how to get behind someone to backstab?

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: King Noob IV.3560

King Noob IV.3560

I try to do steal + 1 or 3 + 1 but I can’t tell if my backstab is doing the damage or if my steal/3 is doing the damage. what am I supposed to click? more than half the time I do backstab then click steal my character doesn’t shadowstep, then if I do steal first I’m almost positive my backstab isn’t going off because I do like no damage to them… so what do I doooo

I can’t walk behind them because my stealth time is too short to hit them while they’re running around so I’m relying on shadow step abilities

D/D Elementalist takes no skill but is good at everything in the game.
Mesmer is unfun to play against and does everything better than thieves.
Hoping those two get gutted with nerfs

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: Odyssey.2613


Can’t tell if OP is troll or genuine….. 0_o

steal + #1 is auto attack. #3 + 1 is shadow shot or death blossom and auto attack. Neither of which stealth you.

Your whole rotation order is completely messed up, unless your thoughts and typing aren’t matching up to what you’re thinking?

Skill 5 then Skill 1
Skill 5 then Steal then Skill 1

Skill 5 then Skill 2 then Skill 1
Skill 5 then Skill 2 then Steal then Skill 1

You have plenty of time to walk around them to pull off a back stab. Sometimes you don’t even have to move, because they see you stealth and rotate to prevent your back stab only to present their back to you.

tl;dr You’re doing it wrong.

The dev team has proven they can’t balance a 2×4 on a cinder block.

(edited by Odyssey.2613)

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: DeceiverX.8361


Simple. You just need to enter stealth closer to them to begin with to allow for a reposition during your stealth timer.

If you’re not running something like 5/6/0/0/3, do not expect huge backstab numbers. If you’re in sPvP, do not expect much at all.

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: jayjonjonathan.5107


Does D/P #3 de-stealth you? As in if I hit 3 while in stealth as soon as i reach my target do I lose stealth and therefore lose the chance to backstab?

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: Odyssey.2613


Does D/P #3 de-stealth you? As in if I hit 3 while in stealth as soon as i reach my target do I lose stealth and therefore lose the chance to backstab?

Yes and No.

Yes if you do nothing after hitting skill 3.

No, if after hitting skill 3 you spam skill 1 because your back stab will go off before the second half of shadow shot triggers, allowing a back stab.

The dev team has proven they can’t balance a 2×4 on a cinder block.

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

I try to do steal + 1 or 3 + 1 but I can’t tell if my backstab is doing the damage or if my steal/3 is doing the damage. what am I supposed to click? more than half the time I do backstab then click steal my character doesn’t shadowstep, then if I do steal first I’m almost positive my backstab isn’t going off because I do like no damage to them… so what do I doooo

I can’t walk behind them because my stealth time is too short to hit them while they’re running around so I’m relying on shadow step abilities

You don’t need to be at the back to do a backstab.

First make sure you’re in stealth — this will switch your #1 skill from auto-attack to BackStab.

Then just walk to the side, called flanking, and you’ll deal a backstab with a bonus damage as if you’re at the back of your target. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: Olba.5376


Also, you can just check your damage log for what is dealing the damage.

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


to do the 3 1 rotation you have to go 901 range Or if you want to be all mlg you can go any range with stow weapon after the teleport.

(edited by Taobella.6597)

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: ll Wrath ll.5961

ll Wrath ll.5961

The way I play back-stab thief is use basilisk venom, steal then run behind them and use #1. I set my traits to give me stealth when stealing. So my steal gives me invisibility, turns the enemy to stone, deals damage and heals me (with mug trait) then I back-stab them. On light armor classes I end up dealing 7-11k damage right when the fight starts. Make sure to get a full rotation of your #1 in to apply poison, because if they panic heal they will heal for less.

If you don’t want to set up your traits where stealing gives you invisibility, all you have to do is use basilisk venom so you turn them into stone when you steal, use #5 immediately, then use #1 right away. If done properly, you can do this before the venom wears off.

