WvW and events 1200 range?

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Dronin.3957


My vote is for 1200 Rifles. Or at the VERY least an optional trait to turn shortbows/pistols into 1200 range.

I’m leaning more towards a trait at this point in the game. Another weapon sounds very expansion pack.

A trait would be a quick fix and sort us out really…

I think many of the people who wish for a rifle are fed up with us having so few weapon skills and poor ranged options in general… that seems to be the feeling I get from reading the forum

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Windwalker.2047


To anyone saying that the shortbow (a weapon that should be 1200 range by default)
shouldnt be longer range because of the ‘bounces’,might i remind you that mesmer staff and ele air staff also have bounces as their auto-attack

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: anonim.5932


Absolutely put in the sniper rifle. Would be epic =) A long range (lower damage) auto attack, or a sniper-shot with a few seconds cast time with self rooting without too long reload time.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Ashanor.5319


are rangers as deadly as Thieves close up?

My melee ranger was pretty nasty. Just got to spec right.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Coldin.2840


Throwing my hat behind longer range for Shortbow.

Clusterbomb already has a 1200 meter range. The problem is that it has a really slow travel time and burns up initiative. It gives players and mobs a long time to move out of the way.

Giving Trick Shot 1200 wouldn’t really be that big a game changer. It can only bounce between 3 targets, and it’s relatively small damage. It’s only real effect would be to let thieves join in on shooting from tower walls, and providing a ranged option against melee unfriendly bosses.

Pistol/Pistol could use something, I agree. I just don’t think greater range is it. I’d rather see pistols become the mid-range weapon set and get some good kitting abilities.

Coldin – Thief – Sanctum of Rall

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: mulch.2586


I’d like a buff to my thief. But I’m quite certain that guardians would happily trade their scepter skills for thief shortbow 1-3. #1 is fast and bounces. It’s great. If you need 1200 range, the 2 blast is wicked.

Even a Dolyak can move out of the way before a scepter blast arrives.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: faytte.1057


Its just how balance is made. You are insanely mobile and great in every other aspect of the game. Your 900 range is also very solid to be frank, having you guys at 1200 with your autos I feel is a bit 2 strong.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Sithaco.4673


Yeah, I have been thinking about this as well. Simply changing one of our weapons to 1200 range will not work. We need a new weapon, I was thinking about the different ones and the only one I can see co-existing with a thief is a rifle. But make it more like a sniper so we can hide and be stealthy and stuff.

Please Anet, we are the only class without a 1200 range auto attack. In fact, we have one 1200 range weapon skill, and that isn’t even on a single target, but is ground targeted.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Dronin.3957


Its just how balance is made. You are insanely mobile and great in every other aspect of the game. Your 900 range is also very solid to be frank, having you guys at 1200 with your autos I feel is a bit 2 strong.

I’m assuming that you dont play thief… but that is only assumption so please don’t take offense if i’m wrong, and If I am I apologise.

Please try the Claw of Jormag event where you are the only class that has to stand in the dot because you cant hit from the rocks on the side, or perhaps try some of Caudicus manor or the other indoor dungeons where 2 skill (cluster bomb) just hits the ceiling.

how about the 900 auto attack on the short bow doing less damage to 3 targets than the ranger can do to one with the short bow to a single target at 1200 range, I proved this earlier in the post with some testing and results.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: neclon.4510


I’ve resorted to using Sword/* for ranged fights. Drop a circle, go in swingin, and pop back out to safety if you get targeted. Been using pistol for PW, but if anyone has luck with S/D in this scenario it would be fun to know.

Odd bug, though. If you shadow step, and spam scorp wire, it does not change to your return. Which can be a nasty surprise – or a great chasing tool.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Fiennes.9568


Having played thief since the first BWE and still do now, I’ll throw in my 2 cents here. In WvW it can be sort of disappointing to not be a big part of the main siege, and unable to contribute as much as the 1200-ranged players, but then I don’t feel I am supposed to be doing that role. I can always build myself a trebuchet if I really want!

No, where we excel is in general skirmishes. Having been jumped with a friend by 4 invaders, and after he went down I still won the day. The feeling that 4 people somewhere are going “WTKitten?”, makes me feel far more happy than the feeling I’d get of breaking that door down with 60 other people.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Dronin.3957


I have played it for an equal amount of time.

