[build] 20-25 stacks of torment~ P/D
Guess this is going to be next on the nerf list…
This exists because it’s happened to me. Fastest I have ever died in this game.
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Nah, while builds like this are cool, they’re cooldown dependant. Also, it’s better to mix conditions than stack a ton of one.
@Caom yeah i’m pretty sure this will be nerfed.. but i hope it wont c:
@furajir lol yeah, it just nuked your health
@makiface even if you dont have thieves guild up, you have atleast one thief for every fight (which you dont even need) and you can just apply your 3500 2 torment stacks and bleeds by yourself and get tons of damage off, even if it looks like it, it doesn’t rely on cooldown :p and for the mix of conditions, it has lots of bleeds, torment, and poison. is that good enough?
10-15 stacks from 1 thief and you + the bleeds and everything else = dead
3 thieves + you with 20-25 torment stacks = overkill
think of it that way.
Currently venom builds are weak, becouse they are simple burst dependant on enemy not using stunbreak. When i face venom thief i win 2/3 becouse they burn all thier utility and miss. (i play s/d thief)
I think venoms will be adjusted so they are not that much dependant on rng. We can compere venoms to warriors bulls charge. There is a reason why bulls chsrge is not played anymore. Same thing is with venoms
@urejt you sure you’re replying to the right post buddy? lol this this 100% a condi build, it is NOT dependant on the enemy having no stun breakers whatsoever, this is not burst it’s conditions, this is NOT a venom thief, it’s a condi thief xD and it has 1 venom. please don’t be one of those people who don’t read the build and just comment on it lol.. that post made me laugh ^^
It won’t work against roamers. Sure, you can kill random people in WvW, but you do realize that 1 single condi removal can complete neutralize your build, right? It could work better if you used spider venom and sneak attack before activating your burst, but still if the enemy is clever enough (and everyone knows that roamers these days HAVE to be clever) he will just pop Lyssa Runes, or use two condi cleansers.
@frenk i completely disagree with you, i use this build and it DOES work on roamers, don’t believe me? then check my stream and i can prove to you that it DOES work on roamers.
for instance, lets say i pop my thieves guild and trap, then my venom and we put20 stacks of torment on the roamer instantly, but they have a great reaction time nad use their cc, does that mean i deal no damage and die? NO. i continue applying bleeds/more torment/poison, and let my thieves autoattack them. jut because they cc once/twice, does NOT mean it’s over, this build has more then one cd, if you looks at it you would know that.
due to the long CD on thieves guild, you cant pull off this trick very often, what do you do wile it is on CD?
i would take Improvisation as you have 3 utilities which are different so 60% recharge one of them when you steal
and you can get with venom share 16 stacks of torment if all hits and with shadow strike 2 so getting 25 is really hard (even impossible) against average player and also mean you spent all your initiatives
with 20 stacks of torment you will do 94/188 dps per stack so after 8 seconds its 15k/30k if all hits
so its 50% chance you can kill as when the enemy see thieves guild he will back away for 20 seconds . and then what? small burst with 2 stack of torment
also as mention above 20 stacks is overkill
also i dont like skelk venom. too long cd and no conditions removal
so with dual i can see it working but random roaming sometimes you will kill and sometimes you wont
average thief will just SR
ele will use mist form and lighting flash
mesmer will blink away or use stealth
warrior/engineer will block
guardian and necro will cleanse it fast
ranger …. oh well ranger will die
so the problem you will have most enemy will just run away. and stupid will stay to die
the 30,0,30,0,10 build is good and can be great if you know how to land CnD few time between the recharge
Umm I don’t want to put more oil on the fire, but it is much better to simply use skale venom as your only venom and use the Infiltrator’s Signet for an addional shadowstrike.
So: skale venom → shadow strike → steal → shadow strike →Infiltrator’s Signet →shadow strike.
Thieves guild’s cooldown is simply too long to be a dependant skill for regular use.
@volrath you’re right, but what i normally do when thieves guild is on cd is i proc my ambush ->skelk venom ->#3 skill ->steal #3 skill and still has plenty of stacks + bleeds from auto attack’s/poison from steal/other cd’s to kill. what’s great about this build is that it deosnt rely of thieves guild, thieves only boost the damage output.also, if you want to see me play it i’ve been streaming it on twitch lately. so you can watch me play the build there (twitch name :tad44) i’d also love to make youtube vids but i can’t find anything that edits flv files :/
@messiah true, you could take improvisation, but it’s a little bit of a risk since you don’t know which one will be restored, but with quick venoms, ambush and skelk venom are guarantied to be up at the same time, but i might try that some time if it can proc the venom heal ^^ that would be useful.