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


If you don’t want to set up your traits where stealing gives you invisibility, all you have to do is use basilisk venom so you turn them into stone when you steal, use #5 immediately, then use #1 right away. If done properly, you can do this before the venom wears off.

Did you mean this? cast basilisk, then press #5 (cloak and dagger), press your steal button (WHILE doing the cloak and dagger animation), which insta ports you to your enemy, you hit cloak and dagger, and then you can proceed to backstab.

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

If you don’t want to set up your traits where stealing gives you invisibility, all you have to do is use basilisk venom so you turn them into stone when you steal, use #5 immediately, then use #1 right away. If done properly, you can do this before the venom wears off.

Did you mean this? cast basilisk, then press #5 (cloak and dagger), press your steal button (WHILE doing the cloak and dagger animation), which insta ports you to your enemy, you hit cloak and dagger, and then you can proceed to backstab.

He said

I set my traits to give me stealth when stealing.

So clearly he meant he trait for Hidden Thief. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


If you don’t want to set up your traits where stealing gives you invisibility, all you have to do is use basilisk venom so you turn them into stone when you steal, use #5 immediately, then use #1 right away. If done properly, you can do this before the venom wears off.

Did you mean this? cast basilisk, then press #5 (cloak and dagger), press your steal button (WHILE doing the cloak and dagger animation), which insta ports you to your enemy, you hit cloak and dagger, and then you can proceed to backstab.

He said

I set my traits to give me stealth when stealing.

So clearly he meant he trait for Hidden Thief.

And if you read what I quoted, you will understand what I meant. He proposed a solution if you don’t use hidden thief, but the way he wrote it made it look like he ment: BV, steal, cloak and dagger after the steal, not while stealing, and then proceed to the backstab. I just clarified that it can happen a lot faster

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: Sir Vincent III.1286

Sir Vincent III.1286

If you don’t want to set up your traits where stealing gives you invisibility, all you have to do is use basilisk venom so you turn them into stone when you steal, use #5 immediately, then use #1 right away. If done properly, you can do this before the venom wears off.

Did you mean this? cast basilisk, then press #5 (cloak and dagger), press your steal button (WHILE doing the cloak and dagger animation), which insta ports you to your enemy, you hit cloak and dagger, and then you can proceed to backstab.

He said

I set my traits to give me stealth when stealing.

So clearly he meant he trait for Hidden Thief.

And if you read what I quoted, you will understand what I meant. He proposed a solution if you don’t use hidden thief, but the way he wrote it made it look like he ment: BV, steal, cloak and dagger after the steal, not while stealing, and then proceed to the backstab. I just clarified that it can happen a lot faster

Ah, got yah! My bad. ~ In the beginning…there was Tarnished Coast…
Full set of 5 unique skills for both dual-wield weapon sets: P/P and D/D – Make it happen
PvE – DD/CS/AC – If that didn’t work, roll a Reaper or Revenant.

how to get behind someone to backstab?

in Thief

Posted by: mompen.7952


If you don’t want to set up your traits where stealing gives you invisibility, all you have to do is use basilisk venom so you turn them into stone when you steal, use #5 immediately, then use #1 right away. If done properly, you can do this before the venom wears off.

Did you mean this? cast basilisk, then press #5 (cloak and dagger), press your steal button (WHILE doing the cloak and dagger animation), which insta ports you to your enemy, you hit cloak and dagger, and then you can proceed to backstab.

He said

I set my traits to give me stealth when stealing.

So clearly he meant he trait for Hidden Thief.

And if you read what I quoted, you will understand what I meant. He proposed a solution if you don’t use hidden thief, but the way he wrote it made it look like he ment: BV, steal, cloak and dagger after the steal, not while stealing, and then proceed to the backstab. I just clarified that it can happen a lot faster

Ah, got yah! My bad.

Np Vince, I still love ya

Kenny Shayde/Ken Shadowpaw-Theef|Spiteful Sithis-Necro|Kennyneer-Engi|Mr Hex Appeal-Mesmer