Weapon sigil choices for a SB and S/P Thief
I use Sigil of Rage on my Sword to speed up those AA’s and PW’s. I swap between Sigil of Accuracy for some extra Critical Chance and Sigil of Ice for locking down an opponent, as both feel like solid choices for my OH Pistol. As for the SB, I haven’t decided whether Purity or Nullification is better. Purity would provide me with the needed condition removal for my ranged set, but Nullification is nothing to scoff at either considering the spammability and mobility of the SB skillset.
Also, read this page on the wiki. Has a list of all the Sigils and some info about how they interact.
(edited by Cris Croix.2370)
That’s brilliant mate, great few choices there i’ll look into it. Appreciate the reply
Not a fan of Sigil of Rage at all myself. Sigil on-crit procs lock out your procs for the duration of that sigil’s CD. While 2s of quickness is really cool when it happens, it definitely isn’t worth losing the 4, 10, or even 20~ (Sigil of Blood, 2s CD) procs you could get off something else in that 45 second cooldown window.
My favorite pairings are mostly a solid crit proc + either 5 % damage or 5 % accuracy.
Yeah the lockout is a little harsh, but it works really well when paired with certain traits. I like to take Critical Haste(X) in the Critical Strikes tree for 2 seconds of quickness. Combined with the 3s from the Sigil, you’re looking at 5 seconds total if they proc back-to-back, which is pretty nice for bursting. Now imagine popping Haste when those stars align for 8s overall….Can you say broken much?
Sigil of Force on main hand sword, sigil of rage on offhand pistol.
Shortbow I currently have sigil of ice I was thinking for better kiting and all that, but now I’m thinking sigil of bloodlust.
Build up stacks on shortbow, profit on your melee set.
I use Sigil of Air on my Mainhand Dagger and Accuracy on my Off-Hand.
You can only have 1 procc-effect active at a time because most effects share an internal cooldown.
I use Air for my Shortbow as well although there might be better choices out there since the Shortbow isn’t just about dealing damage.
I’d really like someone to post the actual values for dmg and healing values of each sigil so we can get a better comparison.
Knowing the approximate dmg / healing range of each sigil is kind of nessicery to determine their actual worth.
Yeah the lockout is a little harsh, but it works really well when paired with certain traits. I like to take Critical Haste(X) in the Critical Strikes tree for 2 seconds of quickness. Combined with the 3s from the Sigil, you’re looking at 5 seconds total if they proc back-to-back, which is pretty nice for bursting. Now imagine popping Haste when those stars align for 8s overall….Can you say broken much?
Looks cool on paper, but isn’t actually reliable enough to be worth the gamble. Besides, you’d likely waste some of that quickness if you had 8 seconds of it stacked up. Critical Haste is debatably good because there isn’t a lot of opportunity cost involved with it, but Signet of Rage verifiably weakens you in comparison to some of the other sigils in return for “a chance it could do something cool”.
Let’s look at it this way
Pistol whip is ONLY useful while under quickness, otherwise you’re better off autoattacking.
I autoattack, get a proc, hit pistol whip.
I’d really like someone to post the actual values for dmg and healing values of each sigil so we can get a better comparison.
Knowing the approximate dmg / healing range of each sigil is kind of nessicery to determine their actual worth.
Here you are:
does sigil of superior accuracy work. +5% crit chance?
it seems that it does not appear in my stat window,