What class toubles you most?
should probably change title to what class gives you most trouble or something like that.
It all depends on what Im running if its P/D then guardians and really bunker eles can be a problem. D/P thieves sometmes too. Fought some kind of really tanky ranger the other day that did damage too. I was running p/d gotta admit he was really tough.
If Im d/p and s/d then trap rangers can be tough if they know what they are doing, necros if they are in their well and actually kite. confusion mesmer can be tough also sometimes.
title changed ty
When i play my theif in wvw the profession that give me the most trouble is other thieves mesmer i can deal with if i use thieves guild.
bunker guardians and eles, trolling thieves (p/d them mostly)
I play a bunker Guardian and I laugh at Thiefs. :O
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer
Almost any class played by a smart / experienced person could kill me. That being said, D/D Eles, and Guardians in general gave me a lot of trouble 90% of the time.
Nothing in WvW brah.
No obligation to stay in any place.
Not like you don’t have 12 minutes to blow before the score updates.
Though whacking on a Guardian/Ele can get old pretty fast.
Almost any class played by a smart / experienced person could kill me. That being said, D/D Eles, and Guardians in general gave me a lot of trouble 90% of the time.
Don’t worry keep plugging away and you will get better to win more offten.
Depends on my weapon set.
My current set is S/D-SB, and the occasional mesmer really hurts (if high burst, or I stupidly pop daggerstorm in the middle of a mes who has built for illusions to damage on death). Nothing else really, the occasional hammer guardian or warrior is hard, but only because SB isn’t as good at kiting for damage and it just sets them up for another hammer jump.
Also with S/D, a good d/p can beat me if they are blind lock (blind on stealth etc etc) because they are usually set up to duel and I’m more of a generalist. (I drop back into SB range, they pull out P/D or P/P or just drop into black powder extendo stealth)
With P/D it was bunker ele/guardian
With d/d it was anyone who could survive my cooldowns (but they couldnt kill me)
With P/P my biggest enemy was my own dislike of the style. (though if you like the style, I think people underrate p/p, the only useless skill is p2, unless fighting a camp boss with righteous :p.
“toubles” xD
1)Thieves – I enjoy scouting and roaming in WvW, occasionally I run across another thief; often, the battle that ensues is down to the last cooldown and last hit point. Quality fights are quality.
2)Mesmers – Frequently escaping my burst attempts. I find them more irritating than threatening.
3)Guardians – Specifically bunker Guardians, they are very healthy and almost not worth the effort.
Fiona Faceroll – Warrior
JQ’s town drunk
Easiest to kill: Other thieves
Hardest to kill: Eles
Right now the majority seems to be agreeing on Eles and Guardians … who are also seen as dominating the meta in sPvP … and Thieves. Interesting.
Try your best to not make mistakes, but, when you do make mistakes, learn from them.
Better yourself.
any heavy CC build gets to me.
I’m experiencing some incoherency with this.
When I play my Warrior, DD/PD Thieves are 2shot free kills, P/D thieves I just run from.
When I play my Thief (DD), all Warriors are free kills.
How is this even possible?
I’ve found that Guardians tend to give me the most trouble, as a P/D thief, I centre around a core premiss of “Whittle them down with bleeds” which kinda falls short when Guardians remove conditions so often and have continual regen.
That said, I’ve not really lost a fight against a guardian (I came close once, then he threw himself off a cliff. I guess he thought I had more left than I actually did)
There was this one Mesmer I couldn’t deal with though, a GS phantasm build that was focused around getting iZerkers out and staying in stealth through Decoy and Prestige as long as possible (The iZerkers took about 30-50% of my health off per attack due to high crit damage)
Everything else is fair game (I’d assume a decent Bunker Ele would resist my attempts at killing, I haven’t faced one yet) especially Thieves, I mostly kill Thieves when I’m roaming (They tend to be more kitteny and don’t try to flee when spotting me and then I shut them down pretty hard no matter what spec – D/D D/P S/P S/D P/D P/P)
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”
I’m experiencing some incoherency with this.
When I play my Warrior, DD/PD Thieves are 2shot free kills, P/D thieves I just run from.
When I play my Thief (DD), all Warriors are free kills.How is this even possible?
many people still don’t try to CC or predict a thief’s movement and actions as they should. I still run into some who don’t seem to have any kind of defensive utility slotted. add to that glass warriors are still the most common from my experience and it is explainable.
that said, any warrior built even slightly defensively has a large advantage over burst thieves, they just are not as prone to do it as guardians, who find it far easier. given two equally skilled opponents in proper builds I find guardians and warriors my toughest opponents when I am in a burst build, and necro’s and guardians when I am in a condition build.
