cant figure a build better then this

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


EDIT* fixed the link, my bad

for pvp/roaming/wvw

Dagger/pistol, old standby…not innovative, predictable maybe…but kitten it if i cant find a better weapon set :P

some may scoff at the choices, but honestly, it seems to offer the best consistancy and balance between damage, and survivability,and the utility that D/P brings.

i see a lot of people take mug…and honestly dont understand why. it cant crit, the heal is better used as a non opener which is what i use steal for usually. imo 20% more crit, speed to keep up with people, and a bit of extra damage outweighs the singular value of mug. hence me taking bountiful theft.

you could make an argument to drop ten points from shadow arts and sink it into either deadly for mug, or trickery. but i find the extra healing really helps with staying power (YMMV)

feel free to tear into it, as ive yet to come up with anything that performs better, and ive spent quite a lot of time staring at these trats and trying different things.

(edited by Wolfe.3097)

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


it’s just personal… i prefer other solutions….

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


well by all means please share your other solutions! if nothing else it may give other readers some ideas to something they would prefer

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


I’m rolling with this one, I really enjoy it for longer fights.

And when I’m in the mood for cracking nuts:
Not really good for other situations than when sneaking up on someone 1v1.

Mug deals okay damage, I’ve noticed many times, especially with the nutcracker build
that the difference between life and death for my opponent was these 2k damage
mug deals. But I prefer being able to use steal while in stealth or save it for mid-fight
where these 2k damages don’t matter much.

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

(edited by Ghostwolf.9863)

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


nice builds, ive considered hidden killer over executioner, the ability to ALWAYS crit from stealth is super nice, does it outweight executioner? not sure cuz when you do crit with executioner it hits harder, and your attacks outside of stealth will hit harder after that 50% mark.

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Ghostwolf.9863


nice builds, ive considered hidden killer over executioner, the ability to ALWAYS crit from stealth is super nice, does it outweight executioner? not sure cuz when you do crit with executioner it hits harder, and your attacks outside of stealth will hit harder after that 50% mark.

It’s honestly hard to say which is better.

Going with executioner would however make you rely a lot more on crit chance,
not really a problem though. :p

Thief, Engineer, Mesmer – Seafarer’s Rest (EU)

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: wish.1027


some may scoff at the choices, but honestly, it seems to offer the best consistancy and balance between damage, and survivability,and the utility that D/P brings.

I dunno about you, but personally, I like to use all my trait points. When I click your link and check yours, I see 0/30/0/0/10…
I preffer this site though:
Some of the math is off and it doesnt seem to update traits, but it gives you a good idea of EHP ED and precision.

nice builds, ive considered hidden killer over executioner, the ability to ALWAYS crit from stealth is super nice, does it outweight executioner? not sure cuz when you do crit with executioner it hits harder, and your attacks outside of stealth will hit harder after that 50% mark.

It’s honestly hard to say which is better.

Its not hard to say which is better, I did the math before, check my post history if youre interested. But the conclusion is that if backstab does 50% of your damage using hidden killer, it barely wins. Thats effectively the break even point. If backstab does less than 50% of your damage with the hidden killer trait selected executioner is better.

Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

(edited by wish.1027)

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Klabbo.6927


While I feel as though executioner is actually better statistically in a lot of cases, I almost always take hidden killer for another reason. When hit by a large burst from a crit backstab, the enemy will usually freak out, pop their heals and cooldowns and generally go on the defence. Even if the the overall damage is less throughout the entire fight, the psychological effect of a sudden large drop in health does more to help me win the fight than an extra 20% damage once they’re low. IMO.

[roam] Leader and Thief.
Isle of Janterrible.

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: wish.1027


(for whatever reason its adding kitten to the end of your link and removing the K on knights, so Im typing this so that doesnt happen)
Knights gear is terrible, worse than cavalier, which I crusade against fanatically, you lose a lot using it. It’s pretty much always better to use Soldiers and Berserkers primarily with just 1-2 valk pieces for balance. Unless pretty much every piece of gear you have on is knights/cavaliers to make toughness your strongest stat instead of power, but the problem with that is that it makes it very difficult to kill people
I made a gear set for you
I included a screenshot of the two compared at the bottom. The things youre losing are 5 precision and 5% crit damage. Losing 5 precision doesnt matter, as 1998 precision is 56% crit chance and 2019 precision is 57% crit chance meaning theyre both 56% crit chance. So all I have to do to prove mines better is show that 32 power is better than or equal to 5% crit damage.
2100 * ((1 * .44) + (2.54 * .56)) = 3911.04
2132 * ((1 * .44) + (2.49 * .56)) = 3910.9408
So there ya go. When using 32 power instead of 5% crit damage, you lose 1 damage for every 40,000 damage you do. Seems like a good trade to me for the increased toughness and vitality. You could do a lot better by optimizing your precision too.

While I feel as though executioner is actually better statistically in a lot of cases, I almost always take hidden killer for another reason. When hit by a large burst from a crit backstab, the enemy will usually freak out, pop their heals and cooldowns and generally go on the defence. Even if the the overall damage is less throughout the entire fight, the psychological effect of a sudden large drop in health does more to help me win the fight than an extra 20% damage once they’re low. IMO.

