What is your favorite prey?

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


So, as the title says. We have a thread asking what class you find the hardest to beat, so:

  • What is the class(es) you approach with confidence, and why?
Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: apocom.3172


In WvW Ranger, because they are a free kill.
In PvP Thieves, because most of them are just bad.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Jayden Ennok.3687

Jayden Ennok.3687

Nub thieves, they need to learn thief life early on.

Underworld Vabbi 1.5yr

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: hihey.1075


Thieves, Rangers and Warriors.

Pillow Cake
Worst Thief EU
One Handed One vs One Videos

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Carpboy.7145


Other thieves, although its often a game of hide and seek. Once they get low and pop SR theyre done for tho as i can almost always backstab them in their refuge. From their its cluster bomb spam ftw.

Warriors are also typically very easy as their moves are so telegraphed and predictable you can never be hit by the nasty ones.

Rangers. For some reason almost every single ranger in WvW is full glass LB sniper. Basically free kills.

Shatter mesmers or just glassy mesmers are also fairly easy to me

The Use of the Word ‘Cheese’
Lyss The Shadow
Legendary Champion of DB [EDGE]

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Teef, cuz most teefs suck and it’s ez mode to win.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


  • Most thieves never put up a challenge.
  • Staff Eles.
  • LB Rangers, idk, rangers seem really popular among bad players. Sometimes I fight good ones (noticed by them using GS along with LB in a strategical way), and these put up a real good challenge and the fight gets a lot based on luck unless I catch them fully off guard.
  • Many warriors.
  • Most mesmers, condition or PU and phantasm mesmers can sometimes be challenging or a really good shatter mesmer.
  • Horrible Engineers (the engineers who run away instead of chasing you across the world just because thieves are the easiest fights for them if they play right while they believe their kitten grows 1 inch everytime they kill one)
Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: scabrous.7835


Thieves >> all

Three Jackdaws – SD4Life – Desolation EU

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: dank.3680


Sorry it bugs me when simple words like this are used wrong. Pray is what you do at church, prey is something you hunt. I realize English may not be your first language, so I tell you this so you may edit your title if you wish.

On topic- Funnily enough in contrast to most thieves, I confidentially approach any Necromancer.. I played one for a long time and I just know it’s weaknesses all too well so it makes an easy fight for me usually.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: CrimsonNeonite.1048


Probably most thieves apart from p/d which is kinda tricky the way I play, rangers because a lot are pretty bad as it’s a popular class that is hard to master in some ways.

Plays completely opposite professions to his main Teef.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


Took me a while to realize that you meant “prey”. I thought you were getting all religious on us for some reason, lol.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Zach.3264


Guardians because their mobility isn’t that great.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: scabrous.7835


Guardians because their mobility isn’t that great.

Zerg specs aren’t mobile but typical triple meditation Sword/Focus + GS or Hammer + GS are extremely mobile given that guardian has a target to port to; much like Inf Strike and Inf Signet and Steal.

Three Jackdaws – SD4Life – Desolation EU

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Celestina.2894


In WvW……honestly Guard, but that’s because every guard I’ve come across has lacked awareness of their surroundings and been full glass.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Zach.3264


Guardians because their mobility isn’t that great.

Zerg specs aren’t mobile but typical triple meditation Sword/Focus + GS or Hammer + GS are extremely mobile given that guardian has a target to port to; much like Inf Strike and Inf Signet and Steal.

They aren’t as mobile as others. And there’s not many builds in-game that can outrun Heartseaker/Infiltrator’s Arrow/Shadowstep.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: alchemyst.2165


Staff Eles
Glass Mesmers
Very Squishy Rangers

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Audiogasm.7643


All but necromancer, and only condition necromance in WvW :
They tend to always have a full shroud which give them way too much time to condi kill you.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Helly.2597


Protect from melee.

People call me Hobo.
Violent Tendency [vT]
Ferguson’s Crossing Roamer

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


Lol, thanks for those who pointed out my typo. And yeah, englO is not my native lingO.

