Whats the "I Win" build for SPvP

Whats the "I Win" build for SPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Dabrixmgp.4758


I swear if a thief walks near me I die. So I figured Id try one out but never played one before. What specs are most people using to just 3 shot people?

Whats the "I Win" build for SPvP

in Thief

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


You’re actually in the wrong class forum if you’re looking for sPvP “I Win” builds. most sPvP opponents know exactly how to counter thief burst by now.

What you want, sir, is a warrior or an ele. Those are the solid competitive builds.

That said, if you want the standard burst build for thieves You’re looking at berserker gear, taking 30/30///* and making sure you pick up the trait for auto-crit from stealth, taking assassin’s signet, basilisk venom, hide in shadows, and wielding two daggers.

The rest is up to you, but the basic kittenick here is that you get close to the target, then

*1*Basilisk Venom (To set up your backstab)

*2*Assassin’s signet (For moar damages)

*3*Cloak&dagger>Steal (Using steal before cloak and dagger finishes to get the damage from the Mug Trait and then followed immediately by C&D hitting, which deals additional damage and gives you stealth.)

*4*Get to the back and backstab.

At this point, if your target is low on HP, or just has an extremely glass cannon build, it may be down, in which case, skip to part 7. If not, continue:

*5*Finish off to 30% HP with autoattacks.

*6*Spam heartseeker until down.

*7*Finish with autoattacks, shortbow, or stealth+quickness stomp

If you fail to hit with any part of 1-4. (because your opponent has a stunbreak, or knows how to time a dodge, or has any sort of PBAoE CC) you have failed, and you get to take a 45 second time out wherin a strong gust of wind will obliterate you. Then you get to try again.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

(edited by PopeUrban.2578)

Whats the "I Win" build for SPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Moddo.7105


You’re actually in the wrong class forum if you’re looking for sPvP “I Win” builds. most sPvP opponents know exactly how to counter thief burst by now.

What you want, sir, is a warrior or an ele. Those are the solid competitive builds.

Actually isn’t sPvP mostly hotjoins? Skill level is usually very low. tPvP is where you will find more organized and skilled players.

Whats the "I Win" build for SPvP

in Thief

Posted by: PopeUrban.2578


You’re actually in the wrong class forum if you’re looking for sPvP “I Win” builds. most sPvP opponents know exactly how to counter thief burst by now.

What you want, sir, is a warrior or an ele. Those are the solid competitive builds.

Actually isn’t sPvP mostly hotjoins? Skill level is usually very low. tPvP is where you will find more organized and skilled players.

Suppose that’s a valid point. You may pubstomp pretty well with a GC backstabber still.

Guild Master – The Papacy [POPE] (Gate of Madness)/Road Scholar for the Durmand Priory
Writer/Director – Quaggan Quest

Whats the "I Win" build for SPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

Thieves only really instant-gib unsuspecting players and other glass-cannons.

In fact for almost all but a few classes a purely offensive builds is a terrible choice in PvP.

If you insist on making one yourself follow the above instructions.

Don’t expect to win every fight though. A single stun, Aegis or knockback can crew you over.

Whats the "I Win" build for SPvP

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I’ve really been enjoying D/D condition build. Basically spamming DB+evades, when out of init, Roll for the init, then do some more, refuge with out of init again, spam #4 on shortbow. Drop caltrops whenever they come up. It’s pretty fun for holding points and capturing points, not so much in open field. I play a more balanced backstab/daze build in wvw.

Just another noob thief…

Whats the "I Win" build for SPvP

in Thief

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


I got hit with an 8.5K backstab in spvp hotjoin the other day… I play a backstab thief occasionally but never seen backstabs that high – they are usually around 5k or so. Pretty standard build taking the full 30 in crit strikes. I think I use air and bloodlust on my daggers and divinity runes – perhaps I would reach backstabs that high with ogre runes or something?