I argue this as well, its a good point if you want to debate tactics instead of math.


Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

(edited by wish.1027)

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: wish.1027


I’m rolling with this one, I really enjoy it for longer fights.

And when I’m in the mood for cracking nuts:
Not really good for other situations than when sneaking up on someone 1v1.

The crusade continues!
Compared to your first set, this one increase your toughness and vitality and trades 3% crit damage for 32 power.
2220 98% vs 2252 95%
2220 * ((1 * .44) + (2.48 * .56)) = 4059.936
2252 * ((1 * .44) + (2.45 * .56)) = 4080.624
So the set I posted increases your damage, your toughness and your vitality over what you’re using currently.

In favor of your second set I made this one.
Damage comparison again:
2543 104% vs 2499 109%
2543 * ((1 * .62) + (2.54 * .38)) = 4031.1636
2499 * ((1 * .62) + (2.59 * .38)) = 4008.8958
It increases your damage a bit, and trades a bit of HP for more toughness to keep your scholar runes active longer if you get hit. Personally I would trade the valk earring with soldiers, youd lose probably 2% damage but it would keep the scholar runes active longer.

Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


some may scoff at the choices, but honestly, it seems to offer the best consistancy and balance between damage, and survivability,and the utility that D/P brings.

I dunno about you, but personally, I like to use all my trait points. When I click your link and check yours, I see 0/30/0/0/10…
I preffer this site though:
Some of the math is off and it doesnt seem to update traits, but it gives you a good idea of EHP ED and precision.

nice builds, ive considered hidden killer over executioner, the ability to ALWAYS crit from stealth is super nice, does it outweight executioner? not sure cuz when you do crit with executioner it hits harder, and your attacks outside of stealth will hit harder after that 50% mark.

It’s honestly hard to say which is better.

Its not hard to say which is better, I did the math before, check my post history if youre interested. But the conclusion is that if backstab does 50% of your damage using hidden killer, it barely wins. Thats effectively the break even point. If backstab does less than 50% of your damage with the hidden killer trait selected executioner is better.

sorry i fixed my link. and i prefer that one anyways.

and yes hidden killer is better in a vacuum but im more curious about how it performs in actual play, where you cant gaurantee a stationary target.

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: wish.1027


and yes hidden killer is better in a vacuum but im more curious about how it performs in actual play, where you cant gaurantee a stationary target.

If you want to know if its better, you need to record yourself playing this game for the next week, while using hidden killer. Then spend a day going through all the recordings and watching the people/enemies you fight. While watching, look at each kill individually, and on a piece of paper count how many times hidden killer won vs how many times executioner would of won, then pick whichever is better for you.

It will be different for different people depending on your playstyle. To determine which wins, you only need to look at one simple thing, did your from stealth attacks do 50% or more of the damage you did to that person not counting downed state. If on more than half your kills your from stealth attacks contributed 50% damage or more to the total, stick with hidden killer. If not, swap to executioner.

Random whisper in game: I saw that set you posted a bit ago in the thief forums, it uses 2 different 1 handed weapons and a bow offhand, you suck, you are bad, and you should feel bad.
So I made this, its better than the set I previously posted because I wasnt paying much attention, and better than the original set, and uses all the same weapons. Sorry for that, my bad.

Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


winning is not about killing blows. if ur playing one kind of a build over another it requires certain skills. hidden killer will always outdmg executioner on a backstab build. if you are on a sword build not using big strikes then id say ur right. factoring in heals….. and all you will get more overall dmg in a fight from hidden killer…GRANTED you are using a backstab build.

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Travlane.5948


if you are HS spamming then you might like executioner better….or if maybe you are a duo roamer then yes. or if u are rampagers gear with rampagers accs and precision runes you with sigil of accuracy on and signet of agility equiped

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: wish.1027


hidden killer will always outdmg executioner on a backstab build.

Incorrect. The win condition for hidden killer over executioner is that your from stealth attacks have to do 50% of your total damage. Like, lets look something real quick that happens to me a lot against against tanky characters.
CnD > Steal > BS > autoattack chain, maybe dodge an attack and miss the last hit > CnD > BS > autoattack chain > HS, guy is downed.
Which trait would win? This is clearly a D/D backstab build, but hidden killer would not win while fighting this person compared to executioner.

Jade Quarry Warrior Strike Force [SF]
w/ an alt Thief and Guardian.
Math is your friend.

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Wolfe.3097


everyones using math, thats good to a point, but doesnt take everything into account either.

math is more the reason to experiment, not the deciding factor in..well…decisions.

i guess ill have to play with it.

cant figure a build better then this

in Thief

Posted by: Daendur.2357


well by all means please share your other solutions! if nothing else it may give other readers some ideas to something they would prefer

It’s D/D S/D for soloing, and if in group or in a large fight i’ll put SB instead of S/D.
great damage, and a lot of ways to enter stealth…

Black Thunders [BT] – Gandara