and you can get at least 20 guarantied from skelk on your 3 thieves and you + 1 #3 skill, i can prove it to you if you come in to my twitch chat one day :P
yes if this build was torment only, your right about all that damage. BUT it isn’t, and it also has poison and tons of bleeds. you can watch my stream if you would like to see it in action vs theory >.<
thief = switch to sb, walk on refuge, aoe dafaq out of it with #2 skill for bleeds, thief is dead or badly injured =)
ele = chase and kill~ /reset fight if they get away
mesmer = chase and kill~/reset fight if they actually get away lol thief speed > mesmer’s
warrior/engi = keep pressure on them, then apply torment/bleed/poison (if i havn’t already used steal) after they’re done blocking~
guardian = keep pressure on them by continuing to apply conditions
ranger = yeah…
if they run away then you chase them, it’s as simple as that lol, it’s good that they run away because i get to chase them and apply free dmg while they run. the rest who stay will hopefully die ^^. this build isnt dependent on stealth.. considering your armor and health, again you can see what i do vs all these classes if you watch my twitch stream >.< but thanks for the feedback man, you’ve replied to a lot of my posts
@ rafahil the only problem with that is, you can to actually land all of shose shadow strikes (cant be blocked/evaded) also you need the initiative to keep doing that, and when you actually do that, you’ll be out of initiative and vulnerable. but yeah man that would be an excellent idea if you had the initiative to spend. and yes thieves guild does indeed have a long cd, sadly. BUT as i said earlyer this class doesn’t rely on thieves guild, it’s just a very big damage boost :p
p.s. sorry if i had any grammar mistakes, replying to this while i’m doing a fractal/not checking what i wrote ><
you dont have to prove . 20 is doable but again over kill with 5-8 stack of bleeding and poison
i think thief who play pd know this build. i play it when torment came out.
the problem is i rarely get 20 stack as they die much before with only 5-9 stacks again meaning overkill
also about chase and kill – how you manage without swiftness. most of them will run for sure so in theory you kill them all but i believe you only would kill noobs player who dont know how to run and defend himself. also after 1 min run i just get bored
are we argueing about how many stacks is overkill o.o? lol. and to chase them i will eitehr #2 pistol so they dont get away in the first place, or if they aren’t slowed already i’ll #4 skill to cripple them, if that doesn’t work then i’ll change to sb to catch up with them, and if that doesn’t work and i’m so desperate to chase them then i will shadow step to them, but they should be dead before i get to the sb.
your build is highly interesting for the least but i rather try it as dual dagger. My reasons? well lets see… altrought i do aprove of pistol/dagger as a ranged weapon set dual dagger provide death blossom wich can add a serious bleed stack to the condition damage you already do here… if i run this in pve i have both a VERY tanky thief and a heavy damage conditionmancer who provide party healing support crowd control from multi targets and HEAVY aoe dps coupled with partywide fury/swiftness? This build sounds to good to be true and better yet i have condition removal and stealth? so its like Wut?
This build looks like a killer for both pvp and pve tbh +1
Also gives me a serious reason to go play my DD thief again
However id run it with some rabid trinket in fractals because you need to have actual agony resistance and using the fury proc trait instead of caltrop while pulling bleed on critical strike with DB multi hit is actualy good when you have this much cond damage.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
As a d/d though, whenever I see thieves guild I just c+d repeatedly until they timeout . It’s silly to fight someone when they have guild up. Also that just keeps clearing conditions.
Might pull out the old condi armour and give it a run though.
Might pull out the old condi armour and give it a run though.
I’m running full carrion with DD/SB with 30/0/30/10/0 and it’s done nicely. Just swap out venoms/utilities and and a couple of traits as needed… roaming or zerging.
Poison from daggers, Lotus Poison for weakness, bleeds from deathblossom… also have perplexity runes… so I have that going for me, which is nice.
It isn’t that OP so I wouldn’t worry about a nerf. It is a condi “burst” on a 180 second cooldown. If the other player uses a condi clear, the fight reverts to standard P/D, but without SR or BP.
I have faced someone using this on me(almost got killed by it). It is a very strong build but very situational and very inflexible.
(edited by Siva Mira.3546)
@kyubi you could take d/d if you really want tom, but you’ll lose damage. why will you lose damage? skill #1 when invis gives you more bleeding damage, torment > bleeding for skill #3, while you have one skill to bleed someone with for d/d you could if you really wanted to but i don’t reccoment it, and if you want more stealth and condition removal than feel free to take hide in shadows like i said you could if you didnt want to take the venom heal :p
@phaeris thanks, and lots of people actually underestimate 2 npc spawned thieves autto attacking you, and when they’re summoned they will immediately attack you, so you have little time to react. also you can’t condition clear for forever ^^ and by
“c + d” i’m not sure what you mean, but if you mean shadow refuge, this build would counter that by jusy walked into the refuge and spamming cluster bomb on you. (sb #2 skill) :p
@stinkypants i still suggest p/d considering it does more damage, also with the #3 skill any class who has melee based damage has trouble trying to even hit you because you’ll be #3ing everytime they try.
