Welp I made a promise...
The build looks highly experimental. But I have to say you got farther than me when I first tested out d/d conditions.
Yup yup. I dabbled with it in a fractals 28 or something, but I was super tired and I wanted to record it, and we all kept messing up (especially me) and I tried to support my group the best I could, so I took bucket duty, but my sleepiness screwed us, and I failed sooo hard. Ready? I missed 3 buckets in a row. :/ and then I got insulted. Then I raged hard at myself. Thats why “My thief was mad at me” I represented my profession poorly. But I had never been a GC thief before, and I had to test a build before I posted it right? Ugh oh well I tried. I was way too tired to play though.
Oh, but I suppose I should mention, I never intend to go into too many specifics, cus I want everyone to give my “idea” a shot and then “build” around it so they can have as much fun as they wanna have with it
the build sux bad…
i bet your thief hates you
(edited by DanH.5879)
Ah, well I apologize, but I did not make the build for you sir, I made the video for my fellow thieves. If you can respect that, then go ahead and change it however you want Ty Gl Hf.
(inb4 cant tell if trolling or just clever thief)
Bwahahaha oh yea she did. She was so kitten ed bro. My kitten in the dog house!
One question: Is this a PvE or PvP build?
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Hm well, it was supposed to be pve, but I suck hard at using it there. Id recommend trying it in pvp. I actually killed stuff there. Hotm is just easy on my cpu for recording. I hang out I hotm all the time. Its my “zen garden”
Oh man tho Dan got me good haha. almost caught me off guard eh? Never I am always on guard. Check my messie build if you doubt me. Its a supportive bunker, but dont get me wrong, my thief is open to sharing me with my mesmer xD oh goodness. I swear I have a totally real human gf and no her name is not Lanaya lmao she’s not fake, but she does live in the arctic circle, so dont try to verify this xD
i will go for the trolling part
here is the know how:
1. you can maximize both condition damage and crit/prec but you are sacrificing all your defense (toughness/vit), at this point you are free kill
2. prec/crit scales exponentially, condition linear
and we all know condition sucks big time at this point in time because of bleed staking limit witch hurts thief a LOT
3. death blossom d/d scales to little to power/prec/crit builds, same as sneak attack p/d
4.the rest of skills, they are not related to condition damage in ANY way, it’s useless
you want best damage ? go power/prec/crit
ANY other combination (condi/hybrid/lol control&support etc.) is a waste of damage potential at the current situation
l.e the only hybrid (1 SKILL) that an be done is shortbow via clusterbomb spam
(edited by DanH.5879)
Yes! I agree. But this isnt about metas. This is about fun and diversity. Lol I.always preffered valkyrie since if you take HK you have almost no need for precision. Bit of a waste right
yes, i agree we can have troll builds, but those are far from the best
since i go for 100% precision with fury ofc (i can have ~1/2 furry time), with 100+ crit damage, and power to boot, and around 14k HP,
Valkyrie is for backstab spam and good HP pool
(edited by DanH.5879)
Absolutely. Zerker thief is probably sick, but as a duelist, my thief was also that before I ever forced her to dawn the garb of a Glass Cannon. But I did that to test a builds potential before I shared it to try and be fair to my fellow thieves. Maybe Im just a noob. I bet you could play my build a lot better than I did. You obviously have more experience than I in the GC area. So do whatever you want to man. Just make sure you have fun doin it right? I mean otherwise, why bother playing a game?
Hm well, it was supposed to be pve, but I suck hard at using it there. Id recommend trying it in pvp. I actually killed stuff there. Hotm is just easy on my cpu for recording. I hang out I hotm all the time. Its my “zen garden”
That’s what I thought. Because this build can work if you build a party around it.
The problem I’ve seen in the video is the execution, mainly due to the fact that you miss a lot of chances in capitalizing the strengths of this build. I see a lot of weaknesses, but we’ll not focus on that, let’s know your strengths first.
- As a former D/D user, I spent a lot of hours trying to get CnD -> Steal -> Backstab timing correctly. This is a great way to position yourself for a Backstab. You need to practice this because this is your main strength.
- Capitalize on triggering Hidden Killer as much as you can.
- Chocking Gas and your Uncatchable caltrops makes a good combination. Try to lure your target into your Poison field, then dodge backwards spreading caltrops.
- Death blossoms -> Dodge (Uncatchable) is also a great way to stack bleeds
I believe if you work on your strength with this build, this build can work. However, watching you how you fight in the video, it seems to me that you fear melee range. You might want to create a build that complements your playstyle. This build may deliver a lot of damage, but if it’s not a match for you, the build will fail. I’m speaking through experience since I’ve tried a lot of builds and failed until I made the one I am using now.
Good luck.
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.
Im just not used to being so… Hang on… Did that boss just look at – *dead. I rage when I screw up I really do, but I cannot handle getting one shot. Thats why I dont 1 shot people in WvW anymore. It’s not very nice to the goslings haha.
Oh thank you vincent. I have much more experience killing players anyways haha but yea I havent slept in over 24 hrs cus of how much time I put into making sure that 8 min vid helped explain me a lil better. Im never using it again tho. As a respectful duelist I let my theif fight in the clothes that she prefers and the ones id rather see her in. Cus yea hell hath no fury like woman in uncomfortable clothes amiright?
if you really really REALLY want a hybrid build, here is a hint to start:
30 critical strikes: 1 Furious Retaliation, 3 Side Strike, 11 Executioner
20 Acrobatics: 3 Vigorous Recovery, 8 Pain Response
20 Trickery: 3 Uncatchable, 7 Bountiful Theft
runes: Rune of the Thief x6
weapons: PVT / sigils Sigil of Accuracy + Sigil of Force
armor: Carrion
jewels: Zerker
utility: caltrops, signet of agility, infiltrator signet (to have 1 stun break)
healing: withdraw
elite: daggerstorm for mobs/ for boss anything else
(edited by DanH.5879)
Lol idk what I want, but I know my thief needs a break from fractals lol. Thanks though ill give it a crack, but im a very poor broke thief (irony is funny guys) oh and (Karma is a total puppy). I just never focus on stuff in gwars. I just play it to have fun with like minded players.
Lol idk what I want, but I know my thief needs a break from fractals lol. Thanks though ill give it a crack, but im a very poor broke thief (irony is funny guys) oh and (Karma is a total puppy). I just never focus on stuff in gwars. I just play it to have fun with like minded players.
try it in mists, coz it’s free
please note i changed the sigils on the weapons
Thanks guys I used to use 0/30/20/20/0 love it for backstabs and might stacks and all that, but real talk. I seriously stayed up all night for the sake of my fellow thieves, so I need some rest. I bid you all aideaux (Freelance bows to his fellow thieves) ty for being helpful everyone. Im out for now gnight I guess haha
Oh and just a lil fact I find hilarious and adorable Combat Medic was my first ever title. I rock that like a hurricane. Scorps! Wooo! Ok im gone for real for now by all tyvm.
Really cool!