i can still do this ?

i can still do this ?

in Thief

Posted by: tehsmooth.7493


i tought Anet has fixed the ‘precast CnD steal combo’ but i still manage to pull it off and ive seen others still use it to , whats going on this should be fixed

i can still do this ?

in Thief

Posted by: Karolis.4261


They never said they “fixed” CnD precast. This is not a bug and therefore there is nothing to be fixed. That might get changed or modified in some way. Oh and we rly need some info to see what classes ppl have in their account to catch all of you trolls.

PvP hero Valentin in action!

i can still do this ?

in Thief

Posted by: Lucky.4263


i logged in just to call the OP out on his troll post…. seriously kittens me off when ppl do this… there is nothing OPness about the CnD precast so why would they have to fix it? its an opener and or used to get away and can only be done when steal is off CD 45s or 35s if traited…. -_-

note: it takes skill to use it effectively… my guess is you got owned by a good thief. QQ

(edited by Lucky.4263)

i can still do this ?

in Thief

Posted by: BobbyT.7192


The cast time for CnD is pretty long, can you blame people for finding ways around that,
On my guardian I pre-cast bansh + judge’s intervention, I’ve seen groups of ele pre cast churning + lightning flash,

If steal got change to cancel CnD, all it’ll do is make people work around it. Like maybe take inflitrator signet,

i can still do this ?

in Thief

Posted by: Kajin.5301


Granted it’s more pve-centric, but can do it for pistolwhip too :P

Skysap & Qaju & Juqa -VILE- Desolation

i can still do this ?

in Thief

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Granted it’s more pve-centric, but can do it for pistolwhip too :P

I do it in PvP too :O. Darn Phase Retreat Mesmers..

The great forum duppy.