What is the new burst build for thieves now?

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I haven’t got much if a chance to play since patch due to recovering from a surgery.

I can maybe stand playing for 30m-1h at a time.

I loved burst before patch. What have thieves done to compensate for mug nerf?

Are burst thieves running the same build but just eating the nerf or is there a new build/trait setup?

Just another noob thief…

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


swinks…..there is no more burst. i can give you a signet build that can kill anyone in 2 hits…but ur usually dead right after. lemme know if u want it.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


btw im talking 20k + backstabs on average……12k CnD. but you sacrifice all defense for it. so you HAVE to run with people.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


Well I’ve always rolled 0/30/30/10/0 DD DP-SD-SB so bursting was never my thing. I have seen some classic glass cannon running around, so I think DD glass is still bursting around. Those new no stealth evasion builds aren’t burst I think, but I think there are some DP burst builds out, just not as effective as an actual DP build since those manage initiative much better. If that answers your question.

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Sure post it. I’m looking for more of burst for spvp.

I really like bursting people down in spvp but I tried my burst build after patch and laughed as it only took a p/ d thief to 70%…

Edit: just wanted to add my current build is 0/20/30/20/0, running d/p and s/d. It works well but bursting it does not do.

Just another noob thief…

(edited by swinsk.6410)

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


spvp wont work bc of the 50% dmg debuff for all classes. sux and unfair bc its not an even downgrade although on the surface it appears to be.


30 30 0 0 10


Signet of Malice-Signet of Agility-Signet of Shadows-Assassins signet-Basilisk Venom

Full Zerk armor with scholar runes Full Zerk accs with zerk jewels

run D/D and SB

Operation: BAS VEN to SIG OF MALICE to ASSASS SIG to SIG OF AGI to SIG OF SHAD to CND then quickly to STEAL finish then BACKSTAB and its gauranteed to down any class / player if you get it off.

enjoy the OP ness….and all the deaths that come right after lol :P u might even hit 25k backstabs or 30k+ if they have frenzy or 35k if frenzy and lots of vulnerability on

EDITORS NOTE: RUn sigil of bloodlust and get 25 stacks run curry food and master maint oild. then ur talking huuuuuuuuuuuuge.

(edited by Travlane.5948)

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


spvp wont work bc of the 50% dmg debuff for all classes. sux and unfair bc its not an even downgrade although on the surface it appears to be.


30 30 0 0 10


Signet of Malice-Signet of Agility-Signet of Shadows-Assassins signet-Basilisk Venom

Full Zerk armor with scholar runes Full Zerk accs with zerk jewels

run D/D and SB

Operation: BAS VEN to SIG OF MALICE to ASSASS SIG to SIG OF AGI to SIG OF SHAD to CND then quickly to STEAL finish then BACKSTAB and its gauranteed to down any class / player if you get it off.

enjoy the OP ness….and all the deaths that come right after lol :P u might even hit 25k backstabs or 30k+ if they have frenzy or 35k if frenzy and lots of vulnerability on

*Swinsk runs build, we notice an odd increase in thief is op threads surface

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


this is my build not influenced by anyone but me. am in the first? idk idc lol . but this is what i run wheni wanna be a jerk….which usually costs me my life. i should go make a 15 min video of 10 sec clips of me ganking people so it “looks” OP.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


this is my build not influenced by anyone but me. am in the first? idk idc lol . but this is what i run wheni wanna be a jerk….which usually costs me my life. i should go make a 15 min video of 10 sec clips of me ganking people so it “looks” OP.

Do it, I’m in need of some entertainment. And well, it’s a build I’d never run :p

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


this is my build not influenced by anyone but me. am in the first? idk idc lol . but this is what i run wheni wanna be a jerk….which usually costs me my life. i should go make a 15 min video of 10 sec clips of me ganking people so it “looks” OP.

Do it, I’m in need of some entertainment. And well, it’s a build I’d never run :p

lol ill show you a 20 sec clip. i havent done much yet but heres some : check next video i add in a min.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Ill give it a shot. I already have the gear for wvw. I’m guessing its just might stacking with popping signets.

Going to try it in spvp first tho.

