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in Thief

Posted by: Zera.8907


Per my sig you can see 2 of the 3 classes I play, the 3rd is a Necro. None of my classes can do this(21k damage). I’ve been on the receiving end of 12k back stabs on my Mesmer and Thief (both are in Exotic everything) so I know what it’s like. When I get the 3 hitter quitter combo done to me on my Mesmer it does indeed make me rage but I’m a glass cannon Mes so I know what to expect. I’ve also dealt 16k to a lowbie before the nerf to Assassins Signet. With that said, do you think what you’ve seen in this video is fair? I know each class can play a ranged spec but this is nuts. On my Thief and Mes I’ve been hit for 12k+ Killshots from Warriors.

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

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in Thief

Posted by: Rottaran Owain.6789

Rottaran Owain.6789

I think WvW in general is full of half a billion “unfair” tactics.

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in Thief

Posted by: Kashien.6278


Holy kitten. I’m rolling a warrior.

Genuine friendship will endure any competition or dispute
Anbringehr-Human Guardian
My Build The Legendary Defender

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in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


this video makes the thief BS build just a f-ing useless toy !
i also want an insta-gib 20k shot with 5sec recharge. A-net ? WHY you hate thieves so much and uber pimp warriors ??? kitten unbalanced game…
5-9k on each damage for the channeled skill, and me with pistols i barely do 2-3k…. this is SO fail… i rage again, yes.

(edited by DanH.5879)

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in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


lol 24k + 13k + 17k having 20k hp …
man you show us the great skill needed to instagib 3 ppl with a warrior! tnx

ps. nerf thief!!!

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

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in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


LOL… who needs a thief? Warriors don’t even get nerfed like we do.

You can use a signet (30 second recharge) to instantly fill your adrenaline back up to full!

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

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in Thief

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


they say 16K back stab is OP because of stealth,

but i say 21k from 1500 range is deadlier, since in a siege mode you cant see who will hit you 1500 range distance

and added to this statement PIERCING ability, which makes the ressurector and the dead die simultaneously

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in Thief

Posted by: Zera.8907


I would love to get Jon Peters opinion on this.

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

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in Thief

Posted by: Subtle.4596


LOL WOW that is insane… how are people NOT screaming for nerfs:

“24k + 13k + 17k”

Subtle/Not Subtle
Yaksbend Commander

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in Thief

Posted by: Rissou.7213


Haha, I love it. My next alt is Warrior, HERE I COME!


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in Thief

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


how i wish my ranger can do that damage also

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in Thief

Posted by: Subtle.4596


If they nerf thieves to the ground, we have to call out all thieves to roll rifle warriors…

Subtle/Not Subtle
Yaksbend Commander

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in Thief

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358



Untouchable warriors.

I was actually Arguing with a guy in the warrior forum who said the blade trail “bug” is fine. His EXACT WORDS “It’s the necros fault for having all those pets, he DESERVES to get hit for 30k”

This just blew my mind.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

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in Thief

Posted by: Thadren Calder.1397

Thadren Calder.1397

This is why i have a warrior alt in preparation for the thief nerfs. Same if not better burst capability and 8k more health and 600 more defense wearing the same gear? Yes please.

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in Thief

Posted by: Edelweiss.9815


WvW is full of stuff like this from all classes.

Killshot crits for about 8-9k with full glass cannon gear in sPvP.

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in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Your forgetting 1500 range as well.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

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in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


I’ll re-roll to this should Thief become unplayable, if just to troll WvW with it.

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in Thief

Posted by: Robert.9086


Why is this in the Thieves forum?

Inceptio [NOVA]

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in Thief

Posted by: BAEK.8561


I have a lvl 80 full exotic berserkers rifle warrior and my kill shot usually crits for around 10-12k in WvW. I have gotten occasional 15k to 16k crits on non-lvl 80 squishies. I have no idea how the guy in the video pulls off 21k; he probably attacked someone with some broken gears or something.

With that said, kill shot can be a little ridiculous in WvW because there’s so many people and so many things going on that often times you don’t even see it coming. But then, so many other skills are so ridiculous in WvW that IMO, kill shot pales in comparison in terms of its OPness. Also, in sPVP it’s rarely used because it takes 2 seconds to cast it and cannot be spammed. So, it’s just really in WvW that killshot becomes overpowered.