Gungnir Aurus – 80 Guardian
[AUX] Isle of Janthir
^Well said. With a burst build, I poke warriors to see if they are full gc or not. The ones that have some defence are usually better skilled and can survive the burst, while still hitting like a truck.
Guardian is a 180°. They are too tough to take down alone.
I main an ele, so taking one down isn’t too bad. It’s easier to spot windows of opportunity to burst them down when you’ve played the class yourself.
Guardians just play with till they get bored.
I usually find myself screaming when I come across d/d elems and good power/crit/mind wreck mems
It’s surprising Engineer hasn’t been mentioned even once. The CC spam when caught could make someone literally scream.
Almost any class played by a smart / experienced person could kill me. That being said, D/D Eles, and Guardians in general gave me a lot of trouble 90% of the time.
Don’t worry keep plugging away and you will get better to win more offten.
…or get better at running away.
When I am on anything but my thief, the thieves I encounter in WvW either die, or run away with SR+SB…and then either try come back with a group or zerg, or just completely avoid me.
Thief is a terrible class for PvP. Just saying. Only bad/newbie players think of them as “OP”. Against a good/experienced player, they’re terrible. They’re best at killing other thieves, and running away. That’s all.
It’s surprising Engineer hasn’t been mentioned even once. The CC spam when caught could make someone literally scream.
Yea I will throw engis in there also when the elite is up I can’t engage running s/d and d/p. p/d isn’t a problem since its ranged but as melee if the elite is up that’s no bueno unless they stray from the turrets and chase me otherwise it is suicide.
many people still don’t try to CC or predict a thief’s movement and actions as they should. I still run into some who don’t seem to have any kind of defensive utility slotted. add to that glass warriors are still the most common from my experience and it is explainable.
that said, any warrior built even slightly defensively has a large advantage over burst thieves, they just are not as prone to do it as guardians, who find it far easier. given two equally skilled opponents in proper builds I find guardians and warriors my toughest opponents when I am in a burst build, and necro’s and guardians when I am in a condition build.
I’m actually near-full GC but I never lost to Thieves unless they got me totally from behind (lol) while EP was on CD and I wasn’t paying attention – but that maybe happened 2-3 times over my 1400 hours.
In any other case they will just CnD+Steal into 0 damage, I whirl for 10k and at this point they either:
- come out of stealth and be hit for 14k eviscerate + Rush(which follows stealth) if they dodge
- use shadow refuge and be hit for 10k+ while inside
- use blinding powder to continue stealthing and I Shieldblock until they unstealth
- try restealthing with CnD that I dodge, and finish them
- escape
S/D thieves I just Balanced stance their whole stuns and blam blam dead.
The only Thieves I feel forced to run from are P/D ones, they just troll you and heal up so it’s not worth the gamble for me.
I’m a DD/SB (or PP) condition thief and the class that gives me the most trouble are Mesmers due to the fact that they have skills that work just like our shadowstep where they teleport and increase their distance. It just burns my initiative when they do it just as I start using a skill and I hit nothing but their illusion.
All of the others tend to just be a quality fight. Eles, I CC. Necros, so long as I dodge through their marks I’m good. Warriors are a toss-up, depending on their armor. Rangers have to commit and if they don’t, they’re easy to chase down. Other thieves tend to be overly predictable, especially P/D thieves. I know their tricks and so I am better able to control the flow of the fight. It doesn’t mean I’ll win all of the time, but I generally do not have trouble against P/D thieves. Engineers can be difficult, especially with the immobilize of their turret. And Guardians? I see a guardian, I just turn the other way around. It’s pretty useless for me to fight one.
Fer Aline – Thf; Suralinta – Rgr; Alyra Va Tel – Ele; Mer Aline – War
Oddly enough, I seem to be having the exact opposite problem as everyone else in this thread. Great sword burst warriors tend to wreck me before I get a chance to do anything to them, while D/D eles and guardians don’t give me much trouble. That isn’t to say that I’ve never lost to a D/D ele or bunker guardian, but most of the time I can win against them.
This might have to do with my play style though. I run S/D D/D most of the time. I spent a lot of time learning how to work around the wonky movement of Flanking Strike. I can pretty much land both hits as long as I don’t have anything targeted most of the time. Bunker guardians and D/D eles just get boon stripped, and without their boons they drop like a rock. Still, I wish Flanking Strike was easier to use.
