Will the thief become "extremely dangerous"?

Will the thief become "extremely dangerous"?

in Thief

Posted by: Urejt.5648


Will the thief become “extremely dangerous”? Transform from harmless fly to vicious predator? Predict your destiny and say what will developers bring to the table!

I think thief’s sneak atack dmg will be tripled and unblockable, also every weapons skill dmg will get +2 % (two) dmg bonus.

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Will the thief become "extremely dangerous"?

in Thief

Posted by: Lyger.5429


Unblockable sneak attacks would be awesome!

Will the thief become "extremely dangerous"?

in Thief

Posted by: Dadnir.5038


Our design for this profession tends to lean toward damage, mobility, and evasiveness.

Traduction :
- We do not understand what’s wrong at the moment with the thief, we think that it must be a lack of damage on the auto attack because thief weapon utility skill are good enough to ensure their survivability. We will then buff the auto attack and hope that players will finally use the utility skill that ensure their survivability instead of the damaging skills.
- It also seem that you’ve been complaining a lot about the acrobatic traitline. We do not understand why you don’t want to use it, it’s an awesome traitline that synergize well with the elite spec so we will do some meaningless tweek on some traits that will give you more evasivness and mobility.

Incoming balance patch :
Increased pistol auto attack damage by 5%
Increased dagger auto attack damage by 5%
Increased sword auto attack damage by 5%
Expeditious dodger : swiftness duration have been increased to 5s from 4s
Feline grace : vigor duration have been increased to 5s from 4s
Don’t stop : reduce cool down from 10s to 8s

Result :
Nothing change for thief.

No core profession should be balanced around an optional elite specialization.

Will the thief become "extremely dangerous"?

in Thief

Posted by: Gray.9041


if history’s anything to go by, one of two things will happen:

  • thief will get nerfed into the ground.
  • thief will get buffed to have high damage. some people in PvP will lose to a more skilled thief, complain, and then thief will get nerfed into the ground.

Will the thief become "extremely dangerous"?

in Thief

Posted by: Mcrocha.3891


I feel bad for thieves because what is obviously going to happen is that a lot of things will get nerfed, which in itself is good for thief, plus thief is going to get some damage buffs that it doesn’t really need and then people will get upset.

On top of that, the Acrobatics changes are a wildcard and might be overbuffed and interact too well with DD or something.

It really is a sad cycle for thief.

Local Charr Ruins Everything

Will the thief become "extremely dangerous"?

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Will the thief become “extremely dangerous”? Transform from harmless fly to vicious predator? Predict your destiny and say what will developers bring to the table!

I think thief’s sneak atack dmg will be tripled and unblockable, also every weapons skill dmg will get +2 % (two) dmg bonus.



There’s really no justfication behind me dealing 50k damage backstabs in sPvP and almost 75k backstabs in WvW. Frankly, I’d probably just get up and leave the game because nothing would be able to live under a single second and would remove all counterplay.

The thief really doesn’t need more damage. It needs weapon skill improvements and trait adjustments.

Will the thief become "extremely dangerous"?

in Thief

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


My prediction is people will post ridiculous things on the forums.

Some will try and predict how OP thief will be, some will blindly insist that thief will be OP, and still others will claim that thieves are already OP, and any buffs to thief will cause the explosive demise of this game. There’s alot of minor variations between the 3, but those are the primary themes.

If Anet ‘s developers are lucky, the designers will cave to forum pressure and cancel everything before the designers make any changes. If they aren’t, we’ll probably see some lackluster changes that don’t really fix any problems for thieves, but will allow Anet to wash their hands of the problem for another year.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.