@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


You may loose a lot of your player base if you nerf bs into the ground. For me playing d/d is the only thing I enjoy in this game. Just cause noobs running around in wvw without max gear get owned doesn’t mean we need a nerf.

People in spvp don’t get owned by bs. People with max gear in wvw don’t get owned either. Fights with them are usually pretty balanced. Nerfing this skill is dumb and all you are doing is listening to noobs than need to l2p.

Just saying, ill prob quit if this gets nerfed.

Just another noob thief…

(edited by swinsk.6410)

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: PenguinPoacher.6135


Oh no one of the million thieves will quit.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: DiogoSilva.7089


Whiners can be a good or a bad thing from both sides, either they’re crying because they feel things are too strong or they’re threatning leaving the game because they feel things are just right.

Also, making a huge generalization is a pretty poor argument. I consider myself a decent-to-good spvp player, with an elementalist usually ranking between mid to top tier at your average match, and even I can see that Backstab feels like a cheap shot.

Now, it also happens that elementalist’s power builds are completely crap and can only hope someday to be as good as the thief’s builds at any detail of what makes them good, but even if they were worth anything, a backstab thief would still be able to completely destroy a glass cannon elementalist.

I mean, you do realize that all your skills hit faster and harder than most other glass cannon builds out there, right? With a backstab, you’re basically starting fights with your opponents at half hp.

I would love to see if you think it’s balanced a backstab thief to fight a 8k out of 16k HP glass cannon elementalist taking 10-15 seconds to take you down with their easily-avoidable burst sequence. If anything, a backstab thief could probably kill a glass cannon elementalist twice, if that could be possible, before they could kill the thief once.

(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


You may loose a lot of your player base if you nerf bs into the ground. For me playing d/d is the only thing I enjoy in this game. Just cause noobs running around in wvw without max gear get owned doesn’t mean we need a nerf.

People in spvp don’t get owned by bs. People with max gear in wvw don’t get owned either. Fights with them are usually pretty balanced. Nerfing this skill is dumb and all you are doing is listening to noobs than need to l2p.

Just saying, ill prob quit if this gets nerfed.

No offence dude, but YOU look like a whiner here. I really think they should do something about the thief. Do i think the class is op? Lol absolutely not. The problem is there are too many of them. Most of thief builds are really easy to play (ofc some ppl play them better than others), so lots of players do not wanna invest their playtime learning to play well an ele or a necro, they simply choose the easiest solution.
It`s not really a “thief problem” imo, would be pretty much the same if there were for ex. too many mesmers or too many necros.
Oh and more class variety means more fun which means more players, so i doubt they care if u quit.


@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: bow.6179


I’m with you. D/D thief is the only class I enjoy playing. It’s the only reason I came back tot he game. I started with an elementalist and just did not like the lack of synergy the class offered. If they nerf the kittens out of thieves I’m not going to play anymore either.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: DesertRose.2031


They’ve already stated they will focus on Steal, mainly the possibility to hit with Steal, Cloak and Dagger and Backstab within about one second.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


I’m with you. D/D thief is the only class I enjoy playing. It’s the only reason I came back tot he game. I started with an elementalist and just did not like the lack of synergy the class offered. If they nerf the kittens out of thieves I’m not going to play anymore either.

… ele lacks synergies ?? You must have had some bad weed … .
@OP: You whine, because other ppl whined, and as a result everyone and their cousins are now having thief-alts running around. Are you any better, than the ppl you complain about?
On the contrary, I believe a lot will return. If you ONLY was here due to the burst of the glasscannon-build, then maybe it was wrong to start with?

(edited by Poxxia.1547)

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Xyvius.1679


The whiners are the people who try and exploit a class for all its worth at the expense of balance.

If Anet believes Thief damage is to be nerfed for the sake of balance, then they are making the right decision.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


No offence dude, but YOU look like a whiner here. I really think they should do something about the thief. Do i think the class is op? Lol absolutely not. The problem is there are too many of them. Most of thief builds are really easy to play (ofc some ppl play them better than others), so lots of players do not wanna invest their playtime learning to play well an ele or a necro, they simply choose the easiest solution.
It`s not really a “thief problem” imo, would be pretty much the same if there were for ex. too many mesmers or too many necros.
Oh and more class variety means more fun which means more players, so i doubt they care if u quit.

You really think because a class is popular it should be nerfed? Are you serious?

Stealthing classes are always the most popular because they are the coolest. Everyone likes sneaky classes.

There are plenty of mesmers. If something needs a nerfing it should be that moa transform that is pretty much IWIN.