@stlye yep but you can still kill someone quickly enough with your skills on cd / tank them as well
@siva mira i agree that it’s strong, but i disagree about it being “situational and very inflexible”, you should try it out then think about how it works
@kyubi you could take d/d if you really want tom, but you’ll lose damage. why will you lose damage? skill #1 when invis gives you more bleeding damage, torment > bleeding for skill #3, while you have one skill to bleed someone with for d/d you could if you really wanted to but i don’t reccoment it, and if you want more stealth and condition removal than feel free to take hide in shadows like i said you could if you didnt want to take the venom heal :p
@phaeris thanks, and lots of people actually underestimate 2 npc spawned thieves autto attacking you, and when they’re summoned they will immediately attack you, so you have little time to react. also you can’t condition clear for forever ^^ and by
“c + d” i’m not sure what you mean, but if you mean shadow refuge, this build would counter that by jusy walked into the refuge and spamming cluster bomb on you. (sb #2 skill) :p
@stinkypants i still suggest p/d considering it does more damage, also with the #3 skill any class who has melee based damage has trouble trying to even hit you because you’ll be #3ing everytime they try.
@stlye yep but you can still kill someone quickly enough with your skills on cd / tank them as well
@siva mira i agree that it’s strong, but i disagree about it being “situational and very inflexible”, you should try it out then think about how it works
defrence here is death blossom is a AOE its true however that if you can spam stealth from 5 -1 you can pull a fine amount of bleeding but that will only work against one target and your kind of forced to actualy run in melee stab it go invis and break out with 1 wich is kind of a ‘’what the kitten’’ random gimmick for gun. Also the dual skill is kind of 100% of an evade so i have to run to the guy just to spam it (totaly against my idea of how a gun needs to be used) altrought i do agree pistol kite is nice im more of a straith forward player. The main difference here is that death blossom bleed last 13 second while pistol auto attack last 5, i cant preview the duration on the sneak attack but i assume its not so far from what auto attack does. This make DB bleed stack way easyer in general. True that torment is actualy dealing good damage but i think to rely on my venom for that because unlike the venom the torment on 3 isnt shared to everyone in the vicinity.
BM: I want to present you my lovely jingle bear mia
If pet had voices: Mommy, I did it! :3
(edited by kyubi.3620)
aLovedhater – don’t get me wrong… i’d try this build in a heartbeat, but I found this thread right after i purchased all the new gear…
and they don’t have dire in wv3 stores…
i’m a cheap kitten.
excuses excuses… i know…
JUst ran about with it.
Good points:
1) Very easy to kill mesmers with it.
2) Can probably win most 1v1s with thieves up.
Bad points:
1) Relies alot on thieves being up. When they’re down the damage is average.
2) No ways to get your initiative back. Can be quite initiative hungry.
3) Not that great for multiple foes as it’s quite sluggish movement wise.
4) Slow!!!, I’m used to travellers runes on my other set, so i had to plug in the 25 percent speed ability, which is a waste of a slot.
All in all a nice build to beast single targets, but reliant on timers, and not great at taking multiples.
@stinkypants yeah it’s cool man, i need to make a video to go with these builds so people know how to use them >.< forum posts a lone can be misleading sometimes, and btw you can see hwo this build is actually used to you come watch my stream, i actually just finished one, you can watch me @tad44
@phaeris it doesnt rely on thieves guild, i’ve said that to many other people, and you almost always have your trap and venom up when you engage. it’s not as initiative hungry as it seems, you’re mostly autoattacking and using the #3 skill to keep distance
i’m used to traveler runes to but i got used to not having them quickly, don’t waste abilities on speed though man.. you really gotta watch my stream if you wanna know what to do >.< i really need to make vids for these builds
Looks pretty solid, though most necros will tear it apart with their transfers. It doesn’t even have to go to you, one of your summoned thieves works fine and they won’t dodge, and then it’s a nice Epidemic target.
Other than that one major weakness, it looks fun. I was thinking about doing a Torment build with Withdraw and lots of kiting.
@drarnor knoram thanks, and aren’t thieves allergic to necros anyways :c? i know i am sometimes ;-;. and this build has lots of kiting in my opinion, lots for melee atleast, since they have a troubled time trying to hit you because whenever they’re about to you just #3 and shadowstep away :p it’s a fun build ^^
Since the condition removal on stealth trait got nerfed, I would say that yeah, thieves are allergic to necros. The trait was a little too strong, but I think now it’s too weak. Hopefully, it will be re-evaluated now that perma-stealth builds are weaker.