WvW P/P + D/D condi build

WvW P/P + D/D condi build

in Thief

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


Hello Thief community,

I already posted this build in this thread :

but now I have slightly changed the build for WvW solo roam. My main objective was to utilize P/P+D/D and to max condi damage as much as possible. Not sure if I succeeded but here it is :


I really enjoy this playstyle but I have the feeling I am missing something so I would really appreciate any feedback or suggestions!

[Piken Square]

WvW P/P + D/D condi build

in Thief

Posted by: Narkodx.1472


What you are missing is POWER – half the skills in D/D and P/P are useless with full dire you will hit for like 1k back stab lol

D/D and P/P are hybrid weapons – Dire is for pure condi which you would be better off with P/D and a SBow – Change gear or weapons

If you are set on pp and dd which I assume you are – try carrion armor with the dire/rabid trinkets – perplexity is good rune

Trait set-up is perfect so you got one thing down

WvW P/P + D/D condi build

in Thief

Posted by: Nonfat.8742


What you are missing is POWER – half the skills in D/D and P/P are useless with full dire you will hit for like 1k back stab lol

D/D and P/P are hybrid weapons – Dire is for pure condi which you would be better off with P/D and a SBow – Change gear or weapons

If you are set on pp and dd which I assume you are – try carrion armor with the dire/rabid trinkets – perplexity is good rune

Trait set-up is perfect so you got one thing down

Thank you for your input on this!

You’re absolutely right, my BS hits like a wet noodle although I rarely use BS since I mostly go for Sneak Attack wich gives more bleeds.

First I’ll give the weapon change a chance since it costs less then to regear entirely and slot new runes and infusions into the new gear. I’ve tried some theorycraft with the gear you proposed and it looks quite impressive on paper so I’m sure I’ll test that too.

What do you think about taking Bewildering Ambush over Sleight of Hand (trickery) since it gives 5 stacks of confusion 100% (well if your target doesn’t dodge the steal ofc) as opposed to Sleight of hand’s stun to trigger the runes 5 stacks of confusion isn’t 100%. Excuse my poor english, I hope you will understand what I am trying to ask.

[Piken Square]

WvW P/P + D/D condi build

in Thief

Posted by: Xtinct.7031


yea bro,

ur gonna have to go full on carrion, rampager’s or celestials to make this remotely viable. goodluck

(edited by Xtinct.7031)

WvW P/P + D/D condi build

in Thief

Posted by: Faeyd.5094


D/D is great on full dire – folks just don’t play it so theorycraft it off the table.

You have poison, cripple, and heavy bleeds on the set (take blind on stealth trait to add blinds to the set #5 too) and you evade half of the incoming junk as you apply the AE bleeds. I find it easier to 1vX on it than P/D (WvW). Stick P/D on your second set though and have the best of both worlds.

Run Krait runes and DS for elite and flip camps in one rotation if that is what you want to do too.


WvW P/P + D/D condi build

in Thief

Posted by: Narkodx.1472


What you are missing is POWER – half the skills in D/D and P/P are useless with full dire you will hit for like 1k back stab lol

D/D and P/P are hybrid weapons – Dire is for pure condi which you would be better off with P/D and a SBow – Change gear or weapons

If you are set on pp and dd which I assume you are – try carrion armor with the dire/rabid trinkets – perplexity is good rune

Trait set-up is perfect so you got one thing down

Thank you for your input on this!

You’re absolutely right, my BS hits like a wet noodle although I rarely use BS since I mostly go for Sneak Attack wich gives more bleeds.

First I’ll give the weapon change a chance since it costs less then to regear entirely and slot new runes and infusions into the new gear. I’ve tried some theorycraft with the gear you proposed and it looks quite impressive on paper so I’m sure I’ll test that too.

What do you think about taking Bewildering Ambush over Sleight of Hand (trickery) since it gives 5 stacks of confusion 100% (well if your target doesn’t dodge the steal ofc) as opposed to Sleight of hand’s stun to trigger the runes 5 stacks of confusion isn’t 100%. Excuse my poor english, I hope you will understand what I am trying to ask.

Both grandmaster traits are viable but I find SoH to be superior especially since you can apply confusion with it already – keep in mind if you use basilik venom you can also interrupt and proc perplexity also if you use headshot pistol #4 – so you have multiple ways to apply confusion and the trait sort of becomes redundant – SoH also synergizes beautifully with Mug to apply that poison/dmg/heal

The above poster says that Dire and D/D work perfectly – simply not true
Dire ehnhances only two of the skills of that weapon set death blossom’s bleeds and lotus strikes poison – every other skill benefits from power – those are facts

There is no chance you will defeat ANY good player using deathblossom alone – simply not going to happen it is way too predictable and leaves you very open to counterattacks – same situation with P/P where only the auto attack and sneak attack benefit from Dire

Carrion is the best armor set for those weapons if you want to focus on conditions – those weapon sets can be played as pure power but they will NOT be effective as pure condition aka Dire

Either use P/D (Shadow Strike is where the dmg is at for condi users) or use Carrion gear so that ALL of your weapon skills actually do damage – using an intelligence sigil on your dagger would be smart as well since your crit chance will be low- a nice combo to use would be black powder on P/P switch to D/D heartseeker to gain stealth and gain three guaranteed critical strikes from intel then backstab for decent damage followed by a heartseeker or two