BS ability is not a fight winner. You have to combine it with playing skills and a ton of other things for it to be effective. The MOA transform all you need to do is hit 1 button and you win.

You can’t simply hit backstab and win. You might be able to before assassin signet nerf, but not anymore.

There is no need to for BS nerf. Simply saying you want to nerf a class based on popularity is stupid.

sPvP people probably favor thieves for the mobility in such a small map. When I sPvP I notice tons of thieves, when I do WvW I rarely get fights vs. thieves. I encounter warriors, guardians, mesmers, rangers mostly, occasional necro and last the thief…

That’s probably because you need all the best stuff to be effective as a thief but not so much with the other classes.

Just another noob thief…

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: swinsk.6410


I understood the assassin signet nerf. I got that. People were nearly getting 1 shot even with good gear. That was a bit much. The most I’ve seen on a BS is like 8k and that’s vs. non-80s in crap gear. The most I get is like 5k if I am lucky vs. a non-noob.

20Tricks (or whatever gives more initiative)

I am wearing full exotics of valkyrie, all accessories are ruby+berserker, my chest piece is berserker.

I spent about 30G getting my equipment together. It’s not like I didn’t work to get my character to where he is at. I should be nerfed for that? Seems stupid, why doesn’t everyone else just get 30G and pimp their toon out and stop crying about thieves.

Just another noob thief…

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: frans.8092


… so lots of players do not wanna invest their playtime learning to play well an ele or a necro, ….

… get owned in PvP and then complain on forums, sums it up pretty nice.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: bow.6179


Yes ele lack synergy. I understand that we have 4 attunements. I understand that they work really well with each other. I get that you can lay down combo fields switch attunements and use combo finishers. I very much enjoyed giving my group stacks of might and the huge AOE heals. What ele lack though is in their trait line. Traits dont work well or build well off of other traits. So synergy.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Mere Image.8376

Mere Image.8376

No offence dude, but YOU look like a whiner here. I really think they should do something about the thief. Do i think the class is op? Lol absolutely not. The problem is there are too many of them. Most of thief builds are really easy to play (ofc some ppl play them better than others), so lots of players do not wanna invest their playtime learning to play well an ele or a necro, they simply choose the easiest solution.
It`s not really a “thief problem” imo, would be pretty much the same if there were for ex. too many mesmers or too many necros.
Oh and more class variety means more fun which means more players, so i doubt they care if u quit.

You really think because a class is popular it should be nerfed? Are you serious?

Stealthing classes are always the most popular because they are the coolest. Everyone likes sneaky classes.

There are plenty of mesmers. If something needs a nerfing it should be that moa transform that is pretty much IWIN.

BS ability is not a fight winner. You have to combine it with playing skills and a ton of other things for it to be effective. The MOA transform all you need to do is hit 1 button and you win.

You can’t simply hit backstab and win. You might be able to before assassin signet nerf, but not anymore.

There is no need to for BS nerf. Simply saying you want to nerf a class based on popularity is stupid.

sPvP people probably favor thieves for the mobility in such a small map. When I sPvP I notice tons of thieves, when I do WvW I rarely get fights vs. thieves. I encounter warriors, guardians, mesmers, rangers mostly, occasional necro and last the thief…

That’s probably because you need all the best stuff to be effective as a thief but not so much with the other classes.

Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Commanders of the Reborn Empire Nation [CORE]
Level 80 Professions: Mesmer, Warrior, Thief

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Mere Image.8376

Mere Image.8376

Mesmers are actually the least played profession according to ArenaNet. People complain they’re OP, yet few people play them because it’s a hard class to figure out. Thieves are one of the top three classes played, because they are straightforward and do insane damage without requiring remarkable skill. Not saying thieves aren’t skillful, I’m merely stating an average player can easily pick one up and do heavy damage without having to think. Whereas many people drop the Mesmer before theymreach level 20 because they don’t understand how to deal damage with them. That being said, Backstab is not what needs a nerf. Invisibility rendering needs to be fixed, but unfortunately that’s an engine problem. I’m a relatively skilled player. I’ve won 1v5’s in WvW against other lvl 80’s. However, I’ve been downed in WvW by Backstab thieves in 2 hits without ever seeing them because the rendering is crap at the moment. If ArenaNet can’t fix the rendering then backstabe may need a slight nerf while upping the health or general survivability of the thief. 2 shotting an opponent would be perfectly fair if I could see them. For example, hundred blade warriors have some of the highest burst potential, but I can actually target them before I die. How is it fair for a class to kill in 2 hits while being essentially invincible from invisibly. The frequency of stealth doesn’t bother me; it’s the fact that a profession can land 2-3 hits that do 10k damage without me being able to target them. I have full exotic gear, including armor, accessories, and weapons; I have over 250 skill points after unlocking all my skills. I’m not just some noob QQ. I’m merely pointing out that it doesn’t take skill to 2 shot someone while your enemy can’t target you.