To answer my own question;

  • Some rangers are freekills, yup, but some put up a fight.
  • Mesmers seems to be bursted down pretty quick (some), and I can predict their movement in stealth pretty easily, specially if they have the “make clone on dodge trait”, suddenly a clone appears out of nowhere is a big sign of “HERE I AM” really.
Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: a t s e.9614

a t s e.9614

Anything that is squishy .

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Arikyali.5804


Anything that ran away when they see me approach?

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: oZii.2864


I don’t main thief but thief is my favorite class to kill because many builds have all the tools to escape yet you still kill them which is probably why warriors are my second favorite to kill depending on what I am playing though if I am on my Ele then warriors are frustrating.

So for me prey list favorites are

Thief – another Thief or PU Mesmer
Mesmer – Warriors
Ele – Thief
Guardian (meds) – most certainly Thieves
Warrior – Necromancers and Engineers
Engi – Warriors
Necromancer – PU mesmers and Thieves

[Good Fights]Sinndicate{Ele}Sinactic{Engineer}

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

If he is on this subforum, he is pretty low if you ask me. I mean, we’re thieves.

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

I didnt state anything,I was just saying that hotjoins dosn’t count as an example,I dont know who you are and how skilled you are,which I obviously know now based on your comment.So forgive me for my lack of knowledge about the best thieves in the world which you clearly are base on your post.And forgive me again for saying thieves earlier,I ment the best thief in the world.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Skile.1384


any glass cannon is very fine

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Static.9841


2222 HS thieves and 33333 PW spam thieves. Kids got to learn.

[Zeus] Guild ~ Desolation. Not some silly muffin thing, stop stalking me Dhiania!

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Zord.6130


Pretty much every thief who has posted here is bad.

Powerpuff Girls [PPG]
Trixxi Is Cute – Purple Fhaz: your daily roamer

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

I didnt state anything,I was just saying that hotjoins dosn’t count as an example,I dont know who you are and how skilled you are,which I obviously know now based on your comment.So forgive me for my lack of knowledge about the best thieves in the world which you clearly are base on your post.And forgive me again for saying thieves earlier,I ment the best thief in the world.

Yeah man you got me. I clearly stated to be the best thief ever. Also saying that you stated nothing is absolutely stupid, you assumed that because I said most pvp thieves don’t know how to play the class and stated that I hotjoin. I’m not understanding what you’re trying to get at tbh, you don’t know me so you “state” things that aren’t true, learn things before you talk.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Sandrox.9524


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

I didnt state anything,I was just saying that hotjoins dosn’t count as an example,I dont know who you are and how skilled you are,which I obviously know now based on your comment.So forgive me for my lack of knowledge about the best thieves in the world which you clearly are base on your post.And forgive me again for saying thieves earlier,I ment the best thief in the world.

Yeah man you got me. I clearly stated to be the best thief ever. Also saying that you stated nothing is absolutely stupid, you assumed that because I said most pvp thieves don’t know how to play the class and stated that I hotjoin. I’m not understanding what you’re trying to get at tbh, you don’t know me so you “state” things that aren’t true, learn things before you talk.

Wow man you are such an antigonist,all I was saying is that hotjoin dosn’t count .As part of not knowing you,I can assume things what ever I like and you allowed to correct me,hence why when you replied to me, I did apologized,I don’t know what else do you want from me.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

I didnt state anything,I was just saying that hotjoins dosn’t count as an example,I dont know who you are and how skilled you are,which I obviously know now based on your comment.So forgive me for my lack of knowledge about the best thieves in the world which you clearly are base on your post.And forgive me again for saying thieves earlier,I ment the best thief in the world.

Yeah man you got me. I clearly stated to be the best thief ever. Also saying that you stated nothing is absolutely stupid, you assumed that because I said most pvp thieves don’t know how to play the class and stated that I hotjoin. I’m not understanding what you’re trying to get at tbh, you don’t know me so you “state” things that aren’t true, learn things before you talk.