Just another noob thief…

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


This video is with valkyrie/bersekr/other stuff so its nto max dmg but still high. its about 80% of what it should be. i only have a few mini clips but likie i said i havent had any requests for this kind of video but if people find it funny ill go around ganking people lol.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


This video is with valkyrie/bersekr/other stuff so its nto max dmg but still high. its about 80% of what it should be. i only have a few mini clips but likie i said i havent had any requests for this kind of video but if people find it funny ill go around ganking people lol.

._. yeah thats the kind of thing I wouldnt want coming from behind me, it’s happened before no one likes it.

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


@red true but its funny …..and the build doesnt allow you to live ….i have plenty of videos of 4 v 1 3 v 1 2 v 1 1 v 1 and even zerg v zerg. my builds allow me do kill slower but also survive alot more. d/d like this is a suicide wish. :P

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Nahan.5043


This video is with valkyrie/bersekr/other stuff so its nto max dmg but still high. its about 80% of what it should be. i only have a few mini clips but likie i said i havent had any requests for this kind of video but if people find it funny ill go around ganking people lol.

LE LOL this video gave me an orgasm xD

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


heres a lil clip. only a small one as im making a 15 min video but waiting to stockpile enough footage. d/d is fun but it cant do wghat p/d or d/p can do. :P

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Issues.5789


heres a lil clip. only a small one as im making a 15 min video but waiting to stockpile enough footage. d/d is fun but it cant do wghat p/d or d/p can do. :P

You should Keybind your utilities, It’s much faster than clicking and effective. I use QER, so they’re right beside when I use WASD.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


i do. i have one wrist. i keybind only 2 of my utilities…..keybind steal…keybind CND/black powder and the rest i click 1 2 3 4…. the video i only have 1 hand bc of surgery on my left wrist from a body building accident.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


swinks…..there is no more burst. i can give you a signet build that can kill anyone in 2 hits…but ur usually dead right after. lemme know if u want it.

Don’t listen to him, he can be a pesky little QQ’er at times swinsk.


What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


swinks…..there is no more burst. i can give you a signet build that can kill anyone in 2 hits…but ur usually dead right after. lemme know if u want it.

Don’t listen to him, he can be a pesky little QQ’er at times swinsk.

we have chatted several times in game. seem to have several similar views. well played hoss.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


Does QQ = defend your class? if so yes i am a 100% QQer :P.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


As horrible as this build is in almost any situation i have to say its also a blast. (the lack of stunbreaker makes it rather hard to play though)

messing around with bunnies i managed to set a new record


Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Doggie.3184


LOL, that burst. Thought you were bull****ing. Suicide Glass Cannon.
Now all unrelated builds to this will get nerfed. /sigh.

| Fort Aspenwood (NA): Sylvari Daredevil Thief Main: All Classes 80. |
Please Remove/Fix Thief Trait: “Last Refuge.”
“Hard to Catch” is a Horrible and Useless Trait. Fixed 6/23/15. Praise Dwayna.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


coulda been 1.8 million i bet. 5 more stacks of bloodlust 20 stacks of might. and signet of malice.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Helly.2597


Not exactly a full burst build, but I am running 10 (mug trait) 30 – 0 – 0 – 30 (stun on steal) with S/D. Basically its good burst (especially on light armor classes, usually hit around 6k crits on CnD and then 1 ability crits from 3-6k) but it really shines in its ability to take off boons and give them to you. I’ve found this makes up for the lack of survivability that you would normally get from 30 in the stealth line. I am running full zerker armour, runes of the orge, sigils of fire (and sigil of accuracy in offhand) with mix of zerker and valk jewelry. Weapon sets are S/D and SB.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: WonderfulCT.6278


I just use a high dps build with fairly low survivability. 30/30/10/0/0.

Video of build in action.

edit: Just do you know theres no skillful playing in this video. Not by me and especially not by the other players.

Add more sound effects to The Minstrel plz.

(edited by WonderfulCT.6278)

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: bladie.5084


bs/HS is the burst.
flanking and larc strike is awesome too

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: BrimstoneAshe.5043


scratches head

“There is no burst build anymore” “Here’s a build where I can do a 20k backstab” — said by the same person.

If a 18-20k backstab isn’t your idea of “burst” — you’ve lost perspective. Yea I get the whole “give up all defense to do it” part — but that’s true for any profession when trying to maximize damage — they always have to give up defense.

