last refuge annoyance(5 trait shadow arts)
Ahh, last refuge, the most annoying crap minor trait of a thief.
You want to use cloak and dagger and press the key but in the 0.5 sec of the execution time you recieve enough dmg to put you below 25%. Now you get stealthed from the trait and THEN cloak and dagger hits and you get revealed.
Something like that happens to me very often…
Just make it either possible that minor traits can be deactivated (which would help alot as there are other minor traits which kitten up stuff), or change it in another way.
also if you traited your thief to have instinctual response, we suffer from the same fate,
+1. Here’s what I wrote in another thread a few days ago:
Last Refuge is a stupid trait that causes at least half my deaths in PvP because it fires while I’m in a cloak and dagger cast, leaving me with revealed and often no initiative (that’s called a free kill). A minor trait that causes random, uncontrolled behavior like that with no way to opt out is terrible.
The only time it ever helps is when another thief goes full glass cannon, get’s the jump on me and get’s blinded in the middle of their little stun lock dance. I would gladly drop that to regain control of my own revealed debuff like God intended.
This seems to be a remnant of before they added the reveal debuff. You’d think the people in charge of making the class would have gone “duh,” and removed it when reveal was added. Instead, it makes speccing into the Shadow Arts line a much more painful experience.
Well we’re a squishy melee class, if you’re not monitoring your HP or initiative constantly then you will make the blundered reveal mistake. Otherwise if this move is coupled with Shadow Rejuvination and Shadow Protector it turns into a emergency heal as well as escape. I do see your points thought, but it’s not an all bad skill.
yup, its not a bad skill, yet the reveal debuff makes it hard for shadow arts specced, thats 3 secs of lost stealth and 3 secs of lost hp regen-if you are speeced to regenerate whenever you are in stealth.
Sounds like a bug that needs fixing. Thiefs seem to have lots of mechanics issues…
+1. Problem is, we’ll only continue to see nerfs while this bullkitten is ignored.
Even if ANet was in the habit of giving out explanations, they’d say that we need to learn to time it better.
Bull-full-fledged-cat. Fix it.
…beware the unicorns.
I’ve actually been noticing a trend specifically with thiefs, we seem to be getting a lot of undocumented nerfs. I mean a lot of them…
Yeah this trait has gotten me dead so many times by revealing me… Usually I want to use my refuge when I’m low on health obviously.. Sometimes this trait fires off the instant before I enter my refuge and I end up revealed or I’ll take damage while already stealthed in the refuge and get revealed, SO annoying.
Yes, I absolutely hate this trait, please give us something different (evade attacks for 3 seconds?) or make it so it works even during revealed debuff and make it so you don’t get revealed debuff with it as well.
To me it seems that either the trait or revealed is broken anyway.
Revealed seems to be randomly applied when you take lots of hits regardless of the damage. I even get it when I am above 90% HP.
I’d rather assume that the debuff itself is bugged since Blinding Powder fails completely 50% of the times and doesn’t even apply the blind to the target around.