What do you think about this build
Taking all the on hit heals it is viable in PvE contexts imo. I’ve soloed champions with a slightly more tanky set of armor and a similar setup.
I haven’t tested it extensively, however, and I prefer builds that work in multiple game modes.
Tbh, all you really need is invigorating precision if you are having trouble surviving. You could drop acro for DA and do fine imo.
If you’re running heal on hit, consider running mad king runes. They give a lot of healing with the signet heal and daggerstorm vs packs of mobs.
Also, you’d find Trickery an alternative to acro, as the caltrops on dodge proc the signet heal per pulse. Same for the caltrops utility.
Don’t follow me, unless you enjoy being chased by angry men with sticks.
Power Build Condi Build
When someone asks about a build’s viability I always ask them what they want to achieve with said build.
You mentioned fracs and dungeons, but it still depends how you wish to play/clear the content. Technically you can play whatever and still do fine.
You run full Berserker’s, with IP and Malice, which should be more than enough to survive in the instances mentioned above.
As it was suggested before me I’d also recommend swapping Acro for DA. It will boost IP thanks to the extra dmg modifiers, hence it will boost your survivability.
I honestly suggest to you (and anyone else out there) that you learn to play with a glassy set up instead of swapping skills/traits/gear to make it ‘easier to stay alive’.
But then again if you don’t care about how efficient you are clearing content then just play what you feel like, but note that pugs will require meta builds.
If you are using that many Signets, might as well use Signets of Power on CS tree.
Thief – Raiden Hayabusa
Thief – Gouki Kurokawa