{Sanctum of Rall} Since Day -3
Weekend Guardian/Elementalist
No Guild Affiliation

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in Thief

Posted by: Auesis.7301


When I hear “NOBODY should be able to instagib another player without warning” or something similiar relating to Thieves, I’m just going to show them this.

Gnome Child [Gc]
Resident Thief

(edited by Auesis.7301)

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in Thief

Posted by: Zera.8907


Why is this in the Thieves forum?

Because in about 5 days the Thief class will possibly be nerfed into the ground due to accusations that we do too much damage from melee/stealth. If you can use your brain you will see that this Warrior is doing more damage from ranged yet it is “ok”. Please try to comprehend simple things when they are put in front of you…………

Blackgate: Zera Mithrandir- Reaper| Zera Targaryen-Mes|Zera Naharis – Ranger|

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in Thief

Posted by: Robert.9086


Why is this in the Thieves forum?

Because in about 5 days the Thief class will possibly be nerfed into the ground due to accusations that we do too much damage from melee/stealth. If you can use your brain you will see that this Warrior is doing more damage from ranged yet it is “ok”. Please try to comprehend simple things when they are put in front of you…………

Nope……… Thief videos or GTFO…………………

Inceptio [NOVA]

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in Thief

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


Warriors do damage and that’s all they’re good for.

Why do people complain about big numbers? If you get instagibbed by another player, it’s because they have specced in to doing damage. They SHOULD be allowed to kill whoever they please, but if anyone so much as sneezes on them they’re going to die like a horrible kitten.

There is nothing unfair about a class designed for damage, doing damage. That’s just the way things are in every competitive game. Complaining about it is a knee-jerk scrub reflex. You don’t see many top MvC3 players complaining about Wesker anymore do you? That’s because they’ve accepted that he’s a strong character and instead focus on ways to counter/understand his gameflow.

My friend plays a tanky DPS warrior, and constantly complains about being useless in WvW, because he can kill people 1 on 1 and that’s all. He dies to the zerg, he’s easily kited, and he can’t catch anyone who can run away.

You thieves have it much better. You have stealth, you have escape tools and gap closers, and build flexibility in spades. Why should you be the highest dps class when you have so much mobility?

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in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Warriors do damage and that’s all they’re good for.

Why do people complain about big numbers? If you get instagibbed by another player, it’s because they have specced in to doing damage. They SHOULD be allowed to kill whoever they please, but if anyone so much as sneezes on them they’re going to die like a horrible kitten.

There is nothing unfair about a class designed for damage, doing damage. That’s just the way things are in every competitive game. Complaining about it is a knee-jerk scrub reflex. You don’t see many top MvC3 players complaining about Wesker anymore do you? That’s because they’ve accepted that he’s a strong character and instead focus on ways to counter/understand his gameflow.

My friend plays a tanky DPS warrior, and constantly complains about being useless in WvW, because he can kill people 1 on 1 and that’s all. He dies to the zerg, he’s easily kited, and he can’t catch anyone who can run away.

You thieves have it much better. You have stealth, you have escape tools and gap closers, and build flexibility in spades. Why should you be the highest dps class when you have so much mobility?


Banners. (Forever Regeneration Healing for everyone!)
Warhorn Buffs. (condition curing, turns into boon.)
Rifle. (ranged damage.)
Tanking (build them right and they are hard to take down.)
Shout Condition Healing (amazing group utility/healing.)

Warriors can do MUCH more then do damage, they have MONSTER utility as well, even if they don’t spec into any CC removal, they can have a full condition cleanser and another 2 excellent stun breakers, which also cure conditions and heal you if you spec for it.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

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in Thief

Posted by: gamefreak.5673


This is very easy to dodge on 1 vs 1 fights ive had warriors try to use this against me, its the same with hundred blades so easy to see coming in 1 vs 1 fights. Now though defending from the fort and how this is being played makes it seem unreal because ive never seen it do this well. I do applaud him for making it work so well.

I do think the damage should be toned down if it was actually this easy do and the video made it look even easier then backstabbing on my thief so if that is the case it does need revamped. Most investigate myself to confirm it can do this well all the time.

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in Thief

Posted by: semutant.2984


so ladies and gentlemen, from this thread we can see how biased the GW2 community is. when warrior do this amount of burst in WvWvW, it’s fine. when thief do this amount of burst in WvWvW, it’s OP. lol.