I value your opinion, and I agree skirmishing is more fun, on any class. However, let me tell you why I feel you missed the point of this thread. As I have said before Every class is supposed to be able to fill every role, If a Thief cant sit back and dps then that is a design flaw with the class.

I have often 1 v 2 or 1 v 3 sometimes bad lowbies in WvW, WvW is not about skill its about gear, orb buffs and food if you want to silly things like that.

Have you done the claw of jormag event? does it annoy you that every other class can hit him from the rocks but we cant? What about any of the indoor dungeon sections where CB just hits the roof instead of the target?

(edited by Dronin.3957)

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Lawbringer.1956


Is this a joke? or you have never WvW before? if you tab target in WvW all you are going to get targeted is one of the many beasts and illusions that charge in infront of all the players

Thief is the best WvW class, with braindead bouncing aoes and if you do get targeted just stealth away and make the enemy waste their time on you, thief has lower range because they are the kings of close range damage and are unkillable with stealth, its like complaining guardians dont get ele staves

You really are bad at the trolling thing, arent you

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: neclon.4510


To add – my take that thief is a melee class in wvw even in ranged fights:

I am still doing s/p in those fights. I use signet of malice, haste, and whirlwind dagger thingy. Stack some might, shadow step forward, steal if targets in range, or you can steal during the WW without interupting. start dagger and hit haste. You will probably heal faster than any 1-2 people can damage you and most of them will just be backing up going wtf? cuz their health is dropping, they’re getting bleeds and cripple stacked up. Then if you get targeted, shadow step back. If you’re lucky and stole from a warrior then hit that one and keep on spinning!

Just don’t let your circle run out or you will go down like a wet noodle.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Kyus.3812


I feel absolutely no need for 1200 range on my thief, with the range of stealth ,shadowstep and speed increase traits, utilities and weaponskills. a 1200 range instaed of 900 would just feel way to overpowered.

Kyús – 80 – Guardian// All Classes Level 80
Hand of Blood [HoB]
EU – Aurora Glade

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Victur.2615


Because hitting 5 people for 5k every 2-3 seconds is terrible.

Then add in 10x stacks of might + do it out of stealth and you are seeing 6-7k on multiple targets.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Buzzcrave.6197


Trait for 1200 range is the best option. They did it on warrior LB, they should be able to it on thieves SB.

To all the people that said 1200 range will be OP, it is not, because most of the people want it is for PvE content, not PvP.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Pirhana.8935


put poison cloud at 1200 so i can do that with cluster bomb and i will be happy.

In keep sieges poison cloud is very effective, especially if you are 15 in deadly arts for lotus poison.

poison cloud + cluster bomb with bouncing arrows between will kill the people on the ram /door. you just have to time it so teh enemys are all targetting somone else on the wall away from you.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Elthurien.8356


1200 range on either shortbow or pistols would not be out of line given our complete lack of weapon options. Dual Pistols would probably be better balanced as it is purely single target, but it makes more sense to have it on Shortbow. Ranger shortbow is 1200 range AND they have more melee weapon options than we do AND they have pets. Warriors have 1200 range AND more weapon options AND more health and armor AND they are just as dangerous in melee with knockbacks, charge and immobilises.

We just had a significant nerf to pistol whip, backstab and dagger storm are surely on the horizon given the QQ on these forums so why shouldn’t we get better range if we are getting hammered by the nerf bat in melee? For those that say we dont need it because we have stealth…. so do mesmers but they have 1200 range options too. At least a mesmer can dual wield swords.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: kidbs.8920


Honestly, thieves 900 yard range is still more effective than a Guardian’s 1200 yard range. The Guardian’s scepter auto-attack only has ~600 yard effective range even though it’s listed as 1200. If anyone needs a better ranged option it’s them. Heck I would settle for pushing back the scepter attack to 900 yards if it just actually traveled faster.

