What is it with people demanding thief nerfs?
I main a thief, and i can easily say we are like one of the weakest classes right now.
Everywhere i go i feel so insignificant.
Low health pool
Low condition removal
Low direct damage
Low AoEsOther than our 2 attacks (backstab, heartseeker).
There is not one class out there that can’t out-perform us.
Yet we get all off the kittenstorm because we have one OP combo that apparently kitten everyone, everytime.
Since release it’s been downhill for the thief. Nerf after nerf after nerf. And i chose this class because i was sick of my ele being squishy as hell.Now i could be going around and giving suggestions, but i have never noticed any suggestion put into the game at all. I’m not even going to put effort into it.
Everyone is probably going to try proving me otherwise and tell me to L2P, but i’m not giving up on thief, i’m just saying to lay down the kittenstorm.
This is all true, unless you are fighting an idiot.
If you are fighting an idiot, this following is true:
Low Health Pool
Best Condition Removal. (your targets letting you CnD him over and over, a BIG mistake…)
Best Direct Damage. (your target is not moving around and you can get his back easilly.)
Low AOEs.
Im feeling a little bit this way too, however I still think you can make a good thief, its just very hard. I feel like the thief is the only class that people complain about. I feel you OP.
This is all true, unless you are fighting an idiot.
If you are fighting an idiot, this following is true:
Low Health Pool
Best Condition Removal. (your targets letting you CnD him over and over, a BIG mistake…)
Best Direct Damage. (your target is not moving around and you can get his back easilly.)
Low AOEs.
See thats the point, unless you are traited for cond removal on stealth, you don’t have cond removal. which is ironic actually, seeing as i run a cond build.
This is all true, unless you are fighting an idiot.
If you are fighting an idiot, this following is true:
Low Health Pool
Best Condition Removal. (your targets letting you CnD him over and over, a BIG mistake…)
Best Direct Damage. (your target is not moving around and you can get his back easilly.)
Low AOEs.See thats the point, unless you are traited for cond removal on stealth, you don’t have cond removal. which is ironic actually, seeing as i run a cond build.
If we get a condition on you, just stealth and run off till it goes away :P Ive never killed a thief using conditions lol
they demand thief nerfs simply because your the most irritating class in the game. able to go into battle with no risk at all and 3 shot players. and get out alive. able to disengage the fight anytime you wish by simply using C&D. You can spam heartseeker and do 3k to 5k damage per hit. plus more if crit.
Basically any new person can create a thief go into pvp and auto attack ppl to death without even using any skills with a basic GC build. thats why people are mad at you enjoy the complaining xD lol
Have you by any chance ever equipped a shortbow? Not only does it do AoE damage, but it also has an autoattack that bounces. So regardless of whether you play PvP or PvE the shortbow allows you to pump out respectable DPS even from range.
Also if your focus is AoE damage, then you may want to run a condition spec(like 0/0/30/20/20) with caltrops. Condition specs also afford quite a bit of survivability as well since they focus on high vigor upkeep time to be constantly dodging(to drop caltrops), and with Death Blossom you can avoid an enormous amount of damage. Not only that but with that same spec you can gear it towards high stealth up time and condition removal.
So I think it’s time you try something different and explore the class a bit more thoroughly.
Because people don’t like stealth classes. Because they find them annoying. Because their very existence lowers the ‘fun factor’ of a pvp excursion. It has been true since the beginning and will continue to be true as long as stealth classes (expecially bursty ones) exist.
It’s not that complicated really.
Yaks Bend
There is not one class out there that can’t out-perform us.
It’s called a Necromancer.
80 Ranger (3), 80 Warrior (3), 80 Thief (3)
80 Ele (2), 80 Engi (3), 80 Rev (2)
I main a thief, and i can easily say we are like one of the weakest classes right now.
Everywhere i go i feel so insignificant.
Low health pool
Low condition removal
Low direct damage
Low AoEsOther than our 2 attacks (backstab, heartseeker).
There is not one class out there that can’t out-perform us.
Yet we get all off the kittenstorm because we have one OP combo that apparently kitten everyone, everytime.
Since release it’s been downhill for the thief. Nerf after nerf after nerf. And i chose this class because i was sick of my ele being squishy as hell.Now i could be going around and giving suggestions, but i have never noticed any suggestion put into the game at all. I’m not even going to put effort into it.