Server: Ehmry Bay
Guild: Commanders of the Reborn Empire Nation [CORE]
Level 80 Professions: Mesmer, Warrior, Thief

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: oflow.2157


the people whning about thieves getting nerfed should take their own advice and l2p. If you are as good as you say you are a nerf wont hurt you that much right?

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Lordryux.9785


now that im pretty much done reading every comment look wat ur comparing urself too as an ele. pretty much said GLASS CANNON ele. ofcourse ur goona get hit with high damage pretty lmao u barely have any toughness or vit. ur goona die quick whether u like it or not imo tht pretty much goes with any class tht goes glass cannon ur loosing survivability for pure damage >.>

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Fitz.7169


The more thieves that quit the less people have to deal with, sounds like a win win situation to me

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


You may loose a lot of your player base if you nerf bs into the ground. For me playing d/d is the only thing I enjoy in this game. Just cause noobs running around in wvw without max gear get owned doesn’t mean we need a nerf.

People in spvp don’t get owned by bs. People with max gear in wvw don’t get owned either. Fights with them are usually pretty balanced. Nerfing this skill is dumb and all you are doing is listening to noobs than need to l2p.

Just saying, ill prob quit if this gets nerfed.

You just made yourself the whiner, i dont suggest trying to “threaten” Anet with your choice to play or not. Letting 1 skill of 1 profession dictate not only how you can play the class in the future, but whether or not you play at all is just petty.


I’m with you. D/D thief is the only class I enjoy playing. It’s the only reason I came back tot he game. I started with an elementalist and just did not like the lack of synergy the class offered. If they nerf the kittens out of thieves I’m not going to play anymore either.

Im sorry, i dont mean to just demean you but you probably dont know what synergy is. Just because you cant play an ele doesnt mean it “lacks synergy”. Synergy is completely personal to the player. Maybe you didnt come up with a build that you could work, or just didnt work at all. It would be more of a “i lack synergy with the ele profession” while its obvious by your post that i’ve quoted that you have synergy with the thief. So thieves automatically have more synergy to begin? If that were true wouldnt that either mean that thieves were meant to be played at a lower skill cap? Wouldn’t that show an imbalance to you?


There is no need to for BS nerf. Simply saying you want to nerf a class based on popularity is stupid.

sPvP people probably favor thieves for the mobility in such a small map. When I sPvP I notice tons of thieves, when I do WvW I rarely get fights vs. thieves. I encounter warriors, guardians, mesmers, rangers mostly, occasional necro and last the thief…

There is usually a reason for a class being so popular, and when you can see full matches of sPvP with only thieves, WvW supply camps being held by an enemy they cant see, and the ability to shave 50% hp off most classes in one attack are plenty of reasons for a thief bandwagon. People are literally using this class to farm glory.

As for running into thieves in WvW…. you’d think as a stealth class they’d know how to keep themselves from being noticed lol. Its not like the thief is just going to come at you, guns blazing with no stealth haha.

People the fact of the matter is this…

Thieves are a powerful dps based class. Combined with the heavy hitting instants that can be used from stealth, to lead back into either more stealth or other forms of heavy burst all without putting too much risk on themselves if they have good start. But when players are experiencing these culling issues as well as possible hardware problems (people playing with lower spec computers) they are put at the worst disadvantage.

Not everyone can even react as fast as you tell them they should because their ability to do so specifically based on their computers capabilities. Whether it be wireless or a slow connection, bad graphics card, or low end processor when you take any of those and add it as a disadvantage to yourself, you’re sure to die against the thief. Heck you’d be dead on his screen before you’d even load that you’re dead on yours.

Even for those players who do have high-end machines, there is still the fact that you are the most mobile and fastest dpsing class. But honestly tell me, how easy is it to pull off your rotation (that has been proved to wipe entire HP Bars). How risky is it in a 1v1? Do you find yourself dead if you mess up? most likely not seeing as how even if you do manage to mess up your rotation you can stealth and not have to worry about being chased and wait for CDs to come try again. Guards, warriors, and every other class is stuck in the fight whether they messed up or not.

Thieves have soo many “second chances” that to have so much dps in so little time without much risk for failure is a little over kill dontcha ya think?