Anyway, I haven’t encountered any PvE fights where being at 900 yards instead of 1200 has had any significant impact on survivability (you’re still ranged and out of melee distance). On any of the dragon fights, just stand on the side and you’re never in danger of being breathed on. In WvW you still have clusterbomb for fighting at keeps, and that’s what you should be using anyway to apply the most pressure.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


1200 range on either shortbow or pistols would not be out of line given our complete lack of weapon options. Dual Pistols would probably be better balanced as it is purely single target, but it makes more sense to have it on Shortbow. Ranger shortbow is 1200 range AND they have more melee weapon options than we do AND they have pets. Warriors have 1200 range AND more weapon options AND more health and armor AND they are just as dangerous in melee with knockbacks, charge and immobilises.

We just had a significant nerf to pistol whip, backstab and dagger storm are surely on the horizon given the QQ on these forums so why shouldn’t we get better range if we are getting hammered by the nerf bat in melee? For those that say we dont need it because we have stealth…. so do mesmers but they have 1200 range options too. At least a mesmer can dual wield swords.

dont compare our thiefs to rangers in terms of melee weapons and short bows, their damage is too weak and beyond compare,

either way, i think 1200 range would fit pistol, since it would not be as game breaking as to what i imagined it to be if shortbow will gain 1200 range.

id love to see blinding attacks from afar.

and add trait to pistol, piercing shot, that would make p/p better as to what it is now

(edited by Oldgrimm.8521)

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Cempa.3645


We have mobility and stealth, you can always drop down and hug the wall and use your Bow, people see you vanish! Use Bow to run away!

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Enigmoid.1264


While this would be a good idea for wvw, it would be horrible for pvp. Thief stealths in unloads on target, stealths out, kills person from 1200 range. Honestly I think the reason that thieves did not get 1200 range is that it would be overpowered with stealth.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: XDarkPhoenixX.4196


Well my 2 cents. (Basically a Sniper)
Add rifle with 1000 range normal elevation (To target), 1200 (1300-1400 maybe) for x-metre(s) high elevated range (like not just a cm higher sort of thing) and 800 (700 maybe) for lower elevation. But only have elevation count towards the rifle and not other weapons. (Elevation Idea from someone elses post).

And maybe for stronger rifle skills do some kind of movement restriction (So not for skill 1). Maybe to get an optional range of 1200-1300 on a normal elevation to target take a no movement and no stealth penalty (like timed or something)

So on keep walls and such in WvWvW can use extra range and be alot more helpful (More options) on keep walls.

I dunno something along those lines to minimise balance issues.. (>.> even tho being the only class without 1200 range is evil. Maybe if warrior didnt have 1200 range.. it would be less… evil).

I mean come on thieves are basically assassins but being alot higher than the target is mostly a bad thing.. messed up.

I am the reason you wil fear the dark.

(edited by XDarkPhoenixX.4196)

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Oldgrimm.8521


now, to think about 1200 range, Enigmoid presented a good point,

imagine a pistol thief @1200 range, solely build stealth + venom traited, For the Win hehehe,

ice drake venom + devourer + basilisk = totally immobized ownage

and imagine 5 thiefs sharing venoms, and they synchronize their timing well

i see destruction

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Minx.7521


They probably won’t do this because the attacks bounce

lol :P that would be hilarious, and also imba.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Cribbage.2056


Shortbow is a really good weapon for both DPS and utility. I feel like the slightly shorter range is a good penalty for that. You have to put yourself slightly more in harm’s way to use it, which means you have to play with a little skill.

I actually find our long range game perhaps the most satisfying aspect of being a thief. It’s both balanced and interesting, I would say.

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: iBlasiannn.4279


I would like to have a 1200 range on either shortbow or pistol but not both. Ranger shortbow is 1200 so I dont see why Thief cant be. Rangers might try to argue that its because they are “Rangers” but that doesn’t stop them using melee weapons effectively.

Maybe if there was a trait that increased range by 33% with shortbow in shadow arts (because thats where the +5% dmg shortbow trait is).

You think ranger’s have effective melee!? When do you see a ranger using a greatsword or sword in Pv anything…. never…. the DPS is a joke compared to other melee users

Februaryy – That one thief on Blackgate
Januarry – I play Ele sometimes because I hate my existence
[oPP] – Over Powered People

WvW and events 1200 range?

in Thief

Posted by: Necronomitron.8629


I don’t think thieves should get higher than 900 range. I haven’t even touched my ranger since I hit 80, thief is so much more fun to play and stronger in general in my opinion. Shouldn’t widen that gap anymore than it already is.