dagger skins?

dagger skins?

in Thief

Posted by: DatPieGuy.6540


so I’ve recently hit level 80 on my human thief, and i just got my exotics for everything except the daggers. Thing is, I can just get whatever cheap exotic dagger I want, then transmute a better looking skin. Right now, i’m kinda stuck between the legionnaire, usoku’s needle, and ebon vanguard dagger, but can’t really make a final decision. I like legionnaire dagger because of the design of the blade and pretty much everything looks thief-like to me. I also like the Usoku’s Needle, but the way it’s wielded kinda turns me off, in that you slash with it and i’m not sure how it would look with duelist armor. Here’s some screenshots if you guys are wondering what i’m talking about.


I just want some opinions on which dagger looks best on a human female thief with duelist armor. I can post a screenshot if needed

Edit: i went ahead and added a screenshot of what I have so far.


(edited by DatPieGuy.6540)

dagger skins?

in Thief

Posted by: Rayya.2591


well is up to you, if you are going to change that armor set, you will need better skins also.
personaly i like the most :
seraph daggers- small size
mystic spike – medium size
corrupted shard – the almost the size of an sword

no.1 WvW kills

dagger skins?

in Thief

Posted by: DatPieGuy.6540


well is up to you, if you are going to change that armor set, you will need better skins also.
personaly i like the most :
seraph daggers- small size
mystic spike – medium size
corrupted shard – the almost the size of an sword

hmm I don’t think i’ll change the armor since I really like it, and will probably use it for a long time. I’m really just trying to decide the best dagger to go with the set, but can’t really decide which of the 3 I like the most :/

dagger skins?

in Thief

Posted by: Galsia.4102


Moonshank and Claws of the Desert would both match the gold trim you’re using.

Thief | Warrior | Engineer
Galsia | Jäshin | Çyndelle
[KK] – Henge of Denravi

dagger skins?

in Thief

Posted by: lLobo.7960


lionguard daggers could be a match also…