PS. Nerf Thief!!!

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in Thief

Posted by: rogerwilko.6895


AN: Warr is fine, nerf BS.

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in Thief

Posted by: Rystlwulf.1476


Wow – that’s a great build for a warrior obviously.

Now if I killed him with my thief with Steal, Cloak, BS, and the stolen warrior blade storm ability combo, I bet you’d see a post on this forum calling for a thief nerf:)

Seriously the answer to all nerf calls should simply be L2P.

Maguuma Rystlwulf – 80 Ranger
Ryst Stryden – 80 Thief
Rystle – 80 Mesmer

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in Thief

Posted by: Sco.9615


I would love to get Jon Peters opinion on this.

Why? Don’t you know that Warrior is in a good spot and it’s the Thief that is OP? Sheesh man, get wit the times.

Communication is the greatest gift the world of today can offer us.
So why do we choose to ignore it?

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in Thief

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


Warriors do damage and that’s all they’re good for.

Why do people complain about big numbers? If you get instagibbed by another player, it’s because they have specced in to doing damage. They SHOULD be allowed to kill whoever they please, but if anyone so much as sneezes on them they’re going to die like a horrible kitten.

There is nothing unfair about a class designed for damage, doing damage. That’s just the way things are in every competitive game. Complaining about it is a knee-jerk scrub reflex. You don’t see many top MvC3 players complaining about Wesker anymore do you? That’s because they’ve accepted that he’s a strong character and instead focus on ways to counter/understand his gameflow.

My friend plays a tanky DPS warrior, and constantly complains about being useless in WvW, because he can kill people 1 on 1 and that’s all. He dies to the zerg, he’s easily kited, and he can’t catch anyone who can run away.

You thieves have it much better. You have stealth, you have escape tools and gap closers, and build flexibility in spades. Why should you be the highest dps class when you have so much mobility?


Banners. (Forever Regeneration Healing for everyone!)
Warhorn Buffs. (condition curing, turns into boon.)
Rifle. (ranged damage.)
Tanking (build them right and they are hard to take down.)
Shout Condition Healing (amazing group utility/healing.)

Warriors can do MUCH more then do damage, they have MONSTER utility as well, even if they don’t spec into any CC removal, they can have a full condition cleanser and another 2 excellent stun breakers, which also cure conditions and heal you if you spec for it.

Banners = one utility slot that’s not taken up by a shout. Provides boons in an aoe and needs to be carried (meaning you won’t be getting bursted) or planted (active range, can be kited). There are plenty of other classes who can give regeneration just as effectively. Banners can also be DESTROYED if planted, which leaves your poor warrior without a banner for a while. Warriors who spec into support typically won’t be dealing high damage anyway.

Warhorn buffs= every class has a support of this style. Warriors need to carry a pure support weapon in their offhand to achieve this. Again, this is utility that could be done better by an elementalist or guardian, who actually have more synergy in their skills.

Rifle = well duh, it’s ranged damage. Every class has some kind of ranged dps weapon. Warrior’s just happens to have absolutely no utility at range whatsoever, and a decent up close knockback. Pales in comparison to the Engineer’s rifle control though. Warrior rifle provides no utility, only ranged dps. Again, it’s warriors doing what they’re good at. Damage.

Tanking = wait wait wait. So you’re saying ‘build them right and they’re hard to take down.’ yet you play thief? Have you ever seen a good leech thief or immortal thief build in action? Not only are they tanky, but they have stealth to escape from dicey situations. Warrior tanks get greatsword mobility, blocking, passive regen, swiftness and…boons. Nothing special really. A guardian can do this much more efficiently and a bomb specialist engineer probably also outclasses a warrior tank in terms of pure sustain. Not even going to bring up elementalists since everyone knows just how strong (and how much more supportive) their bunker builds are.

Shouts = shouts are good. But again, they primarily serve to boost DPS or defense. They still aren’t going to keep from being kited all day and they aren’t going to provide reliable escapes like the thie’fs stealth or shadowstep now, are they?

Honestly, just take a wander down to the warrior forums. You’ll see plenty of people complaining about how bad warriors are. I for one am not intimidated by the warrior’s big numbers. That’s like being scared of Iron Tagar or Hakumen in Blazblue, without taking into consideration their other weaknesses because OMG THEY CAN DO A 80% LIFE COMBO OFF A SITUATIONAL ANTI-AIR.