Everyone is probably going to try proving me otherwise and tell me to L2P, but i’m not giving up on thief, i’m just saying to lay down the kittenstorm.
I do not want to be offensive, but if you say things like thief has low condition removal, you don’t know very well this class and maybe you need a little more practice.
Thief class has one of the best condition removal, the best dd (and without any cd), one of the best aoe (cluster bomb), excellent condition damage (p/d FTW), and yes, we have a low health pool, but we can bypass this problem with a lot of tricks (stealth, regen, life steal), and I can easily say that my thief is more resistant than my ranger alt.
If you don’t know these things and you can kill people… well this is the proof that our class i op, because is like using an elemetalist without using water attunement.
(edited by Edeor.9720)
Actually Elementalists are the lowest HP and Def in the whole game. We trade off alot of firepower for defenses. What about you?
same with thieves the traditional backstab build (25/30/0/0/15) has almost no forms of survival. The survival is based around shadowstep. my build i am running sacrifices alot of burst fore consistent dmg by sticking to my target with condition removal and still good backstab dmg. but you will not see my build coming even close to 1 shotting people. thieves are is a good spot right now. not op not underpowered.
K U R A Enguard [ENG], Pretty Princess Squad [MEN]
they demand thief nerfs simply because your the most irritating class in the game. able to go into battle with no risk at all and 3 shot players. and get out alive. able to disengage the fight anytime you wish by simply using C&D. You can spam heartseeker and do 3k to 5k damage per hit. plus more if crit.
Basically any new person can create a thief go into pvp and auto attack ppl to death without even using any skills with a basic GC build. thats why people are mad at you
enjoy the complaining xD lol
You don’t pvp. New people on thieves are food and don’t last long because they were mis-sold how easy it should be. No one dies to BS in pvp.
Low health pool
Low condition removal
Low direct damage
Low AoEs
Low health pool; this is true, but teleportation and stealth negates a need for health.
Low condition removal; without stealth traits, this is true.
Low direct damage; no, because a good burst can even kill bunker guardians.
Low AoEs; some classes are superior, but the mediocre classes are not.
Bursting doesn’t require any skill, except for knowning about invulnerabilities and reflects (And no, this isn’t a backstab burst because those are actually quite tricky). That really isn’t much to learn and allows for easy obliterations of enemies. Even those ’I’m a godlike condition build thief’ or ‘Godlike Guardian’ builds are vulnerable to a burst. Defense isn’t effective against a thief, we have superior mobility, stealth and a general pain in the kitten I made a Thief for this reason, and guess what, I actually do great in PvP now. My skill didn’t change compared to my previous class, Warrior, but my effectivity sky-rocketed. THAT is why people complain (including me).
Inactive: Guardian, Elementalist, Ranger, Thief (ex-main)
Leveling: Engineer, Necromancer
(edited by Deathspike.1870)
they demand thief nerfs simply because your the most irritating class in the game. able to go into battle with no risk at all and 3 shot players. and get out alive. able to disengage the fight anytime you wish by simply using C&D. You can spam heartseeker and do 3k to 5k damage per hit. plus more if crit.
Basically any new person can create a thief go into pvp and auto attack ppl to death without even using any skills with a basic GC build. thats why people are mad at you
enjoy the complaining xD lol
You don’t pvp. New people on thieves are food and don’t last long because they were mis-sold how easy it should be. No one dies to BS in pvp.
correction i do pvp and correction to you again people still die to BS build in pvp period its a known fact i may only be rank 27 in spvp but i fairly WvW all the time and its easy for a thief to get the jump on you while your in a fight with other worlds its not hard so next time dont accuse some 1 that they dont do something when infact they do. and my rank is rising each and everyday ill be 40 in a few weeks ^^
Any new player can set up a glass cannon build for thief and go auto attack people to death in spvp everyone knows that its the easiest class to get kills on thats just as simple as it goes. But sorry thiefs my main is a mesmer and i say thats way more dangerous xD
I think a large problem is that people who want to nerf Thieves have horrid suggestions. They don’t understand the the implications of what they suggest are far more complex as just, “Nerf x to oblivion, problem solved”. I’m actually not all that opposed to nerfing Thief, but changes shouldn’t be done by people who never played Thief and understand very little.