Asuran Engineer – Norn Ranger
[KAOS] of Anvil Rock

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I just tried it in spvp and it wasn’t too bad. I feel like it can maybe be tweaked a little trait wise, but if you land backstab before the might stacks wear off it hits hard.

Just another noob thief…

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: pantsforbirds.9032


I one shorted a shatter Mesmer with the cloak and dagger and mug combo with this build last night. I had 25 stacks of bloodlust on and it was probably the funniest thing ever. Unfortunately a warrior whirlwind attacked me and insta downed me, but it does make for some laughs

Thief: Rand x Al Thor | Mesmer: Egwene x Alvere
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


scratches head

“There is no burst build anymore” “Here’s a build where I can do a 20k backstab” — said by the same person.

If a 18-20k backstab isn’t your idea of “burst” — you’ve lost perspective. Yea I get the whole “give up all defense to do it” part — but that’s true for any profession when trying to maximize damage — they always have to give up defense.

20k backstab is more of a spike dmg (meaning 1 shot) combo is lieka 2 shot. burst is like a 3-5 all within a very small window of time. so since quickness was nerfed and mug we lost the chance to really bang alot of in a small time. not saying thieves are weak or cant do dmgtho.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


I one shorted a shatter Mesmer with the cloak and dagger and mug combo with this build last night. I had 25 stacks of bloodlust on and it was probably the funniest thing ever. Unfortunately a warrior whirlwind attacked me and insta downed me, but it does make for some laughs

and thats why they wont nerf that build. just melts right after.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


You can drop residual and add venomous strength. Drop 1 signet and add devourer. Gives 19 might instead of 20. The immob will work against stability classes.

I’m trying to figure out how to get improvisation in there. If a stolen skill counts as a bundle that’s an additional 10% damage. Sometimes it replenishes your signets which is pretty sweet.

Just another noob thief…

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: TheOneNOnlyGeneralBama.9586


You can drop residual and add venomous strength. Drop 1 signet and add devourer. Gives 19 might instead of 20. The immob will work against stability classes.

I’m trying to figure out how to get improvisation in there. If a stolen skill counts as a bundle that’s an additional 10% damage. Sometimes it replenishes your signets which is pretty sweet.

The 3 Signets are a bundle , and so is the stolen skill.

I never expect to lose. Even when I’m the Engineer , I still prepare a victory speech.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Lenn.6347


heres a lil clip. only a small one as im making a 15 min video but waiting to stockpile enough footage. d/d is fun but it cant do wghat p/d or d/p can do. :P

you wouldnt happen to be on dragonbrand would you? seeing FA and TC..

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Nettle.9025


I can’t speak for WvW, but the go to burst build run by high level thieves in tpvp remains 25/30/0/0/15 with D/P SB. Shadowstep, SR, infiltrator’s signet, basi venom.

Mug and either Improvisation or Dagger Training in DA.
Several options for CS… Fury at 50%, side strikes, signet use. Haste isn’t run as often now. Executioner is a must.
Trickery is either TotC if you don’t have the fury CS trait, or flanking strikes if you do.

Air and force or bloodlust on your D/P set. Typically a power rune setup.

Doesn’t hit quite as hard as pre-mug nerf, but it’s still totally viable. Not gonna burst anyone but a GC from full, but you’re doing it wrong if you try that anyway.

The 3 Signets are a bundle , and so is the stolen skill.

This is incorrect. You can go to the mists and test with steady weapons. A stolen skill doesn’t affect your damage. Might be a bug, but that’s how it works now.

People take improv for the chance at a double basi or shadow step.

Badding up tourneys since 2012
NA tPvP – Elementalist – Thief

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


Highest backstab from this build I’ve seen is like 14k in spvp. I imagine I could hit close to 20k vs a frenzied gc warrior.

Only problem is you literally have no defense. If you can’t shortbow out you are pretty much screwed.

Just another noob thief…

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Bailey.6892


heres a lil clip. only a small one as im making a 15 min video but waiting to stockpile enough footage. d/d is fun but it cant do wghat p/d or d/p can do. :P

What is your build for that vid? Also nice vid looked like a fun time.

What is the new burst build for thieves now?

in Thief

Posted by: Brando.1374


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