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in Thief

Posted by: CihandaR.2395


MY FRIEND GET USED TO IT. this is what happens in every game because of all little baybies. See all classes are going to be nerfed thill they are trash. only warrior will stay like that forever. and maybe 1 or 2 more classes. its a tradition of stupid gamers to nerf all classes until their 1-2favourite classes are left.

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in Thief

Posted by: Distaste.4801


Yep, burst in this game needs nerfed and that’s been known since day 1. Are you trying to point to another burst build that also needs nerfed in order to say the thief is fine?

Honestly a decent solution at this point is to just nerf the amount of crit and crit damage that people can get. Make it so gear only carries power OR precision, not both. Once fights last longer than a few seconds we can finally get a read on which classes need some real buffs or nerfs.

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in Thief

Posted by: Undeadkemea.4865


My reaction when I watched that video: Hoooooooooooooly shiat those bullets pierce aswell? Warriors can shut the F up about buffs and crying about nerfs….have they even recieved nerfs? xD

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in Thief

Posted by: Lifelike.5862


If they nerf burst, then there won’t be any check for healing bunker builds.

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in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


There are plenty of sPvP/tPvP footages of thieves dealing 18k+ damage with their backstab combo.
You guys are actually justifying this posting WvWvW videos showing high numbers against up-leveled players with hell amount of buffs saying “Hey! Look! That warrior dealt the same damage I make with my backstab combo! Thieves are fine! Warrior need nerfs!”.


(edited by sorrow.2364)

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in Thief

Posted by: stof.9341


It’s very hard to reach 18k damage in sPvP without heavy might or vulnerability/frenzy stacking now. Any such vid is probably obsolete and was done before the signet of assassin nerf.

(edited by stof.9341)

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in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


There are plenty of sPvP/tPvP footages of thieves dealing 18k+ damage with their backstab combo.
You guys are actually justifying this posting WvWvW videos showing high numbers against up-leveled players with hell amount of buffs saying “Hey! Look! That warrior dealt the same damage I make with my backstab combo! Thieves are fine! Warrior need nerfs!”.


Correction; that Warrior was actually dealing significantly more than a Thief can.
And it was at 1500 range from on top of walls.
And it hit multiple targets…
I’m pretty sure in at least one part of that video, he 1-shot three separate people with a single shot.

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in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


Correction; that Warrior was actually dealing significantly more than a Thief can.
And it was at 1500 range from on top of walls.
And it hit multiple targets…
I’m pretty sure in at least one part of that video, he 1-shot three separate people with a single shot.

Nope, he was dealing the same exact amount of damage a thief can deal on a regular armor, regular level character with the backstab combo (Assassin Signet + Steal + CnD + Backstab) on up-leveled people.
In sPvP/tPvP you won’t see any killshot dealing more than 13k damage, on the other hand, you can see many thieves dealing 18k+ damage with the backstab combo which takes less time compared to killshot to be executed.
The only downside about the thief combo is that it is “only” 900 range, it doesn’t pierce and ends with you into close range with the target (which I can’t consider as a downside, because puts you in condition to stomp him).

But don’t worry guys, once thieves gets fairly nerfed, you’ll find another unbalanced profession to abuse in order to get your easy wins, probably Warrior itself.

(edited by sorrow.2364)

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in Thief

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


It’s telling how terribly misinformed/gullible/scrubby the GW2 community is when all it takes to spawn a dozen ‘nerf X skill’ threads is a youtube video showing mediocre play and damage.

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in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


dealing 10k even more till 25k, on each of 2 targets or more in the same time at 1200/1500 range is not considered OP, NO SIR, NO ….

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in Thief

Posted by: Nilgoow.1037


Guys I shot a level 30 in blues while he was downed.

~rage ensues~

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in Thief

Posted by: Eduardo.4675


Correction; that Warrior was actually dealing significantly more than a Thief can.
And it was at 1500 range from on top of walls.
And it hit multiple targets…
I’m pretty sure in at least one part of that video, he 1-shot three separate people with a single shot.

Nope, he was dealing the same exact amount of damage a thief can deal on a regular armor, regular level character with the backstab combo (Assassin Signet + Steal + CnD + Backstab) on up-leveled people.
In sPvP/tPvP you won’t see any killshot dealing more than 13k damage, on the other hand, you can see many thieves dealing 18k+ damage with the backstab combo which takes less time compared to killshot to be executed.
The only downside about the thief combo is that it is “only” 900 range, it doesn’t pierce and ends with you into close range with the target (which I can’t consider as a downside, because puts you in condition to stomp him).

