i got a question for thief player

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Keviin Snow.5760

Keviin Snow.5760

pass few days in wvw
i’ve been kill by a thief , its happen so fast that i could not catch a name within 1 or 2 second
so i did a look up on youtube and found the same thing
i never play thief before so can someone tell me
can thief do that ?

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Fat Disgrace.4275

Fat Disgrace.4275

Not seen this in a while but it looks like they bugged them self’s and manage to get under the map. They can hit you but you can’t hit them. Not sure how it works

Fat Disgrace (banned) Man Flu Survivor – war/The Cabbage -Thief (gunners hold / [TaG])

gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Zodryn.4216


pass few days in wvw
i’ve been kill by a thief , its happen so fast that i could not catch a name within 1 or 2 second
so i did a look up on youtube and found the same thing
i never play thief before so can someone tell me
can thief do that ?

There is a big difference between that video (which is a hacker) and just being killed really fast. You said it was a thief and you didn’t have time to catch the name, so presumably you saw him, noticed his class and maybe a glimpse of his name (should actually show a title not a name in WvW).

Thieves can kill very quickly. Possibly under a second depending on their build and yours. They can also stealth. The question is, did you get killed without ever seeing anything (as in the video), or did he just stealth and backstab?

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Keviin Snow.5760

Keviin Snow.5760

Zodryn it was just like the video , i see a in and out shadow like
i went back afew time , even with a my warrior / sentel gears which have 42k hp
still got kill in second without able to see who it was
and my guess its a thief and no i did not notice his class , it was a guess
i had fought thief and i know how they stealth in and out
but nothing like this the pass 2 days in wvw
again it was a guess , cuz thief is the only class with many stealth
and can hit that quick but again i had fought many thief in the pass and Nothing like this , until i found this video on youtube , and it was the same way

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


i am not sure why this is a topic this map not even playable anymore.

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Zodryn.4216


Zodryn it was just like the video , i see a in and out shadow like
i went back afew time , even with a my warrior / sentel gears which have 42k hp
still got kill in second without able to see who it was
and my guess its a thief and no i did not notice his class , it was a guess
i had fought thief and i know how they stealth in and out
but nothing like this the pass 2 days in wvw
again it was a guess , cuz thief is the only class with many stealth
and can hit that quick but again i had fought many thief in the pass and Nothing like this , until i found this video on youtube , and it was the same way

In that case, it could honestly be any class hacking. Not much you can do unless you can manage to right click them and report.

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Keviin Snow.5760

Keviin Snow.5760

Zodryn , i can’t just like the video cant see anything
Taobella , that is just a simple of what happen
its not the map or place
btw it is playable its wvw map

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


Zodryn , i can’t just like the video cant see anything
Taobella , that is just a simple of what happen
its not the map or place
btw it is playable its wvw map

alright to answer your question yes it was a thief(you can tell just by animation of skills, debuff on warrior and most of all the sounds). he some how culling the game because if he was under ground you would still see his name tag and you would be able to hit him z axis does not change in the game i would know i tried to exploit it many times lol.

what type of video setting do you use ? there options that effect culling in the game. shading being a huge one(should be set on high if in wvw). there also an option that “limit particle effect in a area that turn on culling option that will cull kitten zerg that 2 feet away from you to allow your computer to process better”

i was told of a BL item that was causing random teleporting on WVW maps. i will not go in to detail about it been reported.

Also how are you getting in to old boarderland maps i as far as i know they where removed at release of hot.?

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Keviin Snow.5760

Keviin Snow.5760

its not my video , i found it on youtube
when i did a search , because same thing happen to me and few other players
so i decided to do a search and found this video
i cant see the class , guild , which server
the kill look just like that in this video i found
so that is why i ask can thief do that or is it some want of hack

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Taobella.6597


i see answer your question he was killed by culling stealth is reveal time is 3 seconds culling time is 5 seconds. (this was fix a long time ago) only way to re enable culling is if your video setting are set up wrong for WvW

i got a question for thief player

in Thief

Posted by: Keviin Snow.5760

Keviin Snow.5760

its not my video its just something i found on youtube
pass 2 days some class kill me i cant even see which server , class , Nothing
i had fought many thiefs , i know how they stealth
if u saw the video , i was being killed the same way