To the Thieves out there. I know it sucks to be nerfed, but it isnt over, does your profession really revolve around 1 skill? No. I know it sucks to have your favorite toy changed but it isnt over for thieves, and if you think it is, then its because you never valued or cared to learn more about the profession and explore different options.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

(edited by Wizardauz.3761)

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: bow.6179


@Wizardauz I actually know my elementalist very well. I also have a great build and love running dungeons with him. That still doesnt change the fact that traits dont work well or enhance other traits like other classes have. This was actually a very big complaint from a lot of people playing elementalist. It isn’t just me. I still like my elementalist, just not even close to as much as I like my thief. I stopped playing because the elementalist just didn’t excite me enough. I found more enjoyment from borderlands 2. Until I decided to give thief a try. If thief gets nerfed to kitten then I’m probably not going to play anymore. I dont like it when Anet just crumbles to all the complainers.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Fjandi.2516


@swinsk: nah i`ve never said thieves should be nerfed, expecially in dmg. It`s their job to deal dmg quickly. But something should be changed, they should really make some builds more viable to add more variety into the game. The only thing they should fix is the c&d/steal combo, there is no reason to lower the bs dmg too much. Just look @ what they have done nerfing pistol whip…that build was probably the easiest to counter; nerfing the dmg so much just made it way less viable than d/d builds.
About the moa i totally agree, the cd is quite high but vs squishy targets if u use it right is often an iwin button.

@frans: ahah not really dude i play a mesmer in spvp and most thieves are not really a problem. Try harder.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Wizardauz.3761


1. This isnt going to destroy your class. In what way would that be good for anet? They dont plan to kitten your class to nothing and im almost positive that even with some balancing thieves are going to be fine.

2. You probably aren’t the only ones getting nerfed. I play a guardian and we’ve been getting nerfs since BWE and have had skill differences between game modes now. I still play my guardian, i still love him, i still have fun, i still am a beast to fight, my guardian wasnt destroyed.

3. They might do something you dont expect. Most thieves are so worried about Backstab being reduced, but we dont even know if they’re going to target that aspect of the thief. Or what they plan to do at all! Dont just concede to the fact that ur class is going to be destroyed because it has been viewed as overkill.

4. There are traits in weird places that dont make sense for almost all classes out there. Elementalist aren’t alone in that, but that doesnt mean they’re useless or even underpowered. I happen to know some good ele’s actually. The class just may not be for you, and that i can understand.

5. If your enjoyment in this game is based solely around 1 class and one style of play. I’d look for a new game. Sounds to me that this game isnt giving you a sense of enjoyment, especially if you cant find something to do with that 1 class if a FUTURE threat of nerf may be on the horizon.

6. Anet doesnt crumble to whiners, it has metrics running 24/7 most likely. They probably know and can see for themselves whats most effective for each class, they aren’t the type to just be “player pressured” into it. Anet makes people happy and unhappy every day lol its a part of the industry

7. Its a shame to hear that you didnt get any excitement through your elementalist. But i’d love to know your reason as to why you were attracted to the class in the first place? It was probably before you knew much about the game and thought “oh a spellcaster with control over the 4 elements, sounds awesome, flashy spells, blah blah”. Thats a legitimate and good reason to play that class, you gain enjoyment from playing something you like. I’d like to know your reasons for choosing thief after. What was that based off of? Did you know anything about the thief beforehand? Or did you see that thieves were very powerful when compared to your elementalist as you played… because thats the problem. The bandwagoning. People going after classes because they want to see high numbers easily without much resistance, learning curve, or skill cap necessary.

Nerfs are needed. For thieves and other classes, guardians may be up next on the chopping block again. But i’ll still be here, playing him as my main, and im not going to leave because he may be changed or anet has ideas about the future progression of my class.

So dont resign to quitting just yet, your thief may still be just as fun and still as viable.

Ehmry Bay – Good Fights Guild Leader
Lvl 80 Sylvari Guardian – Tzenjin [GF]
Lvl 80 Human Elementalist – Tzenkai [GF]

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Navzar.2938



You’ll lose your precious back stab burst, but you’ll probably be better off and/or have more viable builds in the end.

@anet, be careful what you do to pacify bs whiners...

in Thief

Posted by: Ichishi.9613


we all should really know that everything will be fine. It is just A-net unwillingly made a mistake of letting both sides of the conflicts know that one or more of their actions were clearly (and how many people saw – mostly) based on the action taken by one of the sides. And that action resulted to be too worthless to one side and too threatening to another.
Careful fix of assasin’s signet is an almost exemplary balancing work. But it will be hard to forget sensless things before it and hidden things that came with it. And for as long as those will remembered by appearance of new ones, flames and wars will go on.