But don’t worry guys, once thieves gets fairly nerfed, you’ll find another unbalanced profession to abuse in order to get your easy wins, probably Warrior itself.

You and ur friend merciless have been completely biased towards thieves since begining of the game,and this post its the adamant proof of that… in another thread, i read u say that “from my experience, PW is a 3/4 secs (0.75 secs) channel skill, whereas Hblades is 3 secs and 1/4 channel”, and now this, im speechless… you lie while you smile, u should be ashamed of the gamer you infact are. I have one advice for you: disable the S key on your keyboard, ull see vast improvements in ur game play.
Nuff said on this topic, the “biasement” of people is pretty clear, its cristal clear.

Adapt or die. I never die.

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in Thief

Posted by: Koop.4602


I run the same spec and never see those numbers with my warrior. He’s hitting very low level ppl in crap gear. Most level 80s in decent gear are hit for 7-10k max. Watch the video and every person has and up arrow.

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in Thief

Posted by: SanDanV.2951


I see the point. A 3 second cast that roots you in place with an animation that is as easy to notice as the sun is worse than a permastealth back stabber.

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in Thief

Posted by: DanH.5879


dude, if you hit for 7-10k at 1200/1500 range, it is more than NORMAL so we do MORE damage as melee !

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in Thief

Posted by: Koop.4602


dude, if you hit for 7-10k at 1200/1500 range, it is more than NORMAL so we do MORE damage as melee !

Its a full adren skill that take almost 3 seconds to cast. We are rooted in place durning the cast.

We are very visible and can in no way spam it. Not to mention you have to spec full glass cannon with 800 toughness and 19k hp.

Ive seen elemental put out way more damage from range if you spec spike.

Everyone needs to stop crying nerf theif, nerf warrior, hell nerf everything.

All its going to do is ruin every class in the game. They need to fix the culling bugs then see how it goes. I really dont have any issues with theif other than the invisible culling bug.

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in Thief

Posted by: sorrow.2364


You and ur friend merciless have been completely biased towards thieves since begining of the game,and this post its the adamant proof of that… in another thread, i read u say that “from my experience, PW is a 3/4 secs (0.75 secs) channel skill, whereas Hblades is 3 secs and 1/4 channel”, and now this, im speechless… you lie while you smile, u should be ashamed of the gamer you infact are. I have one advice for you: disable the S key on your keyboard, ull see vast improvements in ur game play.
Nuff said on this topic, the “biasement” of people is pretty clear, its cristal clear.

Sorry sir, but… what?
PW is 3/4-1s channel skill, just sayin. In fact while the stun lasts 1/2 seconds, it last about half or more of the channel.
The wiki also agrees with me.

The other part about the S key is completely extraneus to me, what are you talking about? Have I posted any gameplay of me abusing of the S key?

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in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Warriors do damage and that’s all they’re good for.

Why do people complain about big numbers? If you get instagibbed by another player, it’s because they have specced in to doing damage. They SHOULD be allowed to kill whoever they please, but if anyone so much as sneezes on them they’re going to die like a horrible kitten.

There is nothing unfair about a class designed for damage, doing damage. That’s just the way things are in every competitive game. Complaining about it is a knee-jerk scrub reflex. You don’t see many top MvC3 players complaining about Wesker anymore do you? That’s because they’ve accepted that he’s a strong character and instead focus on ways to counter/understand his gameflow.

My friend plays a tanky DPS warrior, and constantly complains about being useless in WvW, because he can kill people 1 on 1 and that’s all. He dies to the zerg, he’s easily kited, and he can’t catch anyone who can run away.

You thieves have it much better. You have stealth, you have escape tools and gap closers, and build flexibility in spades. Why should you be the highest dps class when you have so much mobility?


Banners. (Forever Regeneration Healing for everyone!)
Warhorn Buffs. (condition curing, turns into boon.)
Rifle. (ranged damage.)
Tanking (build them right and they are hard to take down.)
Shout Condition Healing (amazing group utility/healing.)

Warriors can do MUCH more then do damage, they have MONSTER utility as well, even if they don’t spec into any CC removal, they can have a full condition cleanser and another 2 excellent stun breakers, which also cure conditions and heal you if you spec for it.

