@WvW Changes that are incoming...

@WvW Changes that are incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410



“We’ll introduce a system of prestige and advancement specifically designed for WvW. This will give players a progression path where they earn new WvW-only abilities and bonuses, and with them gain prestige and visible titles/recognition.”

OK, What About WvW (Or WuvWuh)?
Many of the features, expanded reward systems, and potentially even live event storylines described above will also play a part in World vs. World in 2013. We also have other specific features that we’re focusing on developing for our WvW community that we want to make sure you’re aware of.

Polishing the existing WvW experience to ensure it shines in every way possible is a major goal for us which requires addressing major areas we know need a lot of attention. We’ve been working on two of these projects for a while now, and both have proven far more complicated to solve than we’d hoped, but we’re getting really close and have made tremendous progress.

Firstly, we’ll be adding paid server transfers, with time limitations and WvW restrictions, and guestingability, which allows players to visit friends on other servers in every part of the game except for WvW. To encourage players to stick with a single server for WvW and fight for the pride of that server, server changes will incur a fee and have time limitations. Second, we’ll make improvements to culling. We recently ran small tests on Live to help us move towards eliminating as much culling from WvW as possible. The results have been promising, and we have a number of additional culling features in development. If all goes well, our hope is 2013 is the year culling ceases to exist, or is as minimal as possible in the WvW experience.

We’re adding new features as well. We’ll introduce a system of prestige and advancement specifically designed for WvW. This will give players a progression path where they earn new WvW-only abilities and bonuses, and with them gain prestige and visible titles/recognition. Also, we’ll add a new motivation to the WvW domain that goes beyond the overall weekly score to give more short term reasons to be winning in WvW as well. We’ll discuss all these features in more detail as we get closer to release!

Very exciting to me since I play mainly solo and I would like to have some “solo” titles or recognition for “solo” play.

Maybe get something cool for killing X amount of players without any interference.

Always wished this game had more “prestige” to it. A reason to play because people think you’re cool with whatever special stuff you obtained for some pwnage wvw.

Anyone else wanting anything specific from this patch?

Just another noob thief…

@WvW Changes that are incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Jrunyon.3012


So why is this in the thief forum again?

Nesmee – Thief
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks

@WvW Changes that are incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


So why is this in the thief forum again?

So that thieves can add their input to it?

What would thieves want from this patch?

I don’t see many warriors wanting to run around solo in wvw and wanting specific solo titles.

Just another noob thief…

@WvW Changes that are incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Taril.8619


So why is this in the thief forum again?

I’m guessing since Thieves will be affected the most by the change to culling that seems to be coming (Less classes complaining about Perma-stealth thieves, possibility for weak aspects of thieves to get attention due to the sea of “Nerf thief” threads dissapearing)

Maybe also due to OP wanting to know what thieves are looking for in the patch…

“Pull the trigger, move out ahead,
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”

@WvW Changes that are incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Rinzler.8072


I worry that they will give thiefs access to worse abilities than other classes.

Example a realm ability that gives u a 10% damage boost. They might give it to everyone except thieves, etc.

Rinzler [Mesmer] -BROLIS PASS- Violent Tendencies (vT)

@WvW Changes that are incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I am very worried about ANet upsetting the current balance with this patch. Not so much by changing existing abilities/mechanics but by introducing new mechanics.

It could be very good or very bad.

I am definitely excited for the new wvw prestige or w/e.

What kind of ability would you want as a thief from wvw kills ?

Just another noob thief…

@WvW Changes that are incoming...

in Thief

Posted by: Scarn.6810


Personally, I can do enough damage in the open field 1v3 that I’m not worried about culling. People seem to forget that culling only affects large battles, not whether or not you see one thief in a big open field.

I also hope that ANet continues making intelligent decisions in regard to any kind of ranking system. They’ve stated that they won’t do K/D ratio so I’m confident they will come up with something that’s fair and doesn’t favor kill happy thieves. I don’t like being called cheap.

Thief, Maguuma