That is my biggest complaint. Give me a well thought out nerf to Thief and I will probably agree with you.
Thief – Radderic
Mesmer – Smash Kablooey
Any new player can set up a glass cannon build for thief and go auto attack people to death in spvp everyone knows that its the easiest class to get kills on thats just as simple as it goes. But sorry thiefs my main is a mesmer and i say thats way more dangerous xD
As someone who mains Mesmer and has a Thief on the side, I honestly feel bad for Thieves, RE: all the cries for nerfs. Here’s my opinion on the issue: fact is, both classes (at current) have some ways to pull a quick ’n dirty faceroll (glass cannon shatter Mes/glass cannon Mug/BS/HS/CnD Thieves).
This, honestly cheapens both classes, and gives them a crappy rep; when in fact
those Mesmers who sideline Thieves (and one would assume Thieves who sideline Mesmers) like both classes cause they’re deceptive and tactically stylish.
Thus, I say: I’d rather see the lower-performing aspects of any class brought up to par before nerfs in general. Indeed, one should only nerf in the case of something being absolutely and unforgivably rigged. But that’s just my 2 copper.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
(edited by Advent.6193)
Well, mesmers have all these dirty tricks thieves do, but they ALSO have amazing utility to sideline this.
Nobody wants a pve group with a thief, because VENOMS/Traps/Most of our utility is worthless.
Mesmers have more HP, Better Utility, and EVERYONE needs a mesmer portal in pve AND spvp.
(edited by Daecollo.9578)
RE: Daecollo
This is why I mentioned bringing the lower specs of classes up to par.
Hell, I rather hate being considered “Mr. Walking Portal,” and I’d like to think a Thief would enjoy being more of a “Master of Utility.” Hell, I’d love to see both sides of that divide being able to shine in more than certain one-off situations.
That said, however, you gents definately win for all-around mobility and ease of stealth.
Which is fine by me.
Other 80s: Any but Warrior
We have only 1 strength. (almost) Only 1 way of doing things.
Burst? BS or HS
Cond removal? [Shadow’s Embrace]
AoE? [Cluster Bomb]
Survivabilty? [Feline Grace] and dodge like a maniac.
Right now i’m sticking with a DB condition build, but every other class has so much condition removal that it doesn’t even matter. And our potential is wasted when somebody else with bleeds comes along in a PvE party.
How the hell do i escape with C&D? that gives 3 (max 4) seconds stealth?
[Cluster Bomb] is useless if you want to spam it since you need to be close range to do it. better off using [Death Blossom].
[Unload] and [Dancing Daggers] have been nerfed to the ground.
Most skills are so situational that the moment you want to use it you’re too late.
We only get this kittenstorm because some kittenheads went into pvp and died without a heads up, and went on the forum to cry about it. Instead of trying to figure out a counter. Same kittenstorm the mesmers get because people cant figure out which one of the illusions is the real person.
I still see people trying to finish the mesmer that doesnt have the huge red arrow above his head when downed, some people will never learn.
People still ask for Warrior nerfs, go figure.
It’s the WoW player logic:
Die → forums → cry for nerfs
instead of
Die → L2P → win
Best Condition Removal. (your targets letting you CnD him over and over, a BIG mistake…)
I get so sick of people thinking CnD(and all of our abilities for that matter) are free and spammable forever.
CnD costs 6, count them, 6 initiative. that’s over half of our total initiative pool.
edit – fixed
(edited by FourTwenty.4268)
Actually Elementalists are the lowest HP and Def in the whole game. We trade off alot of firepower for defenses. What about you?
Ele’s and Thieves have the same base HP. And I wouldn’t be so quick to want thieves nerfed as an Ele. The way I see it. Eles are probably the next on the chopping block for QQ rage. Think about it, an endless amount of players complaining about your favourite class, no matter how you try to defend it intellectually it doesn’t matter. They rail and rail tirelessly on you, shouting insults at you, never even considering that they themselves are the reason your class pwns them.
Part-time Kittenposter
Best Condition Removal. (your targets letting you CnD him over and over, a BIG mistake…)
I get so sick of people thinking CnD(and all of our abilities for that matter) are free and spammable forever.
CnD costs FIVE, count them, FIVE initiative. that’s half of our total initiative pool.
