What kind of build will you play now?
For WvW, the classic D/D with SB offhand will work. In fact, it gets a (slight) initiative buff. ?/30/30/?/?, traited to heal, blind and remove conditions every time you stealth. Valkyrie armor, zerker everything else.
It’s not the most creative of builds, but it certainly works. It’s mobile (I use Traveler Runes, but you can use the signet), it can escape fights, it has plenty of burst damage and condition removal is a cinch. Hard to complain.
I don’t sPvP, so I have no opinion there.
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend
Used to go S/D but changed to D/D 0/30/20/20/0 after the LS nerf. After tomorrow if all the changes proposed get implemented I’ll go 0/30/25/15/0 pick up shadows embrace + cloaked in shadow from SA. PVT head/coat/pants, zerk everything else. Haven’t played sPvP in a while so I can’t really comment on it.
Used to run D/D with same trait lines. It does its job well. Traveler runes do work perfectly for it. That extra trait slot it gives in place of signet of shadows is very valuable in wvw. If my lyssa runes build fails horribly here odds are I’m going back to D/D haha
D/D as I’ve been for a while. works well.
Used to run D/D with same trait lines. It does its job well. Traveler runes do work perfectly for it. That extra trait slot it gives in place of signet of shadows is very valuable in wvw. If my lyssa runes build fails horribly here odds are I’m going back to D/D haha
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. Traveller runes are my go to now for classes when I can afford them.
Used to run D/D with same trait lines. It does its job well. Traveler runes do work perfectly for it. That extra trait slot it gives in place of signet of shadows is very valuable in wvw. If my lyssa runes build fails horribly here odds are I’m going back to D/D haha
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. Traveller runes are my go to now for classes when I can afford them.
Isn’t that the truth. So expensive. I really hope people come up with some new builds that play differently. Venom share just seems very iffy and for the most part just… not good. Would like to go back and play d/d because its been a while but something new would be a nice change aswell.
Oh yeah, forgot to mention that. Traveller runes are my go to now for classes when I can afford them.
I always find a way to fit in either Traveler runes or perma-swiftness, on any char I build. Otherwise, WvW is too frustrating. The runes are pretty solid for a D/D thief, too, as we can take advantage of everything they offer. The crit damage, in particular, is great
If you’re short on coin, Runes of Speed aren’t bad. They’re just not nearly as good
Ratbag Dogsticker (Guardian)
…Yak’s Bend
WvW and PvE d/p and sb as I do now with 33% more initiative since I do not use initiative regeneraiot traits, it will be awesome.
I will test out 30 points into acrobatics atleast in spvp with d/d and sb conditon damage builds.
To add to the traveller runes discussion I can say that I consider runes of speed to be superior the extra vit helps a lot aswell as the increased swiftness uptime. Those are also cheaper especially if you make them yourself.
Personally I do not think much will change (atleast for me and the builds I like) s/d was bad anyway (compared to warriors in the same “role”)so why bother to QQ.
I play D/D with Sb or S/P 20-30-20-0-0 or 10-30-30 -0-0 Valkirie armor with Runes of Speed , Valkyrie weapons and mix of Berserker and Zerker/Valkyrie trinkets. The extra vitality gives me the option to invest no point in acrobatics and it suits me fine .I believe Runes of the Traveler are overestimated ,but that’s my opinion. I mostly play WvW .
Alts : Warrior- Mesmer lvl 80 [Piken Square]
Death is just the beginning
Still same d/p for www and 5 venoms for spvp. If anet want to kitten thieves i will kitten other players as well.