WvW roaming build feedback

WvW roaming build feedback

in Thief

Posted by: Traxal.2745


Background: I’m a pretty casual player (~5 hrs per week usually) that has been playing about 6 months. I do some PVE so I grinded my ascended berserker trinkets first and just finished the set. I’m looking at what I want to do next and made up this build. I enjoy WvW the most so far, so I wanted to have a set for WvW. This gives good burst and defense. Not the best straight up dmg. I do mostly solo roaming, but some duo. Even then, I’m usually targeted first.

I’ve had some decent success with using the exotic version of this (they were cheap) but wanted feedback from better players before I invested in the asc trinks. I don’t have much gold and I’m saving to make ascended weapons so the food, stones, and gems/sigils/runes are what I actually use because they are a favorite alternative to highly priced items. I’d like to have things like best soup and stones, and travelers runes, but the runes alone would wipe out my life savings.

I would also like to know thoughts on how builds like this will fare once ferocity comes out. I know the change will be across the board, so all players will be scaled down. But I do not know if it will make this too weak. I’ve noticed most of my dmg comes from backstabs, and that the key to thief seems to be patience, so I sacrificed some crit chance out of stealth for defense to be able to take a few hits between C+D if I need to, until the next window for backstab opens up. I suppose this build could work for D/P, not sure.


WvW roaming build feedback

in Thief

Posted by: sierras.6297


To stat off, my phone cannot access the link, so I don’t know your build specifics, but I will post again when I can see it. However, every build relying on burst is taking a hot, so prepare for a heavy hit, Just so you aren’t surprised if it is indeed a drastic change, though I doubt it will be. If you are duo roaming on a thief and getting targeted, you’re doing something wrong. Stealth automatically de-targets you, so that really shouldn’t be happening too often unless you are going against very skilled roaming groups.
I would wait with the trinkets until we have ferocity released so you can see the in-game effect. I have played a lot of burst builds so, once again, I will give you a more build focused response later when I can get on my computer.

Oscuro Sombra~lv. 80 Thief|Oscuro Uno~lv. 80 Necro|
Oscuro Tanque~lv. 80 Guardian|
[RaW] Kaineng

WvW roaming build feedback

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


Critical Damage is going to change, you may want to wait spending anything beyond exotics for the time being.

(edited by frans.8092)