6 Initiative actually.
Part-time Kittenposter
Best Condition Removal. (your targets letting you CnD him over and over, a BIG mistake…)
I get so sick of people thinking CnD(and all of our abilities for that matter) are free and spammable forever.
CnD costs FIVE, count them, FIVE initiative. that’s half of our total initiative pool.
6 Initiative actually.
much appreciated for the correction
Try playing some different classes, thief may not be for you.
Thief is one of the strongest (if not the strongest) classes (hence the torrent of nerf complants).
I levelled up taking on 4-5 at a time easily, comfortably soloed champs, travel through anywhere fearlessly, escape from anything, and pwn newbs in WVW in a couple of seconds.
It’s a really strong class.
People still ask for Warrior nerfs, go figure.
It’s the WoW player logic:
Die -> forums -> cry for nerfs
instead of
Die -> L2P -> win
Haha totally agree with this!
People still ask for Warrior nerfs, go figure.
It’s the WoW player logic:
Die -> forums -> cry for nerfs
instead of
Die -> L2P -> winHaha totally agree with this!
This problem is compounded by the fact that all defensive options are active rather than passive in GW2. (dodge, block, etc all require actively triggering some ability). It further separates the bad players from the good ones and worsens the QQ on forums because there are, unfortunately, people who will NEVER be good enough at this twitch style to be successful.
People call for nerfs to thieves because they don’t want to counter the thief, basically they don’t want to have to think about a fight while it’s going on. Case in point, the other day in WvW a ranger got the jump on my thief, he immediately used Long Bow #3 and followed into #2, the problem for him was my using Dagger Storm (projectile reflection) the moment he used LB #2 so he killed himself because he didn’t want to swap to a melee weapon.
However, people also want nerfs to thieves because they are what I’d describe as an Active defense, passive offense class; Their defense consists of stealth (has to be timed and used actively rather than re-actively) as well as high mobility skills (also active in use) but we don’t have much by way of condition removal or passive defense (protection, immunity etc.) all the while our offense usually consists of pushing 1 or 2 buttons over and over which is pretty passive and doesn’t require much thought or skill.
The end result is a class that’s hard to kill because its defense is highly individualistic and unpredictable, but is easier to defend against because its offense is limited and thoughtless, and people don’t like that at all.
I am anti-censorship, for it doesn’t make sense to pander to a minority.
Fighting Thieves just isn’t fun. It doesn’t feel like a fun fight in most cases.
People are constantly fighting and dying to various classes in game and yet the Thief is the only one who receives near constant QQ.
There’s more to it than just “L2P issues”. You’d have to be pretty ignorant not to see it.
You can blame a part of it on Stealth and how the class is destined for ganking and griefing. And that’s probably a big part of the deal. But it’s also the fact that fighting Thieves isn’t fun. You often don’t see them coming and it’s hard to capitalize on their mistakes. Culling exasperates this issue by making Thieves just that much harder to kill.
Initiative and the fact that Thieves can spam skills makes them seem very “cheap” to opposing players. It rarely feels like you got outplayed by a Thief. Instead it feels more like you got cheesed.
If you have 1 QQ thread about a class every other day, that’s normal and to be expected in an MMO.
But having 2+ active threads in just about every relevant forum complaining about Thieves, you know they might be on to something.
If you have 1 QQ thread about a class every other day, that’s normal and to be expected in an MMO.
But having 2+ active threads in just about every relevant forum complaining about Thieves, you know they might be on to something.
Or just like normal in MMO’s. Bad players come to forums to QQ because they got killed.
Actually, the complaints and QQ threads are always the same people from what I have noticed. They just keep making new threads in order to get Thief nerfed. They never bring anything new to the table and have some of the worst ideas to “balance” the profession.
Many complaints would be solved by fixing mechanics rather than class balance (read culling).
Also some classes are good vs thieves (necro) while others suck. If you’re playing a class with low mobility/cc/condi removal, prepare to get pwned most thief fights :P
If you have 1 QQ thread about a class every other day, that’s normal and to be expected in an MMO.
But having 2+ active threads in just about every relevant forum complaining about Thieves, you know they might be on to something.
Or just like normal in MMO’s. Bad players come to forums to QQ because they got killed.
Of course it’s normal to an extent.
