

in Thief

Posted by: gartz.7013


Don’t i ever see any dev posts on these forums? Just because we’re thieves doesn’t mean we are scary people

solo cheese engi/ex teef


in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


Have you seen some of the posts that get posted here? They can be rather hateful. We make Tequatl the Sunless able to get a sunburn

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]

(edited by RedSpectrum.1975)


in Thief

Posted by: gartz.7013


I just feel like the (serious) posters when asking questions don’t ever get answers…but when someone complains about “hobo sacks” every dev and their dev mother replies.

solo cheese engi/ex teef


in Thief

Posted by: RedSpectrum.1975


Oh no you’re absolutely right. Believe it or not the devs do come here though, they just for some reason don’t post. I made one thread in which a dev posted and there have been others, albeit few. We have all wondered why they have gone silent.

Shawtell, Zen Verani, Rayshia Howen, Iyado, Colace Nzoir, Arteel Fyrien [Teef]


in Thief

Posted by: gartz.7013


The main reason i ask this is mostly because, we are the class that gets trolled the most. Be it from other professions or fellow thieves complaining about the real issues we see. Some issues that i think need to be addressed would be things like: our defense, thieves have pretty much no other choice but to use stealth via S/d D/D or D/p..which comes the qqing… as I’ve said before, ido use d/p during the day cycle of wvw- D/d for sigil of night. its gets hated on imo for its stealth on demand..but when a d/d thief spams stealth its “op” which leads me to believe not many people understand that even for a semi experienced or very experienced its kind of tough to land CnD where a warrior, necro, or guardian can aoe cc while dealing mass condi’s/damage. our health pool is low enough where even if we go full soldiers armor…(times were tough on a just starting thief) we can still get hit pretty hard and can’t survive. so I’m sorry to all the other classes that feel is all pew pew bang bang stealthy stealthy run away and tell all are friends at thieves hq how we beat you up with no effort at all…i digress though because i could ramble for hours but any who back to the main topic…with the incoming crit damage(nerf or not nerf depending on some peoples views) i would like to see some of the devs active in this forum as they are in others. we have questions too.

solo cheese engi/ex teef


in Thief

Posted by: Drakent.9605


First of all Dev don’t respond to any class forum, so is not that they ignore thf, they ignore every 1.

Secondly Thf isn’t OP

you got to keep in mind that GW2 is a game that is open to the public (that’s what no monthly charges mean) because of this the majority of the players , like about 80% of population are bad player nothing but slacker that hate to learn but feel that a video game should be something easy b/c anything that require some research and learning means is a job not a game.

Il give you a list of bad player on this game

1) PPl who think zerk build are the only way to play. why do they think this? because lets them kill a boss so fast that they don’t need to learn how to avoid getting hit

2) ppl who think warrior and guardian are the only way to run dungeon. why do they think this? because it lets them take a few hit with out the need to move and still survive

3) ppl who yell stack on every fight. Why do they think this? because they saw a video on youtube and they think it most be require.

(edited by Drakent.9605)


in Thief

Posted by: Drakent.9605


The reality about thf is that is on the same position as it has been in any MMO RPG game,which is a cheezy and annoying class.

Thf in WOW all it did was stealth attack stun the crap out of you and stealth away if it couldn’t win a fight

Assassin in SWORT did the same crap, stealth, stun , attack and stealth away if it couldn’t win a fight

This goes on with the same play style on every MMO RPG, now if ppl aren’t so lazy and would spend time knowing how a class work they would know that any THF class weaknesses are snare ability like reducing there movement or immobilize them,DOT damage and aoe damage.


in Thief

Posted by: SHiNe.6753


First of all Dev don’t respond to any class forum, so is not that they ignore thf, they ignore every 1.

Secondly Thf isn’t OP

you got to keep in mind that GW2 is a game that is open to the public (that’s what no monthly charges mean) because of this the majority of the players , like about 80% of population are bad player nothing but slacker that hate to learn but feel that a video game should be something easy b/c anything that require some research and learning means is a job not a game.

Il give you a list of bad player on this game

1) PPl who think zerk build are the only way to play. why do they think this? because lets them kill a boss so fast that they don’t need to learn how to avoid getting hit

2) ppl who think warrior and guardian are the only way to run dungeon. why do they think this? because it lets them take a few hit with out the need to move and still survive

3) ppl who yell stack on every fight. Why do they think this? because they saw a video on youtube and they think it most be require.

I’ll take this for the thief community,

1)Because you are talking about killing a boss, so i assume this is PVE pov. Zekr build is not the only way to play, but the better way, because no one likes long and kittenty dungeon runs. And as opposite what you says there, the zerk build actually need to learn how to dodge every single attack form the boss, because they can be easily one shot killed

2)I don’t know where do you get that. At least not from here.

3)again, who does that? i assume you are just exaggerated it by saying so,


in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


First of all Dev don’t respond to any class forum, so is not that they ignore thf, they ignore every 1.

Secondly Thf isn’t OP

you got to keep in mind that GW2 is a game that is open to the public (that’s what no monthly charges mean) because of this the majority of the players , like about 80% of population are bad player nothing but slacker that hate to learn but feel that a video game should be something easy b/c anything that require some research and learning means is a job not a game.

Il give you a list of bad player on this game

1) PPl who think zerk build are the only way to play. why do they think this? because lets them kill a boss so fast that they don’t need to learn how to avoid getting hit

2) ppl who think warrior and guardian are the only way to run dungeon. why do they think this? because it lets them take a few hit with out the need to move and still survive

3) ppl who yell stack on every fight. Why do they think this? because they saw a video on youtube and they think it most be require.

Btw, there is a boss in SE p3 that require for you to stack, and not because players came up with that to make it easier by removing some of his attacks or making adds come into cleave/aoe range instead of wiping whole of your dungeon group, but because they made him that way. Some food for your thought.
I’ll add one more to your list:

  • Bad players are those who refuse to do things the most efficient way (ppl try to do stuff efficiently in every single game there is).
    Its not the developers that decide how the game is ment to be played (in this case dungeons) – its the players who do and ppl will always strive to do things the most efficient way.
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