Wow man you are such an antigonist,all I was saying is that hotjoin dosn’t count .As part of not knowing you,I can assume things what ever I like and you allowed to correct me,hence why when you replied to me, I did apologized,I don’t know what else do you want from me.

It’s whatever. Nothing else to even say.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


As much as I love drama, maybe you two (Sandrox and Amon) could continue your discussion somewhere else, and let’s not move too far away from the topic, thanks.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Exactly why I stopped the argument.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

I didnt state anything,I was just saying that hotjoins dosn’t count as an example,I dont know who you are and how skilled you are,which I obviously know now based on your comment.So forgive me for my lack of knowledge about the best thieves in the world which you clearly are base on your post.And forgive me again for saying thieves earlier,I ment the best thief in the world.

Yeah man you got me. I clearly stated to be the best thief ever. Also saying that you stated nothing is absolutely stupid, you assumed that because I said most pvp thieves don’t know how to play the class and stated that I hotjoin. I’m not understanding what you’re trying to get at tbh, you don’t know me so you “state” things that aren’t true, learn things before you talk.

^ This guy is a troll on the forums, and he’s probly a troll in the game too, maybe even a bum living in his parents’ basement. Anyway nobody knows who you are troll, every one can care less on your opinion about anything here. PS, I don’t even know you but I bet you can’t beat my guard in PvP.

Crazy Leg

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

I didnt state anything,I was just saying that hotjoins dosn’t count as an example,I dont know who you are and how skilled you are,which I obviously know now based on your comment.So forgive me for my lack of knowledge about the best thieves in the world which you clearly are base on your post.And forgive me again for saying thieves earlier,I ment the best thief in the world.

Yeah man you got me. I clearly stated to be the best thief ever. Also saying that you stated nothing is absolutely stupid, you assumed that because I said most pvp thieves don’t know how to play the class and stated that I hotjoin. I’m not understanding what you’re trying to get at tbh, you don’t know me so you “state” things that aren’t true, learn things before you talk.

^ This guy is a troll on the forums, and he’s probly a troll in the game too, maybe even a bum living in his parents’ basement. Anyway nobody knows who you are troll, every one can care less on your opinion about anything here. PS, I don’t even know you but I bet you can’t beat my guard in PvP.

I’m a troll? How am I a troll? I stated my opinion and defended it. I’ll duel your guard if you want, I never claimed to be the best. To your comment about people not knowing me it’s not that big of a deal for people to know me , but my question is… Who are you?

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

I didnt state anything,I was just saying that hotjoins dosn’t count as an example,I dont know who you are and how skilled you are,which I obviously know now based on your comment.So forgive me for my lack of knowledge about the best thieves in the world which you clearly are base on your post.And forgive me again for saying thieves earlier,I ment the best thief in the world.

Yeah man you got me. I clearly stated to be the best thief ever. Also saying that you stated nothing is absolutely stupid, you assumed that because I said most pvp thieves don’t know how to play the class and stated that I hotjoin. I’m not understanding what you’re trying to get at tbh, you don’t know me so you “state” things that aren’t true, learn things before you talk.

^ This guy is a troll on the forums, and he’s probly a troll in the game too, maybe even a bum living in his parents’ basement. Anyway nobody knows who you are troll, every one can care less on your opinion about anything here. PS, I don’t even know you but I bet you can’t beat my guard in PvP.

I’m a troll? How am I a troll? I stated my opinion and defended it. I’ll duel your guard if you want, I never claimed to be the best. To your comment about people not knowing me it’s not that big of a deal for people to know me , but my question is… Who are you?

There’s a fine line between defending an opinion and attacking some one else for their own.

Crazy Leg

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

I didnt state anything,I was just saying that hotjoins dosn’t count as an example,I dont know who you are and how skilled you are,which I obviously know now based on your comment.So forgive me for my lack of knowledge about the best thieves in the world which you clearly are base on your post.And forgive me again for saying thieves earlier,I ment the best thief in the world.