But Thieves are over this extent. If you can’t see a difference between a few dozen complaints per week and hundreds of complaints each week I’m not sure what to say.
I mean even ANet acknowledged this with their thread just below.
I enjoy fighting other thieves, yet i cant find any because they all migrated to another profession. I don’t PvP and when i WvW i feel so useless as a thief. it’s ridiculous.
I enjoy fighting other thieves, yet i cant find any because they all migrated to another profession. I don’t PvP and when i WvW i feel so useless as a thief. it’s ridiculous.
If you can find a small group of people that are taking Supply Camps, Killing Dolyaks and flanking larger groups (Leaders tend to hang in the back shouting orders). You will see the Thief shine. If you are just following the zerg from Tower to Keep, then Thief has very little to offer.
We are awesome in a strike force, not in a battalion.
Thiefs are so hilarious. Nerf them alreadey. So overpowered. Strealth without cooldown all the time. Too much selfheal and mucxh too much damage upkeep.
Thiefs are so hilarious. Nerf them alreadey. So overpowered. Strealth without cooldown all the time. Too much selfheal and mucxh too much damage upkeep.
1. We have revealed debuff.
2. Hide in Shadows isn’t all that. I like it for Condi removal. All other heals don’t heal much at all.
3. Learn to dodge.
What is it that you play, so I can come into your forums and scream NERF NERF NERF like an end of the world lunatic with a sandwich board?
Thiefs are so hilarious. Nerf them alreadey. So overpowered. Strealth without cooldown all the time. Too much selfheal and mucxh too much damage upkeep.
*3s revealed buff != Stealth without cooldown.
*Self-heal and damage upkeep depends on the build you have. You can trade in for either one but not both.
I have successfully rebuttal your argument.
What class do you play that makes it feel like thieves are overpowered? If it is a class I play, I’m more than happy to teach you how to play and beat thieves on that class.
Thiefs are so hilarious. Nerf them alreadey. So overpowered. Strealth without cooldown all the time. Too much selfheal and mucxh too much damage upkeep.
*3s revealed buff != Stealth without cooldown.
*Self-heal and damage upkeep depends on the build you have. You can trade in for either one but not both.I have successfully rebuttal your argument
What class do you play that makes it feel like thieves are overpowered? If it is a class I play, I’m more than happy to teach you how to play and beat thieves on that class.
That would entail them actually having to get better. All noobs want is things to be given to them (WoW has created this generation of lazy welfare gamers). Would LOVE to see these people play a real MMO, like one where you lose xp on death and can actually DELEVEL :-P
It’s not about playstyle. No othe class can finish someon in wvwe in stealth mode, so u have no chance of interrupting. It needs less skill to play a thief, than a mesme
r. I play many classes and u obviously don’t have a clue of game mechanics. I’d consider ur opinion garbage, but that’s not th etopic here. Stay factual.
And what the hell are you doing solo in WvW? and why fight a thief knowing its the king of 1v1? why not try to anticipate his attacks? why not try to lead aoe his stealth? why not try to dry his initiative/cooldowns out before attacking full on? why not try to actually EVADE his attacks? why go full glass cannon and cry about getting defeated by a better glass cannon?
snip . No othe class can finish someon in wvwe in stealth mode, snip
Your argument is invalidated
It’s not about playstyle. No othe class can finish someon in wvwe in stealth mode, so u have no chance of interrupting. It needs less skill to play a thief, than a mesme
r. I play many classes and u obviously don’t have a clue of game mechanics. I’d consider ur opinion garbage, but that’s not th etopic here. Stay factual.
Mesmer isn’t that hard either to burst with. The set up isn’t really all that complex. Same with all the other professions. People keep playing roles that their build isn’t strong in.
Also, WvW isn’t supposed to be that balanced. level 1 in equal level gear in most circumstances is going to stomped by an 80 with equal level gear.
I laugh when someone mentions balancing the professions and WvW in the same sentence.
snip . No othe class can finish someon in wvwe in stealth mode, snip
EngineerYour argument is invalidated
Actually any profession can stealth stomp. You just need a Thief friend.
I always hit someone with blinding powder or shadow’s refuge (if it is a crucial stomp) so they can get an uninterrupted stomp, while I head to the next targeted player to burn down.
Thiefs are so hilarious. Nerf them alreadey. So overpowered. Strealth without cooldown all the time. Too much selfheal and mucxh too much damage upkeep.
