Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Aleth.9630


As title says, why hasn’t anyone mentioned this? Conditions/boons and a few other important skill effects already have this timer circle around them, why not add one for stealth and revealed?

Talking about something like this:


Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Stooperdale.3560


At 3 seconds it wasn’t such a problem since you could intuitively get a feel for the skill timing. As it stands I’d like to see a better indication for revealed not least because if I’m waiting with my mouse above the cloak and dagger button, a tool tip appears and obscures that revealed icon.

Then again, we still haven’t got a decent indicator for being in combat and that’s worse. The disappearance of miniscule skill change arrows is not good enough.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


when they revert it to 3secs u shouldnt have a problem anymore. :/ try hang in there a lil while

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


Oh sweet jebus please.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: WyldKat.4712


I find mentally counting out the 4 seconds helps me stay focused instead of situationally spazzing. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. Zerg surfing. SO. MUCH. FUN.

Maybe try it in the Count from Sesame Street’s voice... ah ah ah.

Zestee, Cryptician Zetti, Zissi The Jack, Zi Mao,
Ziffy Snidehide, Zadie Hawkkin, Zannie Oakley, Zuulja
[ODIN],[NaCl] – Tarnished Coast

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Aleth.9630


I’m not saying it’s incredibly difficult to know their timers, but not having to mouse over stealth to see duration would be a really useful thing (which again, other classes already have with their key boons/conditions), I hate that I have to use the UI for that.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


they could implement a bar that depletes as the timer goes down. i mean it is alot to watch for…your opponents hp…actions to know whats coming…his duration of conditions…your own conditions …who else may come around…..your own hp….your cooldowns….and stealth/revealed timers. wouldb e nice to have them on a blue bar off to the side that depletes with the time it has left so its a more subconcoius thing from periferal vision than having to look and guess how much is left from blinking. and yes i can count. b ut are you counting in head while in a zerg helping command with Vent? ortyping directions tothe pugs? it is alot. small changes really help.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I think this is a cool idea.

Regardless 3s or 4s, great idea imo.

Just another noob thief…

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Grimwolf.7163


It’s not that hard to keep track of; once it gets down to like a second left it starts to flash progressively faster.
A bar as well would definitely help though.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


you are right its not hard to keep track of. if thats the ONLY thing ur keeping track up. but like i said…track stealth plus:’

Enemy HP
Enemy conditions
Enemy moves to predict what they are going to do so you can dodge/respond
Personal Conditions
Personal Cooldowns
Personal endurance
Map to make sure nobody is coming in.
Taking/Giving Vent commands.
Taking/Giving Map commands for pugs.

point is it wouldnt hurt to put in a lil bar that shows us when its getting low. yes its easy to see BY ITSELF but with everything a GOOD player has to watch it makes it a lil difficult. especially for those whom are getting older/have sight problems. it IS a very small icon. and if thinking selfishly yeah u may be fine and not pay attention to the other stuf but most the community would love it. especially since its not any tactical advantage. i think this is a very plausable and very easily implementable idea into the game. GO DEVS!

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: draner.5213


As it stands the duration of revealed is not overly important. This is because it is a debuff that you cannot do anything about. If you see the revealed icon it means you cannot stealth, until how long? until it’s gone. You don’t really need to watch it, simply check for it when you consider stealthing. Is it there? yes – don’t stealth. no – go for it

Timers on normal conditions let you decide if it’s worth it to cleanse or wait it out, revealed you can’t do anything about, so a duration indication isn’t overly helpful.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Issues.5789


I think this is a cool idea.

Regardless 3s or 4s, great idea imo.

^ , but first I’d like them to fix the the borken skills which we use.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


As it stands the duration of revealed is not overly important. This is because it is a debuff that you cannot do anything about. If you see the revealed icon it means you cannot stealth, until how long? until it’s gone. You don’t really need to watch it, simply check for it when you consider stealthing. Is it there? yes – don’t stealth. no – go for it

Timers on normal conditions let you decide if it’s worth it to cleanse or wait it out, revealed you can’t do anything about, so a duration indication isn’t overly helpful.

100% wrong. u wanna get your CnD for the milli second that revealed ends. adding that 4th second killed a few builds too! like 50% of dmg and almost as much defense! so if 1 second extra on revealed can do that. its more than a casual look to see if its still there…..its pivotal…..game changing in fact.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Aleth.9630


You don’t really need to watch it, simply check for it when you consider stealthing. Is it there? yes – don’t stealth. no – go for it

Seriously, have you ever played any stealth builds? A good player always takes into calculation the animation times too. So you want to precast stealth skills that aren’t instant so that they hit right as revealed ends.
Please, people who don’t know thief mechanics, don’t make yourselves look stupid.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


@Aleth its kinda funny isnt it? i mean the fact that half the people commenting on thieves arent …..well….thieves lol. go back to hate on your ele/mesmer channel or w.e. you are. pffft thieves are underpowerd if anything. a few CC and its GG. if u cant CC a thief in 4 secs u are a bad player. period.

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Kincaidia.3192


As it stands the duration of revealed is not overly important. This is because it is a debuff that you cannot do anything about.

With a duration ring, it only takes a single glance at the icon to tell how much time is left, given a regular duration on the buff. For example, when I dodge-roll to get swiftness, one glance tells me how much of it is left.

With no duration ring on revealed, a glance does nothing – I have to sit and watch it at least long enough to see it blink out and back in, and even then I only have a VERY rough idea – basically what whole-second interval it is at.

This is particularly vexing when something triggers stealth without your direct intervention, like Last Refuge – it wasn’t part of any normal behavior, so I find myself spending longer than necessary watching the buff when I’m in a do-or-die situation.

Please, PLEASE give thieves a duration ring on both stealth AND revealed!

Why no stealth/revealed timer on icon?

in Thief

Posted by: Humorless.1573


Or you know, since we’re playing the UI now anyway, just give us the kitten option to move the icon and increase the size by at least 5 times the current size. I don’t even want to have to look at it, just seeing it in the corner of the screen would work if it was bigger.