GS Berserker warriors tend to break me in half though for some reason. That whirlwind thing really really hurts. I can usually anticipate the bulls charge and dodge it, and even if it does connect I usually run with RFI and Shadowstep to break it. Still, I usually find myself on the losing end of a GS warrior. Their wide area AoE attacks and stun moves are on a pretty short CD compared to my escape abilities.
(edited by Kravick.4906)
many people still don’t try to CC or predict a thief’s movement and actions as they should. I still run into some who don’t seem to have any kind of defensive utility slotted. add to that glass warriors are still the most common from my experience and it is explainable.
that said, any warrior built even slightly defensively has a large advantage over burst thieves, they just are not as prone to do it as guardians, who find it far easier. given two equally skilled opponents in proper builds I find guardians and warriors my toughest opponents when I am in a burst build, and necro’s and guardians when I am in a condition build.
I’m actually near-full GC but I never lost to Thieves unless they got me totally from behind (lol) while EP was on CD and I wasn’t paying attention – but that maybe happened 2-3 times over my 1400 hours.
In any other case they will just CnD+Steal into 0 damage, I whirl for 10k and at this point they either:
- come out of stealth and be hit for 14k eviscerate + Rush(which follows stealth) if they dodge
- use shadow refuge and be hit for 10k+ while inside
- use blinding powder to continue stealthing and I Shieldblock until they unstealth
- try restealthing with CnD that I dodge, and finish them
- escape
S/D thieves I just Balanced stance their whole stuns and blam blam dead.The only Thieves I feel forced to run from are P/D ones, they just troll you and heal up so it’s not worth the gamble for me.
yeah, I see an axe and shield on a warrior while I am in a burst build I go find a softer target. Also, I was talking about the average warrior I run into, which you are not.
Gungnir Aurus – 80 Guardian
[AUX] Isle of Janthir
many people still don’t try to CC or predict a thief’s movement and actions as they should. I still run into some who don’t seem to have any kind of defensive utility slotted. add to that glass warriors are still the most common from my experience and it is explainable.
that said, any warrior built even slightly defensively has a large advantage over burst thieves, they just are not as prone to do it as guardians, who find it far easier. given two equally skilled opponents in proper builds I find guardians and warriors my toughest opponents when I am in a burst build, and necro’s and guardians when I am in a condition build.
I’m actually near-full GC but I never lost to Thieves unless they got me totally from behind (lol) while EP was on CD and I wasn’t paying attention – but that maybe happened 2-3 times over my 1400 hours.
In any other case they will just CnD+Steal into 0 damage, I whirl for 10k and at this point they either:
- come out of stealth and be hit for 14k eviscerate + Rush(which follows stealth) if they dodge
- use shadow refuge and be hit for 10k+ while inside
- use blinding powder to continue stealthing and I Shieldblock until they unstealth
- try restealthing with CnD that I dodge, and finish them
- escape
S/D thieves I just Balanced stance their whole stuns and blam blam dead.The only Thieves I feel forced to run from are P/D ones, they just troll you and heal up so it’s not worth the gamble for me.
Uses Balanced stance to shutdown a weapon that can remove Stability.
Sounds legit.
A well plaid guardian. They have so many good ways to fight a thief. It’s laughable for me to fight a thief while on my guardian. Mesmers don’t give me any real issues… but I know their playstyle very well after having plaid one for quite a while in the past.
Salvage 4 Profit + MF Guide – http://tinyurl.com/l8ff6pa
Oddly enough, as a burst spec, condition warrior gives me issues (sword/shield + rifle).
As P/D condi spec, probably D/D ele’s due to the high condition cleansing.
When playing S/D or S/P, guardians are a royal pain as are mesmers. Trouble dealing enough dmg/keeping guardians dazed long enough to dmg them, and mesmers hit like a truck.
Guardians are only annoying in that they spread AEGIS to everyone blocking my CnDs. Glass cannons warriors are troublesome in group fights. Doesn’t matter if you’re full tank thief, if you don’t dodge/stunbreak the bullrush 100B then you might as well call it a day.
Not so much classes are play styles. I only really have Sword 2 as a stun break so things with knockdowns and blowouts can be annoying.
Part-time Kittenposter
It’s surprising Engineer hasn’t been mentioned even once. The CC spam when caught could make someone literally scream.
Happened to me the other day needless to say the wtf factor of it shocked til I realized the thief I was chasing burst me down on the back end. But yeah engi burst cc is something to be reckoned with.
Wrekkes-Engineer Kore Rok Thief-Asraithe-Ele
Engineers are fairly easy because you can use their turrets to CND off of. Just make sure you get CC’d near the turrets.
I run a condition spec.
Bunker Ele’s are my bane.
They won’t kill me, but I won’t kill them.
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