@WvW Changes that are incoming...
So why is this in the thief forum again?
[OHai] – Northern Shiverpeaks
So why is this in the thief forum again?
So that thieves can add their input to it?
What would thieves want from this patch?
I don’t see many warriors wanting to run around solo in wvw and wanting specific solo titles.
So why is this in the thief forum again?
I’m guessing since Thieves will be affected the most by the change to culling that seems to be coming (Less classes complaining about Perma-stealth thieves, possibility for weak aspects of thieves to get attention due to the sea of “Nerf thief” threads dissapearing)
Maybe also due to OP wanting to know what thieves are looking for in the patch…
There’s two kinds of people… The quick and the dead”
I worry that they will give thiefs access to worse abilities than other classes.
Example a realm ability that gives u a 10% damage boost. They might give it to everyone except thieves, etc.
I am very worried about ANet upsetting the current balance with this patch. Not so much by changing existing abilities/mechanics but by introducing new mechanics.
It could be very good or very bad.
I am definitely excited for the new wvw prestige or w/e.
What kind of ability would you want as a thief from wvw kills ?
Personally, I can do enough damage in the open field 1v3 that I’m not worried about culling. People seem to forget that culling only affects large battles, not whether or not you see one thief in a big open field.
I also hope that ANet continues making intelligent decisions in regard to any kind of ranking system. They’ve stated that they won’t do K/D ratio so I’m confident they will come up with something that’s fair and doesn’t favor kill happy thieves. I don’t like being called cheap.