WvW Roamers... mesmer or thief partner?
But if you must gank people I would say a good mesmer who is not glass.
Personaly I odnt play thief, but I do feel i can claim myself experienced wvwvw roamer as mesmer. My perosnal experience is that thief mesmer combo is one of the stronger setup for roamers alot depending on the mesmers setup.
You want a Mesmer who have high survival stats, good speed, good incombat mobility and enought burst and cc to give burst combos. A mesmer who stack vulnebility and cc your target give a wery nice layup for a killing blow.
You do NOT want a glass mesmer who constantly get downed and give easy rally’s, you do NOT want a slwo mesmer who get behiind al the time and cant blink up and down etc.
Atm I run a high power build PU with travaler runes and short blink cd. I feel its a good setup for thief mesmer roaming combo. If you play with a mesmer and she/he look for a build my build is in top sticky on mesmer forums in the “Shatter Cat guide”
recent fotage PU mesmer and pug thief
Shatter Mesmer and guild thief
Omg, LoL. 6 mins in and you finally get downed. And your thief guildie never got downed once. If it were me I’d have gotten immob > death within 1 min. I’m surprised at the lack of immobs and the amount of uplevels in that video. It was a good video though, I was thoroughly entertained.
You would be best going with another Thief if it’s just a duo. Whenever you go into stealth, your partner will take all the focus which limits your ability to take on larger groups without having to essentially babysit the Mesmer. You could get the Mesmer to run a PU build, but the burst will be nothing compared to what another Thief can offer and you will still find yourself having to get the Mesmer up often. Your life will be easier if you’re with another Thief.
Thief duo all the way. You will have a lot of fun
(edited by Simonoly.4352)
Thief works really well with a lot of classes in pair, but the best one I have found so far is a Warrior with a GS: he can reset the fight at ease and has enough survivability to not getting downed if you get caught by surprise. Also, the AoE stun with hammer and the costant immobilizes are sooo nice to have.
Mesmers are good too, because they can survive well in pairs. But I don’t know too much: the pro of the warriors is that it counters the classes the thief has problems with really well. Engineers, for example, are cake if you have a warrior with you.
However, having to choose between Mesmer and Thief, I’d say Mesmer, because it will be really handy when dealing with professions like Hammer Warriors and Zerk Guardians (both are very nasty to take down as a thief if you are fighting outnumbered). Another thief would be good only if you are not fighting these professions. If you are in a borderland with a lot of thieves, I think 2 thieves are better. If you are in a borderland with not so many thieves, take a mesmer with you.
I’ve always enjoyed another thief. but lately since the person i usually roam with isn’t on I’ve been running with a condi engi, and its rather a lot of fun.
The most fun I’ve ever had is with 2 thieves. If thief is your main class as well as your partner’s then both of you will have a strong understanding of each others abilities. You’ll have a better understanding of their cooldown timers as well as what they are capable of in whatever build they are running. You’ll mesh better and after running with your partner for a while you’ll find that you won’t need to communicate verbally as much and that is when it becomes beautiful.
Twitch Stream
I was thinking thief thief would be better. What about against higher numbers? 2v4 and 2v5? I thought thief mesmer might be better against higher numbers of opponents.
I run with a guild buddy often who plays thief. In my experience we can be pretty trolly. We’ve won some 2v3 and 2v4 but it depends on the class comp of the group. If there’s 2 or more full tanky heavy armored targets we have some issues. If it’s just a 2v2 we might win, but if the odds are in their favor we can’t usually do much.
I can’t think of one reason that mesmer thief is better than thief thief now that I think of it. I play a lot of mesmer and have played a lot of thief in the past. Think thief thief is the way to go
I run with a Thief when I duo, and it works out very well. My setup is high-mobility S/P power-based, and he is P/D condition based. We cover the weaknesses in each other’s builds pretty effectively, can handle a lot of different looks.
You can get more utility from another class, but stacking stealths is fun, and playing alongside a class that you already know the ins and outs of does help considerably when it comes to coordination.