable and reliable tools to survive and to depend on.

-Ok, i’m done-.

Advocate of Justice, Liberty and Truth

(edited by Burnfall.9573)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Imagi.4561


As the saying goes, “just because you say the sky is yellow and i say it is blue, it doesn’t make us not human”


By Ogden’s hammer, what savings!

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Domey.9804


Thief becomes less stealthier on dec12th. At least no “perma stealth” (which was never perma).
So yeah, less hate pls.
Oh and in return we get…hard to justify even harder to justify. (and perhaps Last refuge cd reduced to 20sec? Isnt this a wonderful suggestion?)

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Eloquence.5207


No direct stealth nerf is needed. Give every profession convenient ways to reveal stealth. Stunned? Reveal. Dazed? Reveal. Null field? Reveal. Burned? Reveal.

“L2P” according to pr0 Thieves
See, Blinding Powder is nothing.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Domey.9804


So thief will finally be perma! Perma revealed and perma dead! Superior suggestion! Those suggestions should result in a perma ban

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Eloquence.5207



Such vigor

Many initiatives

“L2P” according to pr0 Thieves
See, Blinding Powder is nothing.

WHO ever asks for stealth '' nerf ''

in Thief

Posted by: Domey.9804



Much rigor

Candy primitives
