(edited by Chilarus.6834)
What is your level 80 Thief like?
That sounds like a fun build =P honestly I think I’ll start building a set of armor for it so I have something to use with my D/D weps I want to have for legendaries.
As far as my build goes, I have zerker jewelry, shortbow and dagger with the PvP sword currently as well as knight armor for a mix of toughness and damage with a little itty bit of vit.
I reliably pump out 8k per target with pistolwhip.
My traits are 30/0/30/10/0 ; I go full poison traits with might for whoever gets it applied/CDR/additional hit/heals user/applies to group. Devourer Venom OP ;P
It’s really effective for Wv3. If my group finds another then we target one (Possibly with scorpion wire) and with all of our devourerer venom we can root lock them to death which only takes a couple seconds between be, a hundo warr, and our ranger (And whoever else is with us).
You can use this build tool and it’s usually up to date. It’s the most robust and accurate I’ve seen yet.
You know what they say about the leading man? He never dies.
I’ve been enjoying a Condition build lately myself (Switched over from S/P while leveling to do something different, currently 75).
How are you managing conditions put on you with that build? Just with Agility ?
I’ve been enjoying a Condition build lately myself (Switched over from S/P while leveling to do something different, currently 75).
How are you managing conditions put on you with that build? Just with Agility ?
Yeah that’s one downside to it, conditions will be your enemy.
But I usually wait for conditions to stack on me and then use the signet.
I’ve been messing around with builds over the past couple days in WvsW, and I’m really enjoying 30/30/0/10/0, with a Berserker set on and shortbow and sword/pistol. It gives me nice burst, with just enough survibility if I’m careful.
I’m still trying to decide which heal I like best, since the stealth is so nice but I like the heal on hit of Signet of Malice and shorter cooldown.
Utilities, Signet of Shadows is the only one constantly on there. I want to love Scorpion Wire, but I tend to fail with it. Shadow Refuge is awesome for saving teammates, and I just like the numbers I see with Haste and Pistol Whip. I keep switching things out, so I don’t know what I’m liking best yet.
Dagger Storm is my best friend. I thought I would always use Thieves Guild, nope. I have more fun shadowstepping into a huge group and hitting it.
I do want to try a condition build. How has that been working for people?
I really enjoy my Thief in WvW, I run a Cleric set and a combination of Cleric and Soldier trinkets.
Traits: 25/0/25/20/0
Main weapon set: Sword/Pistol
Secondary weapon set: Shortbow
Heal: Signet of Malice
Utilities: Scorpion Wire, Shadow Refuge, Signet of Shadows
Elite: Dagger Storm
My damage is not to great but the amount of heal is really great combined with Assassin’s Reward. I can tank and control the crowd when a clash against another server is inminent. If I’m taking to much damage Dagger Storm heals me really fast and if it is not enough I cast Shadow Refuge.
Kirito Wolvesong – Mesmer
Kiba Wolvesong – Thief
>Berseker/Valkyre set
>boost unload to hell!
>Quick Recovery
10k unloads almost all the time thanks to the extra +3 initiative per 10s
IRL example of my thief owning:
Build here
Am wierdly buckly when using this dispite having 16,6k hp
My thief is angry and has a strong dislike for players on Jade Quarry and Storm Bluff Isles.
Full Berserker
D/D / Shortbow ( how could you not use the SB?)
Right now my build is 0/30/0/20/20 .
I am running with a full Berserk set right now, I am working on my set with Power/Precision/Condition damage as well and my Magic find set. I have daggers for both builds and with each Sigil for damge that are in my inventory i swap with often as well and a Berserk Short bow / Sword also.
I swap my build/weapons around somewhat often depending what I feel like playing, but also my utilities depending on what I’m fighting and if I am in a party. But tend to stick with Shadow Refuge all the time however.
80 Thief 80 Engineer 0 Necromancer
80 Elementalist 80 Mesmer
Right now my build is 0/30/0/20/20 .
I am running with a full Berserk set right now, I am working on my set with Power/Precision/Condition damage as well and my Magic find set. I have daggers for both builds and with each Sigil for damge that are in my inventory i swap with often as well and a Berserk Short bow / Sword also.
I swap my build/weapons around somewhat often depending what I feel like playing, but also my utilities depending on what I’m fighting and if I am in a party. But tend to stick with Shadow Refuge all the time however.
80 Thief 80 Engineer 0 Necromancer
80 Elementalist 80 Mesmer
Dual Daggers, Shortbow
I focused on power/precession/critical damage
Skills: shadow refuge, scorpion wire, and that one movement speed signet. Thief guild for small fights, dagger storm for clusters.
My thief is specced for WvW so that’s what I’m writing this post on.
So my thief is a glass cannon and so far I’ve been enjoying it but I’m wayyy to squishy to get focused so I tend to stay back with a Shortbow and aoe till I find a good time to go melee. With daggers I like to open up with cloak and dagger/skill 5 and just finish off with skill 2 as many times as I can. I use scorpion wire to pull people to me, press 5 and button smashing. If they get away I try to use steal and skill 2 to keep up. Oh and pulling people off the walls is fun too. I do damage from a few hundred to 5000 only on crits though but my crit chance is 55% so I crit 4/5 times. I use shadow refuge for many many things: sneak attacks, hiding and running away with Shortbow, helping allies get away, and sneaky revives. In 1v1s I like to stealth right away pop my thiefs and go in swinging. It’s very easy to win with thiefs helping cause they double your damage instantly. I also have the quickness sigil on my dagger so when it activates I do like 15000 damage in 3 seconds. I play with 2 warrior guildmates so when we target the same guy, they do the damage, I finish them as they TRY to get away.