Why Thiefs need a nerf to dps
Fantastic video, i must remember to save this.
That thief almost died a few times and if the enemy didn’t constantly panic they probably would have killed the thief.
I agree to a certain extent. I’ve noticed this in PvE as well where it seems like I as a Thief am contributing almost half of the groups DPS.
I mean Heartseeker does 4-5k on the push of a button, and I’m not even full glass-cannon. Other classes aside from Warriors aren’t anywhere near that kind of damage.
But then again, we lack splash damage with D/D so maybe it evens out.
YES! lets get rid entirely of the single target damage and give us AMAZING AOE Damage with daggers give the daggers 900yards range.
I hope you do understand that just because a player plays better than you utilizing all of this professions abilities does not make the profession over powered right?
I always thought DPS=damage per second. Thieves don’t really have that when gearing for power/prec. All they got is burst which is fine. The sustained DPS option of a thief is a condition build which is comparable to condition builds of any other profession.
Pretty much every profession has glass cannon builds with comparable cooldown on their bursts.
Check this Vid of an Engi
I know there is alot of upleveld people but some 80s as well. At 1:30 a lvl 80 thief gets insta dominated.
(edited by Malicious.6742)
@ Malicious. Right ele has good glass canon build. Not of course.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
You know the meaning of “pretty much”? This should make it obvious that there are exceptions.
Btw. in my opinion eles are king in terms of DPS if played correctly. DPS is meant as DPS in this context (surprise surprise).
Thieves are still ridiculous and need further downward adjustment. Watching heartseeker spammers mash one button and win with 4-5k hit each time plus gap closer – makes me think thieves are the vanilla paladins from wow. the ‘easy introductory’ class.
HS thieves usually hit 1 or 2 out of 6 or 7 Heartseekers against half decent players.
Especially if they have quickness, 1 dodge roll would neglect 2 Heartseekers.
Spamming Hs is probably the worst thing to do on a thief.
Is there any other melee weapon besides daggers that only do single target damage with the 1 skill for any class?
Thats why dagger damage is high.
Some people ignore the obvious. The other melee weapons all do damage to 3 targets with skill 1 chain. Its normal for those weapons to be lower damage as they can do aoe damage.
Another kitteny conclusion,drawn from WvW.The video is good .
My Ringtones on Zedge >>>C l i c k <<<
this is wvwvw
your points are therefore invalidated
show this in s/tpvp along with enemy players acting smarter then a npc tethered wandering mob and ill bite
Color me skeptical of a complaint to nerf DPS based on an anecdote of burst damage; if you don’t even understand the difference between the two I simply cannot take you seriously.
All I saw in this vid is 2 people that know how to pvp against some noobs. Yeah great reason for nerf. OH and it’s on WvW.
If classes were to be balanced around videos of said class rolling 20k bursts in WvW against sidekicked people, Anet would have to nerf all classes’ damage by 20%.
I have a video of Engi bursting people for 30k aoe damage in 1 sec.
AMAGAZ engi opee nurf.
I have a video of Warrior hitting 15k killshot + 12k volley in 2 sec.
Get real people, both Anet and players know those videos are people with orb buffs on glass cannon builds hitting lowbies.
You’re not getting anywhere with this.
Omg stop crying all. If you think that thief is OP play it. I have enough of crying ppl who only whimper on forum how other classes are OP. You was one time kicked by some thief and now you want ruin whole class. Better stop play multiplayer games if you cannot stand that somebody is stronger than you, kid. I know it from other games that kids are crying if their class is not OP and somebody kill them once they go cry on forum that all other classes are OP and his class is UP. I would ban all these crying kids for week/month/perma – only ruin game and make other ppl angry.
And btw thief is glass cannon which mean that he has very good dps but is very fragile. If thief has no good dps then arenanet can remove whole thief class because without dps is thief nothing.
P.S. on WvW these other players can have bad gear and this thief can have exotic armor and weapons so this video is not proof of OP + thief was almost dead many times so if these player around play better he is dead 10×.
(edited by Runcore.5107)
Only morons have trouble against thieves. You should be complaining about mesmers.
I just don’t understand the QQ about thiefs? Memsers are now getting a lot more annoying then any thief i have seen.
i dont see why u posted my video as a reason for thiefs to get nerfed.i have seen tones of thiefs failing hard or dying in 3 seconds , i have spend lots of gold and time to find whats the proper build for my playstyle ,also i am very lucky to have nice teamates.
Most ppl (at least the servers piken square is against) roll with glass cannon build that is really bad against thiefs.
I suggest that u spend more time with your chars instead of whinning in forums about thiefs.Btw my warrior hits a lot harder and has bigger survivability in team fights but i am not using him for solo pvp
I love it when someone posts a video of a good thief destroying bad under leveled players in WvW, as if it’s some kind of proof thieves are OP.
Keep trying.
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