Banners = one utility slot that’s not taken up by a shout. Provides boons in an aoe and needs to be carried (meaning you won’t be getting bursted) or planted (active range, can be kited). There are plenty of other classes who can give regeneration just as effectively. Banners can also be DESTROYED if planted, which leaves your poor warrior without a banner for a while. Warriors who spec into support typically won’t be dealing high damage anyway.

Great for Large groups of people, the banners can also be used for group fury/swiftness! “Destroyed if Planted?” Banners can’t be targeted or destroyed, they can still do great damage, just spec into hammer/axe+mace.

Warhorn buffs= every class has a support of this style. Warriors need to carry a pure support weapon in their offhand to achieve this. Again, this is utility that could be done better by an elementalist or guardian, who actually have more synergy in their skills.

Thieves do not get this kind of on-demand support, all you need is 20 points in vitality to get this, you can be BOTH a banner warrior and warhorn one and be amazing group utility.

Rifle = well duh, it’s ranged damage. Every class has some kind of ranged dps weapon. Warrior’s just happens to have absolutely no utility at range whatsoever, and a decent up close knockback. Pales in comparison to the Engineer’s rifle control though. Warrior rifle provides no utility, only ranged dps. Again, it’s warriors doing what they’re good at. Damage.

You don’t need utility when you kill shot someone from “1500” Non-rendering range for 21000 damage.

Tanking = wait wait wait. So you’re saying ‘build them right and they’re hard to take down.’ yet you play thief? Have you ever seen a good leech thief or immortal thief build in action? Not only are they tanky, but they have stealth to escape from dicey situations. Warrior tanks get greatsword mobility, blocking, passive regen, swiftness and…boons. Nothing special really. A guardian can do this much more efficiently and a bomb specialist engineer probably also outclasses a warrior tank in terms of pure sustain. Not even going to bring up elementalists since everyone knows just how strong (and how much more supportive) their bunker builds are.

Warriors are very tank-y if you build them correctly…

Shouts = shouts are good. But again, they primarily serve to boost DPS or defense. They still aren’t going to keep from being kited all day and they aren’t going to provide reliable escapes like the thie’fs stealth or shadowstep now, are they?

A Group DPS Boost/Condition Cure/Group Heal all in one? YES PLEASE!

Honestly, just take a wander down to the warrior forums. You’ll see plenty of people complaining about how bad warriors are. I for one am not intimidated by the warrior’s big numbers. That’s like being scared of Iron Tagar or Hakumen in Blazblue, without taking into consideration their other weaknesses because OMG THEY CAN DO A 80% LIFE COMBO OFF A SITUATIONAL ANTI-AIR.

Maybe its you who are bad at playing warrior, you need to think about more people then just yourself.

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)

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in Thief

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


Fun fact:
Backstab deals more damage than Kill Shot.

The reason why you don’t see those 20k crits on your Backstab is because your 10k Mug and 10k C&D has already killed them. Also, the Warrior trait [Berserker’s Power] is bugged and gives you +12% more damage for every additional foe you hit.
The reason why nobody screams OP about this is because it has a huge visual tell and deals only about half as much damage as the BS combo.

Watch this and share your opinion please.

in Thief

Posted by: Daecollo.9578


Fun fact:
Backstab deals more damage than Kill Shot.

The reason why you don’t see 20k crits on your Backstab is because your 10k Mug and 10k C&D has already killed them. Also, the Warrior trait [Berserker’s Power] is bugged and gives you +12% more damage for every additional foe you hit.
The reason why nobody screams OP about this is because it has a huge visual tell and deals only about half as much damage as the BS combo.

Fun Fact:
Warriors get 35% More Critical Chance then Thieves, , More Traits that Increase Base Damage, There Kill Shot can hit Multiple Targets (Unlike Backstab which can only hit one target.), and it only does 14 (YES a whole 14!) damage less then backstab, and has 1370 more range too! AND is a Combo finisher: Projectile.

I’d rather get 35% Innate Critical Chance, better base damage, 1370 more range and “Combo Finisher: Projectile” and an AOE attack, it also has an 8 second (cooldown) if traited, then Backstab.

And guess what? You don’t even need to be behind the target!

Hero {} Roleplayer {} Friend {} Professional Princess Saver

(edited by Daecollo.9578)