i need a spvp build
The hardest part about learning thief in PvP isn’t knowing what to do, but when to do it, and that only comes with experience. It can be time to pull off when your on 2k health or when you’re 12k health; it depends on your cool downs, your team comp, the other team comp, ally and opponent health bars, whether you’re being focused or not, and how much damage is floating around.
There are plenty of guides for conquest strategies around, builds on metabattle, and tips floating about on the forums which I dare say can be recovered using Google. As for what to do when and where, the best thing you can do is keep practicing with awareness of your surroundings and the minimap.
I made this :
Tips :
Always be checking your minimap, count your opponents, you’re super fast so go ahead and create +1s, quickly decap whenever you may do so without leaving your team in a harmfull inferiority.
Don’t stay and die when you know it’s lost.
Ask your teammates not to hug far, it’s your job unless some bunker / DH settled there.
Avoid confrontations with DH, it’s simply impossible unless he’s an utter scrub.
Scrappers are bad for you too though if you’re comfortable with the build you may for example keep a point contested forever against one if needed.
You’re a cap/decap and +1 machine, some duels you can win but always prefer creating numerical advantages, better 1 foe dead and an ally alive rather than winning your duel at the cost of a teammates life.
ok ty vm ill try that build
I have not played rune of the DD, but i dont like relying on dodges to crit things with, i understand what that build does.
I currently use this
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
I have not played rune of the DD, but i dont like relying on dodges to crit things with, i understand what that build does.
I currently use this
Tbh my issue with DD rune is toughness.
I just don’t get it. It’s obviously the perfect rune for a valkyrie amu, but it seems like they made it with soldier amu in mind. Not sure what’s the point of dodge crit if you end up critting like a half baked noodle anyway.
I mean, look at the scrapper rune : perfect synergie between stat boost and (6).
DD should give ferocity or heck, even vitality would have been better. Sometimes there’s nothing left to do but to sigh at the balance designs.
Now that Ogre Rune has been removed anyone know which is the best constant DPS rune available now? Besides Scholar xD
I have not played rune of the DD, but i dont like relying on dodges to crit things with, i understand what that build does.
I currently use this
Tbh my issue with DD rune is toughness.
I just don’t get it. It’s obviously the perfect rune for a valkyrie amu, but it seems like they made it with soldier amu in mind. Not sure what’s the point of dodge crit if you end up critting like a half baked noodle anyway.
I mean, look at the scrapper rune : perfect synergie between stat boost and (6).DD should give ferocity or heck, even vitality would have been better. Sometimes there’s nothing left to do but to sigh at the balance designs.
excaly. dd runes are weird, no need for the toughness with that 6 slot bonus at least, may be boon duration, since it it is a dodging rune, may be the effects from vigor and swiftness would be useful.
toughness on scrapper make sence because of the added -7% dmg reduction.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAWVn0MBlPhlOBGOBkmiFYCzLNEHaDzdwR4KULBEA2NA-TpBFABCcBAEvMA77P02RAYhDBAAPAAA This is Caed’s (top tier thief player) build which is pretty good, it’s not that hard to play either.
Now that Ogre Rune has been removed anyone know which is the best constant DPS rune available now? Besides Scholar xD
Pack, likely.
I put this up the other day
It’s not going to carry the team, but it does have some nice team fight turning potential. Not to mention standard speedy mobility. Thread explains a little bit of play.
I also put togeather a power variant but the damage just felt sooooo weak -_-u
the problem with p/p is that it really only relys on unload LoS and reflect kinda counters that. the aa is too weak, body shot is meh, off hand pistol skills are good though, i noticed you run venoms aura with thieve’s guild, pretty hard condi burst there but its still condi and shadow step/return would remove that burst (from a thief’s PoV) pretty much strait away.
gw1 – healing signet/frenzy/charge