Yeah man you got me. I clearly stated to be the best thief ever. Also saying that you stated nothing is absolutely stupid, you assumed that because I said most pvp thieves don’t know how to play the class and stated that I hotjoin. I’m not understanding what you’re trying to get at tbh, you don’t know me so you “state” things that aren’t true, learn things before you talk.

^ This guy is a troll on the forums, and he’s probly a troll in the game too, maybe even a bum living in his parents’ basement. Anyway nobody knows who you are troll, every one can care less on your opinion about anything here. PS, I don’t even know you but I bet you can’t beat my guard in PvP.

I’m a troll? How am I a troll? I stated my opinion and defended it. I’ll duel your guard if you want, I never claimed to be the best. To your comment about people not knowing me it’s not that big of a deal for people to know me , but my question is… Who are you?

There’s a fine line between defending an opinion and attacking some one else for their own.

You didn’t answer my question… Who are you again?

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Littlefeather.8623


Funny how everyone says thieves while everyone are thieves,so you can kill each other easly,bad logic.

It’s not bad logic. When I roam I always find thieves but they are never even remotely good. Even in PvP thieves are awful, so it’s actually logical to say that we think killing other thieves is easy because it literally is. Someone feel free to say I’m not right, how often do you find a good thief? Very rarely.

And yet, every one here says that thief is the easiest target on thief forum(which imply that they are thieves mostly). I find alot of good thieves in pvp,cause I do alot of tpvp.Hotjoins dosn’t count y’know

It’s like all saying that they get the upperhand against all cows and they all are a cows!

You think I hotjoin? Are you high? I do only Tpvp and never hotjoin, you have no idea what you’re talking about.

Sorry if you took it to the wrong way,didn’t ment to be disrespectful.

No I took it the only way to take it. You basically stated that I do hotjoins because I think most pvp thieves are bad. No, I think they are bad because most try to fight me and just have no clue what they are doing not in hotjoins but in tpvp. I still stick with what I said earlier, thieves are easy to beat because they need to l2p.

I didnt state anything,I was just saying that hotjoins dosn’t count as an example,I dont know who you are and how skilled you are,which I obviously know now based on your comment.So forgive me for my lack of knowledge about the best thieves in the world which you clearly are base on your post.And forgive me again for saying thieves earlier,I ment the best thief in the world.

Yeah man you got me. I clearly stated to be the best thief ever. Also saying that you stated nothing is absolutely stupid, you assumed that because I said most pvp thieves don’t know how to play the class and stated that I hotjoin. I’m not understanding what you’re trying to get at tbh, you don’t know me so you “state” things that aren’t true, learn things before you talk.

^ This guy is a troll on the forums, and he’s probly a troll in the game too, maybe even a bum living in his parents’ basement. Anyway nobody knows who you are troll, every one can care less on your opinion about anything here. PS, I don’t even know you but I bet you can’t beat my guard in PvP.

I’m a troll? How am I a troll? I stated my opinion and defended it. I’ll duel your guard if you want, I never claimed to be the best. To your comment about people not knowing me it’s not that big of a deal for people to know me , but my question is… Who are you?

There’s a fine line between defending an opinion and attacking some one else for their own.

You didn’t answer my question… Who are you again?

My name is Emmett, I’m a Network Admin who lives in San Antonio Texas. But was that really important? My point was that you are not a people person and you should not log into forums without taking some kind of reading comprehension.

Crazy Leg

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Amonatory.2453


Thanks, I’ll make sure to take a reading conprehension course just for you. Anyways I’m done with conversation and this forum AIDS. I’ll make sure to message you for a duel like you wanted.

What is your favorite prey?

in Thief

Posted by: Kamui.4038


Warriors, because blinds.

People with that stupid face on Human female that everyone uses.