*3s revealed buff != Stealth without cooldown.
*Self-heal and damage upkeep depends on the build you have. You can trade in for either one but not both.I have successfully rebuttal your argument
What class do you play that makes it feel like thieves are overpowered? If it is a class I play, I’m more than happy to teach you how to play and beat thieves on that class.
That would entail them actually having to get better. All noobs want is things to be given to them (WoW has created this generation of lazy welfare gamers). Would LOVE to see these people play a real MMO, like one where you lose xp on death and can actually DELEVEL :-P
Isn’t this the reason why stealth classes were introduced to give bad players and casuals a free ride with minimal effort and thought?
Thiefs are so hilarious. Nerf them alreadey. So overpowered. Strealth without cooldown all the time. Too much selfheal and mucxh too much damage upkeep.
*3s revealed buff != Stealth without cooldown.
*Self-heal and damage upkeep depends on the build you have. You can trade in for either one but not both.I have successfully rebuttal your argument
What class do you play that makes it feel like thieves are overpowered? If it is a class I play, I’m more than happy to teach you how to play and beat thieves on that class.
That would entail them actually having to get better. All noobs want is things to be given to them (WoW has created this generation of lazy welfare gamers). Would LOVE to see these people play a real MMO, like one where you lose xp on death and can actually DELEVEL :-P
Isn’t this the reason why stealth classes were introduced to give bad players and casuals a free ride with minimal effort and thought?
Are we talking historically? Or about GW2 in particular? In the past, some of the most difficult classes to play have been stealth oriented…..
In GW2, I will agree that the thief has builds (see D/D backstab) with a really low entry level skill threshold. These builds verge on god-mode in noob vs noob combat. As evidenced by the number of them is PuG sPvP.
On the other hand, these builds are all but worthless vs more seasoned opponents, which is why you simply cease to see them in high level tPvP or in the dueling circuits/fight clubs in WvW.
At this point, you see thieves with more complicated builds. They are all but impossible for a new player to use, but absolutely deadly in the hands of someone capable of using them to full potential (S/D, D/P, S/P, etc).
The thief is a class of extremes…… Really low required entry skill with a skill cap that rivals that of any class in game.
TL;DR: Yes, and no (a bit of both perhaps)
Thiefs are so hilarious. Nerf them alreadey. So overpowered. Strealth without cooldown all the time. Too much selfheal and mucxh too much damage upkeep.
*3s revealed buff != Stealth without cooldown.
*Self-heal and damage upkeep depends on the build you have. You can trade in for either one but not both.I have successfully rebuttal your argument
What class do you play that makes it feel like thieves are overpowered? If it is a class I play, I’m more than happy to teach you how to play and beat thieves on that class.
That would entail them actually having to get better. All noobs want is things to be given to them (WoW has created this generation of lazy welfare gamers). Would LOVE to see these people play a real MMO, like one where you lose xp on death and can actually DELEVEL :-P
Isn’t this the reason why stealth classes were introduced to give bad players and casuals a free ride with minimal effort and thought?
Well-said. Totally agreed.
Are we talking historically? Or about GW2 in particular? In the past, some of the most difficult classes to play have been stealth oriented…..
In GW2, I will agree that the thief has builds (see D/D backstab) with a really low entry level skill threshold. These builds verge on god-mode in noob vs noob combat. As evidenced by the number of them is PuG sPvP.
On the other hand, these builds are all but worthless vs more seasoned opponents, which is why you simply cease to see them in high level tPvP or in the dueling circuits/fight clubs in WvW.
At this point, you see thieves with more complicated builds. They are all but impossible for a new player to use, but absolutely deadly in the hands of someone capable of using them to full potential (S/D, D/P, S/P, etc).
The thief is a class of extremes…… Really low required entry skill with a skill cap that rivals that of any class in game.
TL;DR: Yes, and no (a bit of both perhaps)
Thiefs are so hilarious. Nerf them alreadey. So overpowered. Strealth without cooldown all the time. Too much selfheal and mucxh too much damage upkeep.
Try a 4 second CD at least on any stealth.
so u have no chance of interrupting.
Unless just about any non-targeted launch, push, knockdown, blind or stun hits them. All of which are possibilities.
Part-time Kittenposter